- February 26, 1927 WINNETKA TALK MUSIC GUILD MEETS Winnetka Teachers Discuss Best | Methods and Aims of Music In- | | struction | | Private music teachers and teachers | in the public and private Winnetka gathered together Monday | evening, February 21, in the schools in Camp | Fire room of the Community House, | in a most interesting meeting of the Winnetka Branch of the Music Guild | of the North Shore. A series of talks on articles appear- ing in current magazines, led to valu- discussion of the and aims in musical instruction. Progressive Education magazine, and the New Era, published in London, | devoted their last numbers entirely to | music, and were taken up in detail by | the guild. The Modern Music maga- zine also contained much of interest | and stimulation to the members of the guild. In addition to this part of the pro- gram, Mrs. Burton H. Atwood brought up the subject of Winnetka's part in| the celebration of Music week, which is to be held the first week in May. Plans for the Music week will be| definitely announced later. It is the| hope of the group in charge of the North Shore, to make the week more of a "music-in-the-home" week, par- ents and children joining in the sing- ing of songs. Groups, such as glee] clubs and choirs, are of course ex- pected to lend a definite share to the program. For those unfamiliar with the ob- ject and purposes of the Music Guild, it is announced that any private teach- er interested, or any public schoo! teacher, is cordially invited to attend | the meetings and become a member. | With the north shore so filled with music teachers, each striving to give their pupils the best musical educa- tion possible, co-operation leads to new ideas and stimulation. The guild furnishes a place for discussion and problem-solving, and keeps its mem- bers in touch with the latest and best in methods of instruction. - Wilmette, Evanston and Winnetka have active branches of the guild. Each president of the local branches is automatically elected a vice-presi- dent of the North Shore organization. Mrs. Frank Bailey, of the North Shore Country Day school, is president of the Winnetka group, and represents the local guild on the larger board. methods The able best The number of horses in Illinois de- creased 52,000 during 1925 and 49,000 during 1926. Wilmette Women Prominent | in Plans for Institute Wilmette women, members of the | Wilmette League of Women Voters, | who are taking active part in the ar- | Institute of Gov- ernment, are Mrs. C. P. Evans, league | rangements for the president, who is a member of the com- mittee on arrangements and is chair- | man of the luncheon committee with Mrs. Charles A. Eldridge a member of | her group. Mrs. Elliott V. Youngberg | | is a member of the committee on regis- | | tration. [ Mrs. P. M. Keene are on the commit- | Mrs. Frederick Bowes and | tee for hospitality. Mrs. Ernest H. | Freeman is a member of the publicity committee, and Miss Helen Evans is chairman of the information and lit- erature committee. | The institute opens March 2 for a three day program at Harris hall, Northwestern university, and is spon- sored by Northwestern university and | the Illinois League of Women Voters. While Your DECORATOR Can Best Serve You... OW before the Spring Rush for outside work ties him up so that he can't touch your job with any promise of speed. Interior work can be done better and for less money now than later. Phone for Estimate. A. FRANCO Painter ¥ Decorator Winnetka 480 Rosewood Ph. Winn. gos Winnetka Miss Edith Eilers MUSICAL KINDERGARTEN Community Barbereux System of Educational Unfoldment START ANY MONDAY Children two to five years of age accepted. Individual Singing and Piano Lessons. House Telephone Univ. 6587 C. L. CHATWIN 460 Winnetka Avenue Ph. Winn. 1800 "Builder of Good Homes" Plans and Funds Furnished Personal Supervision HOMES REMODELED BEST WORKMANSHIP A State Bank The Personality of This Institution ERSONALITY is as definite in an organization as in an individual and it may be more pronounced and interest- ing. But in this institution it is not the composite of the personalities of the members of the organization. It is much more than that--a fusing of these per- sonalities into an harmonious whole un- der the influence of forces from without as well as within. The personality of this organization has been developed by training and mellowed by time and experience. If it did not fairly contribute to banking efficiency, it would have no part in delivering the extra measure of service normal to this institution. And it does that. Banking Hours 8 to 3; Saturdays 8 to 12:30 Monday Evenings 7 to 8 WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK