16 WINNETKA TALK May 14, 1927 RR WSL = 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE i FOR RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST | COMFORTABLE ROOM. TWIN BEDS, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Nth housework and 2 year old eniia. | "GL OME Ras Hor} or 2 po Winnetka 1347. 32T10-1te | people. Also kitchenette apt. for 6 WANTED LAUNDRESS, WIITE weeks. Only to resp. couple. Beg. May G 1 N bs Classified advertisements will be charged only or Viriday or Tocaldy Phone Wine 22. Winn. 1086. 41TN10-1tc enera OtICe -- (residents of the district from Evanston to 2616. ® ap 32T10-1tc | Ww > v Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, pg. Sho are - x por Tone oH HOUSE 0 " S-- ANT o B ' hae B NEWS. io SE ea i ol ER 33 HELP WANTED--MALE all transportation and stores... Phone GLENCO . _ Glencoe 770. 41TN10-tfc YOUNG MAN TO TAKE CARE OF R t 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two soda fountain. Permanent. Winn. 2626. ates - 20 cents a papers. CHARGE 50 cents. used. line Average of five words to the line. 109 discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. in all three papers. MINIMUM No black face type advertisements will be aec- . ' 1 ified Deadline for Inset tions--lassified to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS, Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 8 BUILDING AND CARPENTRY EXPERIENCED CARPENTER WANTS all kinds of repairing. Call Winn. 2563. SLT33-1tp 9A CONCRETE & CEMENT WORK ALL KINDS OF BRICK WORK DONE. Especially chimneys and fireplaces. Contract or day work. Otto Otten, 625 Temple Court. Kenilworth 1307. 9ALTN33-1tc EE 10 DRESSMAKING SIT. WTD. -- DRESSMAKING AND plain sewing by the day. Good refer- ences. Call Greenleaf 1142. 10LTN33-1te 31 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- LAST SAT. AFTERNOON, BE- tween Skokie school and postoffice, a pair of glasses, with brown horn bows, in brown leather case. Please return to Skokie school for reward. . 31T10-1tp LOST -- RED CHOW DOG, 2 BLACK name of "Pierette." Reward. Glencoe 74. 31LTN33-1te 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- SEVERAL NEAT AP- pearing floor girls for cafeteria work. Pleasant working conditions. Experi- ence not necessary. Apply Central Cafe- teria, 1131 Central St., Wilmette. 32LTN33-2te -- LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 10T10-tfe PLAIN SEWING, MENDING and AL- tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. Winn. 1686. 10T10-tfe PLAIN SEWING AND MENDING. Winn. 2017. 10LTN33-1tp -------------------------------------- I -- 13 INSTRUCTION REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED TEACHER Now is the time to go over the year's work and to strengthen weak places. Elementary and high school pupils. Phone Kenilworth 248 13LTN32-2tp -- 21 PAINTING AND DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Glencoe 971. 21TN10-tfe 21B GARDENING JOHN OSTROWSKY NURSERY HAS SOME REAL BARGAINS ON A variety of A-1 shrubs and perennials. West Park Ave. Highland Park. Tel. 2098-Y-1. 21BLTN31-4te MATT CARETTA BLACK DIRT, MANURE, LAND- scape Gardening. Private Driveways and Hauling Service. 411 Randolph. Tel. Glen. 491. 21BTN10-1tp A. SCOTT, LANDSCAPE GARDENER and contractor. Places taken care of by the month. Trees taken down, and general garden work. 896 Spruce street. Phone Winnetka 2482. 21BTN10-1te 22 PETS FOR SALE -- PEDI. BRINDLE BULL terrier. 7 mos. old. Price very reas. Ph. Winn. 1008. 22L.TN33-1te FOR SALE -- ONE SHETLAND PONY. Cart and harness. Reasonable. Call Winnetka 452. 22TN10-1tc FOR SALE -- HIGHLY-BRED SEALY- ham puppy. Glencoe 1035. 22LTN33-1tc 24 REPAIRING & REFINISHING NURSE -- COMPETENT WHITE GIRL to help with care of children and assist with 2nd floor work. Permanent posi- tion, with good home and wages. Glen- coe 871. 32LTN33-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED CHILD nurse or nursery governess, 30 years of age or over, to take care of 3 children. Best wages. Tel. Kenil. 