Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Feb 1927, p. 47

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WINNETKA TALK February 26, 1927 GLENCOE NEWS. Rates -° cents . line papers. cents a CHARGE 50 cents. used. line the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will General Notice to residents of the district from Evansten to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or in one paper. Average of five words to the line. 109 discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave.,, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. { Classified Deadline f or Insertions-- 3:1! go to Wednesday 5 o'clock for Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. be charged only 25 cents a line in any two in all three papers. MINIMUM | No black face type advertisements will be ac- papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 4-B DRESSMAKING | 13 \ HELP WANTED--FEMALE 6 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE 21 FOR RENT--ROOMS EXPERT LAUNDRESS WISHES FAM- ily washing or bundle work. Will call for and deliver. Highland Park 2822. 16T48-4tp CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 21LT22-tfc EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN FOR RENT -- LARGE FRONT ROOM wants laundry work or cleaning Tues- for 1 or 2 men. $5 single, $8 double. day and Thursday. References. Call 903 Ash St. Tel. Winn. 2119. o evenings Univ, 4444. 16T51-1tp 21T51-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED | FOR RENT -- PLIASANT, HOMELIKE CHILDREN'S DRESSES, OF THE BET- ter class, made to order. Finished Sam- ples (ages 6 to 12), for sale, at special introductory prices. 625 11th St. Apt. 1. Phone Wilmette 3441. 4BLTN22-1to -- 6 LOANS WANTED -- 1ST AND 2ND MORT- gage loans, on improved North Shore real estate. Reas. rates. Call Winn. 458. 6LTN22-1tc 7 PAINTING AND DECORATING Painting and Decorating ESTIMATE FURNISHED ON OLD work, new building and remodeling jobs. Floor refinishing. Old floors made like new. Wilmette 3104. CARL FRANKELL 1506 Wilmette Ave. TLTN20-4tp NOW'S THE YOUR DECORATING -- WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN, WHITE; competent, for housework and cooking, no laundry. Private room and bath. Good wages and home for the right party. "L" transportation. Reference required. Wil. 3825. 21LTN22-1tc WANTED -- WOMAN 3% OR OVER, fond of old ladies and children to help with general housework. Good wages, good home. Pleasant quarters. Tel. 'Winn. 290. 13TN51-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WOMAN, white, between 25-35 for general work. References with or without laundry. Kenilworth 1212. 13LTN22-1tp WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework ; go home nights. 1405 Edge- wood Lane, Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 2379, 13TN51-1te WANTED -- WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER for general housework, widower and daughter. Tel. Winn. 2589. time. Get estimate. I save you money. - Brandt. Glencoe 971. TTN51-tfe 1SLTN22- Ite s PETS WANTED-- EXPERIENCED MAID FOR general housework. Protestant; 2 in FOR SALE -- SEALYHAM PUPPY. family. Tel. Winn. 2616. 13T51-1tc Thoroughbred, $100. Tel. Glencoe 1035. 8T51-1tc 9 REPAIRING & REFINISHING SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED, OF all makes. Reasonable, work guaran- teed. Phone Univ. 5997. All calls made before 9:00 a. m. taken care of same day. ILTN22-1tp WANTED -- FURNITURE TO REPAIR and upholster. Will call, deliver. Call Winn. 2708. 9TN51-1te HAVE MAC DRAFT SWEEP YOUR chimneys and furnaces. Call Wilmette Fire Station. Wilmette 0. 9LT22-1tc 10A SCHOOLS & TUTORING VIOLIN TEACHER AMERICAN CONSERVATORY METH- ods. Call Sunnyside 6235, or Wilmette Life B-199. 10ALTN22-1tc REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED TEACHER ELEMENTARY AND HIGH SCHOOL pupils brought up to grade. Phone Wil. 248. 10ALTN19-4tp 12 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- BRIEF CASE, BLACK LEATH- er. Feb. 24 in Glencoe. Reward. North Shore Gas Co. Tel. Winn. 2600. fn 12TN51-1tp LOST -- SMALL BROWN CHANGE purse, with $10 between Spruce and Locust and Post Office. Winn. 834. + 12T51-1te FOUND -- CHILD'S TAN COAT, FEB. 10. Tel. Winn. 645-M. 12T51-1tp 13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- NEAT REFINED COL- ored girl for 2nd work. Small adult family. Must have first class refer- ences. Address 125 Beach Road, Glen- coe or phone Glencoe 278. 