a May 21, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 31 OO W N S§ oN BE LS CE a 20 PACKAR OUR years ago Packard intro- duced the finest car itsunequaledexperi- ence could design and its unsurpassed facilities could construct -- the Packard Eight. Packard had planned for years to make the Packard Eight truly the world's greatest motor car--greatest in power, in beauty, in comfort, in fine- ness of construction and last- ing excellence of performance. Now after four years Packard knows it has succeeded in de- signing and building the great- 9 Stupreme- the Packard Eight AMONG THE WORLD'S FINE CARS THE PACKARD EIGHT HAS NO EQUAL est car in the world. Packard has purchased each of the most outstanding cars of Europe and America. Impartially Packard has tested each of these in com- petitionwith the Packard Eight --on the track, on the road, in the laboratory. The Packard Eight stands supreme. You cannot make such tests as Packard has made--they take months and cost fortunes. But there is one test you can make. (Evanston Branch) 1735 E. Railroad Avenue 39 Take a Packard Eight and drive it where you will--all day if you wish-- without obligation. And compare itwith your present car or the car you are considering--any car. We know the Packard Eight will win. TODAY Here is another test. Ask any Packard Eight owner! We will be glad to give you a list of them. They are our most enthusiastic salesmen. We are fortunate in being able to make prompt deliveries at this time. Greenleaf 1200 D Packard Motor Car Company of Chicago yA DY Q ALAR AN