LJ - A - February 26, 1927 WINNETKA TALK building codes, its police and fire re- | strictions and general laws protecting the welfare of the people. There is nothing that any good, sound respectable club would want to do that the laws of Wilmette would prohibit and there is no good reason why these people should fight against paying a Wilmette tax which is rea- sonable and just and no more than any of us along the north shore have to pay on our homes and our businesses. Yet both clubs have undertaken to fight this Bill. If they mean to main- tain the high moral and membership standard they have advertised, why should they refuse to put themselves under legal restrictions that would «guarantee this? This is an opportu- nity for the citizens of New Trier township, as well as the present mem- bership of the clubs, to judge their de- sirability in our neighborhood by their future action with reference to this Bill. In justice to the Breakers Beach club, let it be said that the promoters of that enterprise are considering a change of attitude on their part. Vista del Lago, however, still holds aloof but we hope that they too, will see the light for their own benefit. As for the Ayers Boal moving pic- ture syndicate, they claim to be pat- riotic, civic-minded, north shore resi- dents that would not promote or estab- lish anything detrimental to the north shore. Why then do they fight this Bill--to be permitted to operate out- side of the local laws and ordinances? Is it because of the slight increase in taxation that Wilmette annexation would bring? That would express a low-grade of citizenship. Is it because their theater has been leased to a rela- tive of one of the firm of Balaban & Katz and that Sunday movies are planned. This seems to me to be the most important reason for their oppo- sition. The north shore has been solid against Sunday movies. No where in New Trier township are they permit- ted. Do our good citizens, do our churches want this sort of thing among us? If the promoters of the Beach clubs and the moving picture house really mean for their enterprises to be a credit to the community, let them put themselves under local jurisdiction and cease their opposition to House Bill No. 51. Tt will protect them as well as the north shore. It will keep the value of their property as well as north shore property from being de- preciated by unrestricted future devel- opments in the shape of dance halls, chop suey restaurants, etc.,, which are sure to follow unless some restraining influence is brought to bear on this lo- cation. The fight that the Citizens commit- 'ee has put up has been not so much against the present developments, but to guard against unrestricted and un- desirable future developments. I feel sure that if House Bill No. 51 | 614% For March, plan to make at least one good investment. Let it be in North Shore First Mortgage Real Estate B on d s -- for Safety and Profit. SMART += 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanston is passed and becomes a law the Cit- izens committee will ask Judge Jare- cki to vacate his order on the bond issue referendum so that the motion picture interests may proceed with their enterprise under proper local re- strictions and ordinances. The public, [ am sure will judge the purpose and character of these theatre and club en- terprises by their willingness or un- willingness to submit to local jurisdici- tion. Very truly yours, ARTHUR BONNET, Chairman, Citizens committee. Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Dabe of 550 Glencoe road, returned Saturday, Feb- ruary 19 from an extended motor trip to New Orleans, L.a. They spent about three weeks, visiting many interesting points along the way, especially the old French Quarter in New Orleans. Mr. Dabe has resumed his work in his auto sales business. SHORT TERM Junior Mortgages and Bonds Secured by High-Grade Chi- cago Improved Real Estate In denominations to suit your needs. Maturities monthly from one to thirty-six months. Chicago Trust Company, Trustee. Priced to give an unusually high return Write for Circular A-29 and our "Chats on Junior Mortgages" is- sued from time to time, setting forth the advantages of this type of Inyestment. MIDLAND MORTGAGE COMPANY First National Bank Bldg. Randolph 1740 A U) 4 a " A ' = ANT PHONE WILMETTE 364 831 RIDGE AVE, WILMETTE, ILL) Four with One newest style colored spection. designed electric fixtures. construction before finishing. For prices, terms and details see Gus Rosenau, 160 N. La Salle St. Res. Glencoe 1267. Nearing Completion Beautiful Brick English and Normandy Homes many new features at Linden Avenue and Ravine Drive, Highland Park Three Blocks from North Western and North Shore Stations and Block from Sheridan Road. Large living room, 16x25, four master bedrooms. Specially designed dining room, kitchen and breakfast room, two tile bathrooms, extra lavatory, specially Arrange to see the character of Phone State 3658 or Open Saturdays and Sundays for in- Buildings ance Company A. D. LANGWORTHY, best knows how ing done. 975 Oak Street LOANS, raou1 COMMISSION On Desirable Homes and Apartment John Hancock Mutual Life Insur- Loan Agent 112 W. Adams St., Chicago is best accomplished by the builder of new ones. 51,% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- proved North Shore Suburban res- idence property at 5% % Interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 "Builder of Unique Homes" Remodeling a Home He to treat it--to convert it into some- thing larger, or renovate it as it is. Get my estimate on whatever you might figure on hav- Previous work is my best guarantee. Harry Bengston General Contractor WINNETKA Phone Winn. 2103 Second Mortgage Money LOANED TO HOME OWNERS INTEREST ON EASY PAYMENTS Louis G. Berman, Suite 1408 -- 77 West Washington Street Phone State 6039 CHICAGO