--_--_. EE III. January 29, 1927 WINNETKA TALK STARTLING, IF TRUE New Trier-Deerfield Basketball "Riot" Episode Brings Statement Contra- dicting "Inspired" Story Inquiry made this week by Principal Frederick E. Clerk of New Trier Higt school regarding what was described by the Chicago Tribune as a "riot" in connection with a game of basketball Tuesday night of this week between those traditional rivals, New Trier and Deerfield, this week brought the fol- lowing statement from Coach "Duke" Childs of New Trier: "In regard to your inquiry concemn- ing the call for extra police for the Deerfield game, I am making the fol- lowing report. In accordance with our regular policy of taking precautionary measures in advance when we have unexpectedly large crowds at our games, especially when the game is critical, I called for two extra police- men to make sure that there would be no unpleasantness between the rival student bodies on the way home, and that we would be sure to have adequate police protection in the event of fire or panic. No riot call was sent in. Mr. Jackson, my assistant, simply called the Winnnetka Police department and said that we were not anticipating any trouble but were having a tough game and it might be wise to have a couple more policemen to see that nothing started after the game, and to handle a rather difficult traffic problem caused by the bad street conditions and a great many cars. There was no diffi- culty about the game. The officials had the game under control at all time and decisions were fair." The Tribune "riot" story attributed the alleged difficulty to disappointment on the part of the New Trier enthusi- asts over the defeat of their team by Deerfield; whereas, as a matter of fact, New Trier came off winner, as was duly noted in another section of the same edition. The contradictory follow : Tribune stories Here They Lose This story appeared on Page 1 Wed- nesday morning, January 26, under the startling headline "Police Quell Riot at High School Game." "Winnetka police were called last night to quell a riot at the New Trier High school that resulted irom the de- feat of the New Trier basketball team by the Deerfield Township High school team. It was the eighth victory for the Deerfield five, and New Trier had hoped to break the winning streak. "After the game the New Trier play- ers charged that the referee had been unfair in his decisions. Hot words led to blows, and the one policeman as- signed to duty at the game turned in a riot call. Six policemen responded, and quiet was soon restored." This report of the game appeared in the Sports section of the same edition of the Tribune under the headline, "New Trier Victor." And Here They Win, "New Trier handed Deerfield a double defeat at New Trier, taking the heavyweght game 22 to 15 -and the lightweight battle 26 to 20. Heavy- weight lineup: NEW TRIER (22). B F P W. Palletti, rf 1 8 2 Sheldon, If 2 1 3 Hoeber, ¢ 1 1 2 J. Palletti, rg 1 0 2 Copeland, lg 0 2 4 DEERFIELD (15). B F P Baker, rf 1 1 4 Johnson, If 2 1 1 Thomas, ¢ 0 0 3 Heineman, rg 1 1 2 L'denmeyer, Ig 4 0 3 Mrs. Annie Irvine Wood of 878 Cherry street, was taken to the High- land Park hospital, Saturday, January 22, for an operation. Mrs. Wood is improving steadily, and is expected to return to Winnetka the last of the week. She will remain with her mother at 176 Forest avenue for a week or two. --_--0-- Mrs. A. Homer Goodhue of 384 El- der lane, will be hostess to the twelve members of her bridge club, at dinner and bridge Saturday, January 29, at her home. Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson of 701 Sher- idan road, accompanied by her daugh- [ter Mrs. George Massey, and AH. Redman of California, left Wednesday, January 19 on a motor trip to Santa Jarbara, Cal. They plan to spend a little over two weeks on their journey, and are taking the southern route by way of Dallas, Tex. --Q-- The William J. Cooks of 136 Chest- nut street, are stopping at the Ray- mond hotel in Pasadena, Cal. They expect to remain in the West until April 1. Act Now ~~ ceivable way. we say. you in any way. is limited and are going fast. Ask Us! 554 CENTER STREET Continuing this Unusual Offer for Magda WN ashings ORDER A MAYTAG TODAY ! Let us deliver a washer to your home. 1 Wash the most soiled clothes or linens you have and if it dosen't sell itself to you, you don't keep it. , The delivery of the machine to your home does not obligate We suggest that you make arrangements for this immediately, the number of machines to be placed in Winnetka homes Pay for the Maytag as you use it! Phone Winn. 44 North Shore ElectricShop O. L. Phone Winn. 44 Use it! Try ir in every con- We mean every word Porter PHONE WINN. 44 TRADE~-MARK Automatic Oil Burner A Silent Servant of Comfort Listed as standard by the Na- tional Board of Fire Under- writers and approved by In- surance and Municipal Au- thorities. The Kohler Electric Sink Dishwashing by electricity is the blessing of the new Koh- ler Electric Sink. We can't begin to tell you the story here--so we ask you to come in and see it. Vie. J. Killian Plumbing Contractor 874 Center Street Ph. Winn. 1260 Winnetka WINNETKA FOLKS By C. R. Patchen LISTEN LANDLORD/ IF YOU'VE FINALLY 750 Elm Street THAT YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GIVE US ANY HEAT MAKE UP YOUR MIND You've got a right to comfort. YOU'RE GOING TO PAY OUR DOCTOR BILLS AND OUR --= HAT "'AN' COAT AND MEET ME | FACE TO FACE AT -- COMMUNITY si RIaALY x | You have a perfect right to satisfaction. to keep your folks well and happy by buying them the home comforts that are built to accomplish that purpose. COMMUNITY PHARMACY Help Phone Winnetka 164