13LTN22-1te HELP WTD. -- COMPETENT, RELI- able, experienced maid, white, for gen- era! housework. Ref. eq. Phone Winn. 1925. 13LTN22-1te HELP WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL OR middle-aged woman as mother's help- er. Tel. Winn. 393. 13LTN22-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. One who likes chil- dren. Winn. 2657. 13TN51-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. No laundry. Phone Wil. 3910. 13LTN22-1te HELP WTD. -- COMPETENT, WHITE maid for general housework. Ref. Req. Phone Winn. 2068. 13TN51-1te 14 HELP WANTED--MALE BEST BROKERAGE OPPORTUNITY ON NORTH SHORE 'Within the next month, one of the larg- est Loop and North Shore real estate com- panies will open the only 'office directly on Sheridan Road between Chicago and Highland Park. -It will have the exclusive sale of ap- proximately $1,000,000 of new residential construction in Evanston, Wilmette Winnetka and Kenilworth and will oper- ate as one of the largest brokerage clear- ing offices on the North Shore. Exceptional opportunity for three ex- perienced real estate brokers or for men who have close knowledge of North Shore residential situation. Our salesmen have been advised of this announcement. Address Wilmette Life B-184. 14LTN20-3tc Real Estate Salesman WITH CAR, CAN MAKE PROFITABLE connection with up-to-date firm spe- cializing in Kenilworth, Winnetka, and Glencoe properties. Prefer experienced party familiar with property in one or more of these suburbs, but will consider unexperienced. To the right man an attractive pro- position will be made. Write in confid- ence, giving details. Appointment will be arranged. Address Winnetka Talk B-201. 14LTN22_1tc 15 HELP WTD.--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- EXPERIENCED ARTISTS to paint art novelties at home. Excel- lent pay and steady work. Address Box 186, Wilmette, stating experience. 15LTN22-1te 16 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE SITUATION WTP. -- RELIABLE COL- ored laundress or cleaning. Tuesday, Wed day. Both Wilmette and Win- GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Room and bath. 574 Drexel Ave. Glencoe 542. 13LTN22-1te WANTED -- I FOR GEN- housework family of 2. Chil Lak T 0 . a e. Pore * YO sLTNe Ate 1617. netka references. Phone Sunday or eve- nings, Brunswick 0776. 16LTN22-1tc SIT. WTD. -- EXP. COOK GETTING UP dinners or temporary work by day or week. Tel. Highland Park 2883, 16TN51-1tp dressmaker by the day. Good refer- room, conveniently located; for desir- ences. Cali Greenleaf 1142. able tenant, buliness man or woman. 16LLTN22-1tc Phone Winn. 415. 21TN51-1tp SIT. WTD. -- COLLEGE GIRL. CARE | WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- for children after school, evenings, keeping and sleeping room 3% block to Saturdays and Sundays. Tel. Winn. all transportation and stores. Phone 2793. 1€T51-1tp Glencoe T77C. 21TN5G1-tfe SIYUATION WTD. -- DAY WORK AND | FOR RENT -- ROOM. VERY REASON- extra meals. Call Univ. 5569. able. Newly decorated. Tel. Winn. "16LTN22-1tp 2844. 963 Willow St. 21T51-1te SITUATION WTD. -- POSITION IN| FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS real estate office, as general sales lady.; and board. Call 1036 Oak St., or phone Tel. Winn. 2553. 16LTN22-1tp| Winn. 2435. 21T51-3tp LADY WOULD LIKE TO GET DINNERS | FOR RENT -- FIRST CLASS FUR- evenings, room on the place. Greenleaf nished room. Convenient. Tel. Winn. 3894. 16TN51-1tp 2022. 21T51-2tp SIT. WTD. -- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS. GENTLEMEN with housework of children. Phone preferred. Call after 5 o'clock. 893 'Winn. 2065. 16T51-1te Cherry St. 21T51-1te LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR|FOR RENT -- 4 ROOMS ON 1ST FL. dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Basement and garage. Furnace heat. Winnetka 2022, 16T51-tfc Call Wil. 3388. 21LT22-1te GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY. ALL hand work. Call for and deliver. Tel. Glencoe 106. 16TN50-2tp FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BY the week or month. Phone Wil. 2899. 21LTN22-tfc WHITE WOMAN WANTS POSITION as second maid. Winn. Talk B-202. 16T51-1tp YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK BY the day. Wil. 3735. 16LTN22-1tc the day. Univ. 6637. LAUNDRY WORK OR CLEANING BY 16LTN22-1tp 17 SITUATION WTD.