March 26, 1927 WINNETKA TALK Former N.U. Prexy's 'Son on the Faculty of Summer Session Prof. Herman G. James, a son of the late Edmund Janes James, presi- dent of Northwestern university from |; 1902 to 1904, will be a member of the Political department faculty at thel| 1927 Summer session of Northwest- ern university, June 27 to August 20. Professor James is Dean of the Col- lege of Arts and Sciences, and pro- fessor of Political Science at the Uni- cersity of Nebraska. Edward D. Snyder, a vrother of Prof. Franklyn B. Snyder of the Eng- 4 lish department at Northwestern, will give a course in American literature at the summer session. He is associate professor of English at Haverford col- lege. Prof. Edward D. and Prof. Franklyn B. Snyder are co-authors of an English text book, published re- cently. Supt. J. Roy Skiles of school dis- trict 75, the Evanston public schools, will give a course in the department of education. Other outstanding visiting members of the summer session faculty will be: Felix Borowski, in the School of Mu- sic; W. L. Fleming, Dean of the Col- lege of Liberal Arts, and professor of history at Vanderbilt university; Don- ald A. Laird, professor of psychology at Colgate university ; Walter S. Clark, professor of genetic psychology at Clark university; Frank G. Bates, pro- fessor of political science, at Indiana university; Charles Mollon, lecturer in Romance languages, Dartmouth col- lege; Howard M. Jones, associate pro- fessor of English at the University of North Carolina. H. Augustine Smith, one of the leading authorities on com- munity singing in the country, will give a series of lectures in the School of Music one week during the summer session. 'Dawes Party Welcomed by High Officials in Cuba An official reception and dinner at the presidential palace, Havana, Cuba, were items in the visit there last week of vice president Charles G. Dawes of Evanston and members of his party. They visited Ha- vana en route to Panama on their vacation journey, and sailed from there Thursday for the Canal zone. Mr. Dawes, Mrs. Dawes, their daughter and others of their par- Toloff Photo ty were greeted at C. G. Dawes the Havana pier on their arrival from Florida by a large and vigorously-cheering crowd. Am- bassador Enoch H. Crowder, member of the American embassy, Secretary of State Rafael Martinez Ortiz and Secre- tary, of War and Marine Iturralde were members of the reception committee greeting the party at Havana. Mrs. Harrison A. Storms, 251 Wood court, entertained her bridge club Tuesday afternoon. JOFFRE'S OWN STORY How the Battle of the Marne Was Fought The enterprise of the Hearst newspapers is again disclosed by the publication of a series of articles by Marshal Foch and Marshal Joffre, supreme commanders of the French armies, in which these famous fighters tell for the first time many of the important secrets of the World War. The second of this series of articles will be by Marshal Joffre. It will appear in next Sunday's Herald and Examiner, and will tell how the battle of the Marne was fought, describing tRe strategic moves that forced the Germans to retreat when they were within twenty miles of Paris. The articles by Foch and Joffre are | amplified by special war maps. not delay! Now--The Last Week Lilibans, 3-6x6; your choice at ........n v Doorway size Lilibans, 2-8x4-8, .your choice Baluchistans, 3x5, your choice at .......... . of our March Oriental Rug Sale MANY have come to admire--and to buy-- these beautiful treasures of the orient. many to describe individually, but every rug, from the smaller sizes to great Sarouks and Lilibans, are priced at surprisingly sharp reductions. But you must select at these prices before April 1. Do Too versary. 209% Discount on all Cleaning, during the month of March in observance of our 18th Business Anni- for just a few more days. Cashian 1107 Greenleaf Avenue Telephone Wilmette 1200 ros. Wilmette, IIL such mileage. 723 Oak Street Phone Winn. 1565 Best tire value in 10 years, think of it! lower in price than ever before--and never has any tire given All Weathers The World famous Goodyear all weather tread--still supreme in mileage--traction and cushioning. The standard of all values. Genuine Goodyear Tires Goodyear tires are surprise, What Is Your Size? Let us quote you on it. The new prices will be a pleasant GOODYEAR BUILT PATHFINDER A real quality tire at prices no higher than the "unknown take-a-chance bargain tire." They are Goodyear built, and guaranteed. A good sturdy oversize tire. BRAUN BROS. 2 Stores Expert Balloon Tire Repairing Wilmette Ave. & Ridge Phone Wilmette 290