af 37 March 12, 1927 WINNETKA: TALK CREPE vid z ) Tl /HEOOOERO0BE;, $2.25 yd. \) : Nw BLE OOME NE PURE DYE GEORGETTES THE SILK SHOP STAGES A MOST UNUSUAL SILK SALE D Celebrating the opening of a new branch store at 4052 W. CHECKE Madison Street. This makes the fourth silk shop estab- TAFFETAS lished in three years. Why? Because qualities are unsur- $1 95 passed, selections are unequalled and values unmatchable. CY yd. Just Look at These Features: CREPE DE CHINE PRINTED CREPES TAFFETAS In All Wanted Shades Smart New Patterns Pi $1.59 .. $1.59 ,. 319» [FLAT CREPE gi $2.25vd EDGAR A. STEVENS, INC. THE SILK SHOPS 1638 Orrington Avenue 19 E. Madison 63rd 8 Woodlawn 4052 W. Madison Chicago Chicago Chicago