------------ March 19, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 13 Purple Limbers Up for Diamond Season; Vet Pitchers Back Preparations for the coming baseball season were begun at Northwestern this week as a squad of about twenty candidates limbered up in the big gym- nasium. The prac- tice was confined principally to toss- ing the ball around | and light batting practice. The pitch ers and catchers have been working out for the last month and are a bit further ad- vanced than the 2 other players. Ziggy Solheim Two veteran Toloff Photo hurlers, George and "Lefty" Mills and Bill Palmer will handle the major portion of the slab work this season. They both worked alternately last year in capable fashion. George Panosh and Bill Hellerman, sophomores, are expected to develop into varsity material. Heideman, Flint and Bryant will be available for relief duty. Loss by graduation of Ellis, star catcher last season, will weaken the backstop position. Al Foster, regarded as a likely successor, broke a shoulder in basketball recently and may be un- able to play. This leaves Vandenberg and Carey, two sophomores of little experience, as the candidates. Ziggy Solheim, an Evanston boy, is captain of the nine this year. Welfare Society Invites to Series of Lectures The Infant Welfare society, 308 North Michigan avenue, Chicago, is sponsoring a series of five lectures to be given by Dr. Alfred Adler of Vienna. The dates and subjects are: Wednesday, March 16--"The Feeling of Inferiority and Its Compensations;" Friday, March 18--"Dangerous Corners in Childhood ;" Wednesday, March 23-- "Fighting Children;" Friday, March 25--"The Function of the Mother;" Monday, March 28 --"The Importance and Significance of Social Feeling." The lectures are to be given in the James Simpson theater at the west en- trance of the Field Museum in Grant Park, at 4 o'clock on the dates men- tioned. Reservations are to be made through the office of the society or tickets can be secured at the time of the meeting. The Infant Welfare society is very anxious to have parents of Chicago children hear Dr. Adler's lectures. Completing Arrangements for Junior School Party Paul Ash in person, and his enter- tainers, together with cards and danc- ing are to provide the diversion at the Drake hotel Friday evening, March 25, for those who will be guests at the annual party given by the Chicago Junior school. Among the patrons and patronesses for the affair are Mr. and Mrs. Down- er McCord, Mr. and Mrs. Regna Bry- ant, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Byram, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Colvin, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buck, Dr. and Mrs. Rupert Wolfenden, Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Molter, Mr. and Mrs. Bion J. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Lonnquist, and Mts. E. L Wickwire. Mrs. William Modes, 916 Oak street, and her sister, Mrs. I. M. Norman, entertained sixteen friends at luncheon and bridge Friday, March 18. "Wome Bank /or Winnetka feople "4 Qficers and Direcbors HENRY R. HALE Ffresidlent L.B.AUPPENHEIMER Vice~/Yesiaentd JANEBORN HALE Costier CEORGE W. MEKINNEY Asst. Cashier VICTOR £LTING NOBLE HALE The Tax Books Are Still Open SAVE 2 PER CENT FOR YOUR TOWNSHIP of The TAX BOOKS are still in the hands few more days at least. The collector requests that those of you who have not paid your taxes will do so immediately as the detail of handling re- quires considerable labor. the town collector and will be for a PAY YOUR TAXES TO YOUR TOWN COLLECTOR SPECIAL TELEPHONES: SANBORN HALE, Winnetka 2680 New Trier Township Collector, Winnetka 2681 Winnetka State Bank, WINNETKA, ILL. WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. mm -- BANKING HOURS | - | Saturdays fans 12-30P.m. and | Zlo8rm. | ---