BE nae TS April 23, 1927 . WINNETKA TALK 15 First mortgage loans and invest- ments--insurance of all types. For 43 years specialists in North Shore residential and busi- ness sales and rentals. If You're Building--or Refinancing-- On This Map MONEY TO LOAN-ready cash for prompt use is an im- portant part of the North Shore and North Side real estate business which Quinlan % Tyson have been building for 43 years. : Many builders and owners come to us regularly as they un- dertake new construction projects, because they have found that Quinlan ¥ Tyson know and appreciate values through- out the North Shore-and can give a prompt decision on a loan through this experience and their close-coupled organ- 1zation. Our experience in financing, managing and selling North Shore property can be of value to you. If you have a loan coming due, let us help you plan the refinancing of it; and if you are planning a new building, we will gladly help you complete your arrangements and provide your first mort- gage funds. Telephone or call at either office: EVANSTON OFFICE CHICAGO OFFICE Fountain Square 40 N. Dearborn St. University 2600 Central 0227 Quin Tyson Established 1884