692. ' 32LTN33-1te OFFICE HELP WANTED -- CAPABLE stenographer and typist in attorney's office, must be skilful at telephone and able to meet the public. Carlton Prouty, Franklin Bldg., Winnetka. 32LTN33-tfe WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid, protestant; general housework ; no washing; family of adults. Wages $20.00 per week. Call Glencoe 794 Sat- urday or Sunday afternoon. 32T10-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL, white, care of 2 infants. Good refer- ences. 47 Indian Hill road, Winnetka. Tel. Wilmette 3083. 32TN10-1tp WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE. Refs. req. Only exper. person should an- swer. Other help kept. No laundry. Family of 5. Winn. 1405. 32TN10-1te MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE. WHITE, exp. refs. Nurse employed for 2 chil- dren. 863 Vernon Ave. Tel. Glen. 1450. 32LTN33-1te EXPERIENCED BAKERY CLERK. AP- ply Rapp Bros, 522 Linden. Winn. 1870, 32LTN33-1T WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl; small house; small family; good wages. Winn. 392. 32LTN33-1te WANTED -- RELIABLE WHITE GIRL for general housework. Good home. Phone Kenil. 2656. 32LT33-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral work, no laundry. Phone Wil. 1330. 1118 Forest Ave. 32LTN33-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Phone Glencoe 370. 32LTN33-1te WANTED -- NURSEMAID, WHITE, mornings. Tel. Glencoe 1247. 32LTN33-1tc WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE. NO experience needed. Call Glencoe 1231. 32LTN33-1te UPHOLSTERING AND SLIP-COVER work done at your home by reliable party. Call Rogers Park 8738. C. E. Jonnson, 24T10-1tp 27 GENERAL REPAIR HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWERS SHARP- ened. Will grind any size mower. Called for and delivered. G. Phone Glencoe 1025. a -------- RELIABLE GEN. HOUSEMAID. 4 IN family. No laundry. Winn. 1234. 32L/TN33-1tp GEN. MAID, EXP., WHITE, FOR small family. Good wages. Winn. 2564, 32TN10-1te WHITE MAID -- GOOD COOK AND 30 PERSONAL GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY. ALL hand work. Call for and deliver. Phone Glencoe 106. 4 TBOTN10-2tc A. Soderblom. housework. 181 Wentworth, Glencoe. 27TN10-1te Glencoe 1019. 32TN10-1te WTD. -- SECOND WORK, WHITE, exper., refs. Glencoe 1210. 32TN10-1te Indian Hill Drug Store. 33LTN33-1te DESIRABLE PARTY, IMMEDIATE OC- I ----. cupancy, furnished or unfurnished. yA NT T r ---- Private bath; kitchen privileges if de- WANTED -- MAN 2 DAYS A WEEK. ~ . CaN (Glencoe 1288. 33LTN33-1tp sired. Glen. 1008. 41TN10-1te re-- me -- -- - ------ - 34 HELP WTD--MALE & FEMALE FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, WANTED -- PROTESTANT COUPLE, man as gardener and houseman; wife as maid, general housework. Man can be employed elsewhere 2 days per week. Wages $125.00 per month. Separate garage apartment. Splendid oppor- tunity for right couple. Call Glencoe 794 Saturday or Sunday afternoon. 34T10-1ct WTD.--FEMALE DRESSMAKER -- AMERICAN WANTS work one day each week in six North Shore families, where she can do re- pairing or sewing of any kind. Best references. Address Talk B-312. 36TN10-1tp YOUNG GIRL WISHES POS. IN GEN- tile family as mother's helper, nurse- maid, or second work. Phone Winn. 1379. 36T10-1te 36 SIT. suitable for one or two or couple em- ployed. 549 Provident Ave. Winn. 689. 41T10-1te CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT33-tfe FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Gentlemen only. Winn. 2420. 554 Cen- ter street. 41T10-1tc VERY REASONABLE. SINGLE ROOM. Call evenings or Sunday. Winn. 2844. 41TN10-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM, FOR ONE OR two gentlemen. Winn. 2306. 41T10-1tc FOR RENT -- LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms. Glencoe 744. 41T10-1tc Te ---- 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS WANTED -- DAY WORK FOR COM- petent colored laundress. Phone Green- leaf 4831 after 6 p. m. 36TN10-1tp COOKING, GETTING UP DINNERS, OR temporary work. Highland Park 2883. 36TN10-1tp LAUNDRY OR HOUSECLEANING BY the day or week. 995 Linden Ave., Hub- bard Woods. 