. NN May 28, 1927 WINNETKA TALK y Musical Society to Give Program at Woman's Club The North Shore Musical society is planning a program to be given at the Wilmette Woman's club, on Monday evening, June 6, at 8 o'clock. This will afford the people of Wil- mette and neighborhood towns an op- portunity to hear a few of the artist members of the society. Alvene Ressigue, noted Chicago con- tralto, Dorothy Rae, soprano, FErnau . Akely, pianist, and Elizabeth Weixel, violinist, will be the solo artists, while a trio made up of Winifred Townsend Cree, violinist, Estelle Swigart, 'cellist, and Gevilla Neukrantz, will complete the program. It is hoped that all lovers of music on the north shore will avail themselves of this opportunity to enjoy a musical evening. Police Officer Opens Battery Repair Shop Eugene Schubert, motor cvcle officer in the Winnetka police department, is leaving the service July 1, to embark in business for himself. Schubert, in addition to being a most efficient of- ficer of the law, is also an expert bat- tery man, and will engage in that busi- ness. He will be located in the new garage building on Tower road, just west of the tracks. Mr. Schubert has heen a member of the Winnetka police department since the latter part of 1925. IN FLOOD DISTRICT Mr. and Mrs. John O. Barber of Church road, who with the Barber twins, left last December to spend the winter in San Antonio, Texas, have returned to Winnetka. They visited New Orleans and noted the efforts of the coastal guards and other workers to safeguard the city. They also visited the San Bernardo district when the levee was dynamited. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst C. von Ammon of 568 Elm street returned Wednes- day, May 25, from a motor tour of Virginia. They spent some time at Swans Point, Va., visiting Mrs. Charles Strotz. ---- Mr. and Mrs. John R. Montgomery of 15 Green Bay road have been at- tending the National council of Con- gregational churches at Omaha, Neb. this past week. | Musicale and Tea to Be Given by Music Pupils | | A musicale and tea, demonstrating | the nationally known Dunning system of improved music study for begin- ners, will be given by pupils of Miss Dorothy Clayson on Saturday after- noon, June 4 at 2:30 o'clock at the Winnetka Woman's club. This is the first time the Dunning system, en- dorsed by famous musicians and ar- tists, including Letchetizky, Gabilo- witsch, and Paderewski, has been pre- sented by demonstration to the North Shore villages. The public is cordially invited. WILL REPEAT SALE The committee in charge of the re- cent White Elephant Rummage sale of the Winnetka Congregational church wishes to announce that a similar sale will be given by the church members two years hence, and asks that every- one keep this notice in mind when doing their spring and fall cleaning during the following two years. Gross proceeds from the recent sale are an- nounced as $3,900. CIRCLE TO MEET Members and friends of the Cherry Street circle are asked to meet at 1062 Cherry street, at 2 o'clock, June 1, to go to the Frigidaire sales room for an inspection trip. The circle will con- duct a food sale at Eckhart's store at 1 o'clock on June 4. Each member is asked to donate two articles. : For | | BOOKKEEPING Income Tax t Cost Accounting | Corporation | Accounting call { { Paul F. Jones | at Winn. 2103 ) 975 Oak St. Winnetka ------------ PP. mM tionable. B. W. 660 Center St. Driveways! For 22 years we have been building drive- ways for particular people of the north shore . + . . that is why our reliability is unques- If you are contemplating a new driveway or repairs to your old one, a call from you will bring our representative to your door. Established 1905 BLOW Phone Winn. 201-202 There' a joker in the cheap' paint can! "Cheap" paint looks like paint and smells like paint--and the low price seems to be at- tractive. But here is the two-sided "joker." A gallon covers only about half the area covered by SWP House Paint -- a strictly quality paint. Nearly twice as many gallons are needed. Figure that out and the low price isn't low at all. Then it lasts only about half as long on the house--needs to be renewed oftener--costs over twice as much per year as SWP. Come in. Let us tell you the whole story about real paint economy. We will save you SWP House Paint is guaranteed to look better, last longer, cost less per job and less per year than any house paint on the market. HOUSE PAINT t SHERWIR WILLIAMS PRODUCTS E. B. Taylor Hardware Co. 546 Center Street Phones 998-99 EX I III III II III II IIIIIXIXIXXIXXX 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000(000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% [XI XXXXXXXIXIXXXXXXXXS