4.) as ~~ January 22, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 35 NORTH SHORE LEADER PRESIDES AT PARLEY Carleton Washburne, Winnetka Superintendent of Schools, At- tends World Unity Sessions The opening session of the three-day World Unity conference held this week-end was to be held Friday eve- ning at the New Morrison hotel, Chi- cago. Saturday afternoon, at 3 oclock, Saturday evening at 7:45 and Sunday at 3 o'clock and again at 7:30 p. m. the remaining sessions of this series of conferences will take place. These meetings are the ninth in a series of World Unity conferences be- ing held in the principal cities of the United States and Canada. Closer co- operation between nations, racial amity and the development of religious, racial and national tolerance, are among the subjects discussed at these meetings. Carleton Washburne, Winnetka superintendent of schools, was appoint- ed chairman of the opening meeting. Lorado Taft, the sculptor, was to be the first speaker, to be followed by Mrs. James W. Morrison, president of the Illinois League of Women Voters. Dr. Shailer Mathews, dean of the Di- vinity school of the University of Chi- cago, Horace J. Bridges, president of the Ethical Culture society and Dr. John Herman Randall, minister of the Community church of New York, were to be the other speakers tomorow. The afternoon meeting on Saturday will be presided over by the Rev. Rowena Morse Mann, of the Unitarian church. "The Historical Evidence of Man's Unity" will be the subject of an address by J. C. Chatterji, Cambridge University, England. Dr. Eustace Hay- don, of the University of Chicago, will speak on "Racial Amity.' The chairman of the evening will be Dr. Frederick Carl Eiselen, president of the Garrett Biblical Institute, North- western university. "Conquest of Pre- judice" is the topic of an address by Dr. Jacob Pitzer, St. Luke's Lutheran church, while the Rev. Fred Marri- field, All Soul's church, will speak on "An Analysis of World Conditions." Sunday afternoon Dr. George Craig Stewart of Evanston, will preside and addresses will be by Dr. Max Mason, president of the University of Chicago, who will speak on "Reconciliation of Science and Religion," and Rabbi Louis I. Mann, who speaks on "The Unity of Sacred Religions." Horace Holley of New York, one of the leaders of the World Unity con- ferences, will serve as chairman of the Sunday evening conference. The Rev. Preston Bradley, of the People's church, will speak on "The Search for Truth," while "The Religion of the Future" will be the subject of an ad- dress by Dr. John Herman Randall, of the Community church of New York. "T'o many, world unity implies some- thing in the nature of a formal political organization," said Horace Holley, whose headquarters are at the New Morrison hotel, "like the much de- bated League of Nations. To others it suggests a further perfection of the machinery of communication. Some perhaps feel that world unity suggests at least a tentative and working al- liance bétween international capital and ONE-DAY EXCURSION TICKETS TO CHICAGO FOR SHOPPERS, THEA- TRE-GOERS, ETC., VIA CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. Continuing until further notice, the Chi- cago & North Western Ry. will sell one- day round-trip excursion tickets from Winnetka to Chicago and return at $.70. for going trip on any train of date of sale, and good returning on any train scheduled to leave Chicago Passenger Terminal on or before midnight of date of sale. These new fares are offered as a further attraction to patronize the fast, conveni- ent and comfortable suburban service of the Chicago & North Western Ry. For detailed information apply to Ticket Agents. --Adv. labor, while still others might see in it a future unity between the various religious bodies of the East and the West." Suffers Severe Burns When Pot of Tar Spills Edward Jones, of the Jones Elec- Mr. Holley said that none of these [tric Service shop at 3 Carlton building, deas fully correspond with the ob-|Winnetka, is confined to his home at 'cts of the World Unity conferences, | the Lindencrest apartments in Wil- however. He pointed out that it is [mette, nursing his good right hand world unity as a deeper co-operation | which was severely burned last Mon- among people themselves, quite apart |day, in an accident at his place of from their present political, economic | business. Mr. Jones was handling a or religious affiliations which is the |pot of hot tar with a pair of pliers, ideal promoted by the conferences. when the tool slipped off, spilling the "We consider that it is necessary to [tar on his band. An exceedingly pain- rise above all partisan questions," said | ful injury resulted for which he will Mr. Holley, "and appeal direct to the |be incapacitated several days. latent humanity observed in the hearts | ee of men. To achieve this result, the first TEACHER IS ILL beginning has been made by creating a : ng Miss Emma Billington, a teacher platform independent of any existing |at the Joseph Sears school, Kenilworth, race, creed or class, and thus capable | of extending its cordial hospitality to|is confined to her home because of the representatives of all." illness. I i Co IN EVANSTON ANI § CATHERINE RECKITTY A reduced sale in Lamps, Pillows, Shades. Furniture and Linen during the month of January ar Catherine Reckitt's House and Garden Shop, Inc. 1720 Orrington Ave. Orrington Hotel MILK THAT IS PERFECTLY PURE! Winnetka Dairy milk is perfectly pure. It can therefore be used as a frequent food with the very best results. Make it the main item in your children's diet. PHONE 137 ALT TN SANITARY out reserve. Spring arrivals include a complete selection of fore- most fashions for south- ern wear and travel. INC: C. S. Breckenridge, Pres. During January Sales All Dresses and Coats are underpriced with- This sweeping clearance spells advantage to those seeking economy for present needs at home or going away. We have a limited assortment of crisp, color- ful Taffeta Frocks, plain, stripes or checks, $19.75 -- Sportswear of covert cloths, im- ported flannel, satins, crepes, wash silks, $16.75 and $19.75 -- Many afternoon and formal gowns below cost -- (Some cloth and silk dresses as low as $14.75 and $7.75.) HART SCHAFFNER 8 MARX COATS EX- TREMELY REDUCED, THIS MONTH. 1606 CHICAGO AVE., AT DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Smart clothes carry pres- tige wherever you go. Our styles are notably authentic, just what you want.