36T10-1tp SIT. WTD. -- COL. COOKING OR GEN. work. Ref. Willing to go to country, Tel. Oakland 0868. 36T10-1tp WANTED -- POSITION AS TUTOR OR governess. Address Talk B-315. 36T10-1tp WANTED -- HOUSEWORK BY THE hour, afternoons. Call Univ. 4084. 36TN10-1te SIT. WTD. -- LAUNDRY, CLEANING and extra dinners. Call Univ. 5589. 36LTN33-2tp ---- 37 SIT. WANTED--MALE EVANSTON INTERIOR HOUSE CLEANERS Expert paint and window washing. 1906 W. Railroad Ave. Evanston, Ill Phone University 5535. 3TLTN32-4tp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS CE- ment work ; driveways and walks, base- ment floors, garage; grade and seed lawns. Louis Pantle, landscape gard- ener. Tel. Winn. 1813. 37T10-1te EXPER. MAN WILL SERVE DINNERS and luncheon parties. Call Winn. 1086 after 10 a. m. or Glencoe 940. 37TTN10-1te 4 YEARS' EXP. AT CHAUFFEURING, garden work and all-around house man, Highland Park 1942. Box 895, Ravinia, TIL 371.T33-1tp POS. WANTED BY REL., EXP. CHAUF- feur. 7 years exp. Best refs. Phone Univ. 3864. 37TLTN33-1te WANTED -- JANITOR WORK IN stores or office. Call Glencoe 280. 37TLTN33-1te REL. CHAUFFEUR. NORTH SHORE refs. Univ. 3273-M or 4388-J. 37TLT33-1tp CHAUFFEUR, EXP. SINGLE, GOOD refs. Swedish. Phone Winn. 692-J. 3TLTN23-1te DECORATING AND HOUSECLEAN- ing. James King, Atlantic 0072. 37TN10-1tp 38 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE KENILWORTH 1847 KENILWORTH EMPLOYMENT AGCY. Reliable domestic help furnished. 421 Richmond Rd., Kenil. over Post Office. 38LTNJ3-1te WINNETKA. PART OF A BEAUTIFUL home. Large grounds. Sleep. and liv. porches. 4-5 bedrooms. Furnished or unfurn. Baths and showers. Conven- ient location. Oil combustion, hot water heat. Call owner for further in formation., Winn. 2664. 42LTN33-tfe FOR RENT -- 3 ROOM SUITE, PRIV- ate bath and store room. Gas stove and ice box furnished. Suitable for young couple. Tel. Wil. 3529. 42L.T32-1tc FOR RENT -- 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment in Nelson Building, Wilmette. Convenient to transp. Janitor Service. Call Wil. 1860. 42L.T33-1tc FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42LTN33-tfc FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, 5 AND 7 rooms. Also light housekeeping rooms. Wil. 1183. 42L.T33-1tp I ------------------ 43 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS TO SUBLET FOR SUMMER MONTHS-- Furnished apartment in Orrington Hotel, Evanston. Good summer expos- ure. Two large rooms with twin beds and in-a-door bed. Bath with shower. Grand piano. Kitchenette with electric range. Complete hotel service. Ample closets. Garage in building. P. B. Kohlsaat. Apply hotel rental office, University 8700. 43LTN33-tfp READY JUNE 1, 1 4-ROOM APT. $65, 1 3-room apt. $40. Ready June 20, 1 4-room apt., $65. Tel. Winn. 2113. 43LTN33-1tc 4 FOR RENT--HOUSES Winnetka Special 11 ROOM HOUSE; 2 BATHS; GLAZED porch; hot water heat; 300 ft. frontage facing park; near transportation and schools. Tel. Winn. 1905. 44LTN33-tfc LARGE HOME, SUITABLE FOR 2. 1 block to trans. 1006 Chatfield Rd. Phone 'Winn. 2524 or, after 6, Winn. 2481. 44T10-1te Ee ---------------------------- 15 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT -- 8 ROOM HOUSE, 2 glazed porches, 4 bedrooms, 2 tiled baths, maid's room and bath; 2 car garage. Corner lot 100x187. Near lake. June 1st or 15th to Oct. 1st. Phone Winn. 1650. 45LTN33-1tc JUNE TO SEPT. 8 ROOMS. LARGE sleep. porch. 2 screen porches. Corner lot. Large shade trees. $150 a month. 1124 Tower road, Hubbard Woods, Winn. 1730. 451, TN33-tfc FOR RENT--FOR SUMMER MONTHS, furnished home in Hubbard Woods. £ rooms and bath. Attractive location, pretty yard, near transportation. Phone Winn. 45T10-tfe EMPLOYMENT FOR MAN AND WIFE. Phone Atlantic 0072, 38TN10-1tp 41 FOR RENT--ROOMS WTD. -- COOK, WHITE, EXP.,, REFS. Glencoe 1210. 32TN10-1te FRONT ROOM. GENTLEMAN PRE- ferred. Winn. 2669. 41LLTN33-1te FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM house, furnished. sun porch, sleen pch., gar. Winn. 1781. 45T10-tfe FOR RENT -- 7 ROOM FURNISHED house from June 15th to Sept. 1st. Winn. 1065. 45T10-tfe 7