--MALE EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPE GAR- dener, grade and seed lawns, overhaul flower beds, take care of lawns by the month ; take down trees; clean up lawns and do cement work. L. G. P. land- scape gardener. Tel. Winn. 1813, 17T51-1te SIT. WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR AND GAR- dener. Swedish-American, married man 28 years old. A-1 driver of high grade cars. Looking for permanent position with reliable people of North Shore. Call Winn. 1921. 17T51-1te SIT. WTD. -- EXP. HOUSEMAN, single, white, wants steady place, permanent. Can drive car, wait on table and has experience in garden work. Address Talk B-198. 17TLTN22-1tp SIT. WTD. -- EXPERIENCED MAN, furnace and housework. Wil. 3233. 17LT22-1tp EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR WITH references. H. C. Conway. Greenleaf 3. 17LT22-1tp HAVE MAC DRAFT SWEEP YOUR chimneys and furnaces. Call Wilmette Fire Station, Wilmette 0.. 17LT22-1tc 18 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE AT LAST! CHICAGO HAS A NEW EMPLOYMENT office under good German management for steady household help. Elite Employment Service 820 Tower Court, Chicago Suite 619 Tel. Superior 7481-2 18TN51-1tp SIT. WTD. -- IN PRIVATE FAMILY, chauffeur, 40 years old with 15 years in first class homes (Germany). Wife will help in house. Four years in this coun- try, 2% years best references in Chi- cago. High class cars. Tel. Wil. 2764. 18TN51-1te SITUATION WTD. -- JAP. COUPLE OR single, experienced cook or butler. Good references. Tel. Glencoe 12. Address 834 Sheridan Road. 18LTN22-1te FIRST CLASS COUPLE, CHAUFFEUR, houseman, or butler. Wife 1st class cook. Will go to lakes in summer. First class references. Univ. 6229. 18L'TN22-1tp 23 FOR RENT--ROOMS IN BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS AND most convenient locality, 2 lovely con- necting rooms, hot water heat ; private tiled bath and shower, large closet. Also, large beautiful room with 4 windows suitable for 2. Garage if desired. Tel. Winn. 2795. 545 Provident Ave. 21T51-1tp FOR RENT-- LARGE BEDROOM WITH fireplace, for 2 men or women. 910 Elm St. Phone Winn. 2336. 21T51-1te ROOM FOR RENT -- NEAR TRANS- portation. 725 Prairie Ave. Phone Wil, 442. 21LT22-1tc FOR RENT -- 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. Housekeeping privileges if desired. Gar- age. Tel. Winn. 914. 21LTN22-1te FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS, SLEEPING porch and bath. Garage. Tel. Kenil. 1865. 21LTN22-1tc ROOM FOR RENT, NEAR TRANSPOR- tation. Winn. 2794. 21LTN22_1tc LARGE ROOM FOR 2; REASONABLE. Winn. 1920. 21LTN22-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM, 882 PINE ST, Phone Winn. 1549. 21T51-tfe 22 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- LARGE AND SMALL kitchenette apartments in the Frank- lin Bldg., 526 Center St., available Mar. and May 1st. Phone Winn. 7. 22LTN22-tfc FOR RENT -- DESIRABLE SMALL apartment near transportation. Liv. ing room, 3 bedrooms, kitchenette, bath. Occupancy May 1. Phone Mrs. E. Wortley. Winn. 1113 after 5:30 p. m. Seen by appointment. 22T51-1tp FOR RENT -- UNFURNISHED APART- ment. Near trans., school, village. Pos- session April 15. Tel. Winn. 2158. 22LTN22-1tp FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM FLAT, HEATED 2nd floor. $60. 491 Madison St. Tel. Glencoe 343-R. 22LTN22-1tp 24 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- BRICK HOUSE, 6 RMS, 2 baths, sleeping porch, 2-car garage. Large lot. Phone Winn. 507. 24LTN22-1tp FOR RENT -- BRICK RESIDENCE, 7 rooms and bath. Also, garage if de- sired. 124 Park Ave. 24L.T22-1tp FOR RENT -- 8 ROOM HOUSE, CON- venient to station and schools, lot 50x 150. Call Winn. 573-R. 24T51-tfe 25 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES JUNE 15TH TO SEPT, 15TH, 7 ROOMS: Sun room, sleeping porch; 2 baths; at- tached garage. Excellent location, Hub- * bard Woods. Phone Winn. 1080. 25TN51-1te EE ---------- 27 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT--WINNETKA STORES--NEW BUILDING EACH SHOP ABOUT 14 FT. 6 INCHES by 70 feet, splendid live location, im- mediate possession, suitable for deli- catessen, florist, market, grocery, vari- ety store, dry goods or hardware es- tablishment. McGuire & Orr Branch 541 Lincoln Ave. 'Winnetka ; 27LTN22-3tc FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. 27TLTN22-tfe Telephone Winnetka 62.

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