April 9, 1927 No --no houselighting circuit and enjoy beautiful music and splen- did entertainment uninterrupted. The Sparton 110-AC is truly the ultimate ideal that Sparton 110 AC $260 370 Lincoln Avenue MA IA a a a ae The Sparton 110AC At Last.... A batteries to recharge--no B batteries to run down troublesome eliminators-- just plug in to the regular Radio lovers have been longing for. Nothing else to buy--complete with tubes all ready to enjoy. Tuning the Sparton is as Easy as Turning a Page Simply turn the right hand dial until center opening shows the wave length of the station you desire. Turn the left band dial to corre- sponding figure in the right hand opening and the program comes in full, rich and perfect. Two beautiful two-tone walnut five tube models with the special Sparton balanced cir- cuit and two dial control. In all fairness to yourself see, hear, and operate 1 Sparton before you buy. Winnetka Sparton 110 AC Console $360 Shop FRI Phone Winnetka 2129 NN ¢ So . XN A) Nu W\ CRN WY Indian Hill Auto & Electric Supply Co. Is WINNETKA 782 THE BEST PHONE NUMBER FOR HARDWARE? One of our most prominent merchants of this country says-- "The average hardware merchant limits his stocks to Household supplies and tools, which of course include paints, glass, garden supplies and practical toys, together with the services applying to these items, such as sharpening tools, replacing broken panes of glass, lock repairing, etc. They have recently added electrical supplies to their stock, but do not service this, in most instances. The hardware mer- chant seems to have completely forgotten that a large majority of his buyers of today are in constant need of Automobile Supplies and Service, which the up-to-date-hardware store should include." That's where we come in. Part of our service includes the following: Electrical repairing-Appliances, door-bells, fixtures, motors, etc. Locksmithing, Glazing, Light Plumbing repairs. Automobile Glass installed--Tires and Tubes repaired. SO REMEMBER WINNETKA 782 We carry a complete line of the following: Hardware, Houseware and Toys. Kitchen Utensils and Laundry Supplies. Paints, Oils, Wax, Varnish and Brushes. Tools, Garden and Plumbing Supplies. Auto Accessories and Parts. Tires, Tubes and Rims. Electrical Supplies and Appliances. Radio Sets and Radio Accessories. "The Up-to-Date Hardware Store" Phone Winnetka 782 Phone orders receive prompt attention. 462 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka, Illinois EE -- a ---- I -- 5 ee -- a --_--"