28 WINNETKA TALK May 28, 1927 Country Club Affairs Start Society's Summer Gaiety Dinner Dances at Six Country Clubs Open New Season By JEAN TEN BROECK It is useless as each season brings the re-opening of our country clubs to resort to repetition and chronicle again what they stand for in the community. With one accord, Westmoreland, North Shore, Wilmette Golf club, In- dian Hill, Sunset Ridge, and Skokie have chosen dinner dances, formal and informal, for Saturday evening, May 28, as a fitting way in which to launch the new season. In small groups and in larger parties their members and guests are thronging to their doors not only for the evening but for all the Svea: that are celebrating Memorial ay. Three Boy Soloists on Choir Concert Program Many dinners are being planned by Winnetka parents preceding the the Christ Church Choir concert and dance, to be given at the Winnetka Woman's club, at 8:15 o'clock, Fri- day, June 3. The concert will be fol- owed by a dance, for which William Graf's best five-piece orchestra will furnish the music. The choir boys have been competing in preparing the best poster announc- ing the affair, which will be on exhibit in Rapp Brothers' window. The prize has been awarded to Scott Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll H. Thomas of 198 Forest avenue. Three boy soloists will take part in the concert preceding the dance. They will be Whitlock Duncan, son of the Arthur W. Duncans of 1314 Scott ave- nue, Edmund Frazer, son of Mr. and We notice each year that special Mrs, George E. Frazer of 639 Lincoln arrangements for women members of avenue, and Teddy Wilder, son of the the golf club families are becoming a Erskine Wilders of 1011 Hubbard lane. little more elaborate. These clubs now Mr, Cready, Mr. Gunn and Lloyd Odh, have two days set aside for their pleas- ill be the men soloists on the pro- ure, one for golf, and one for bridge, gram. : the latter with attendant luncheons in Proceeds from the concert and dance most instances. will go toward the choir boys' cam: The golf days already have started and club room. Those who Baie > at two of the clubs, the others begin ready bought tickets, may do so at early in the coming month. The the door. bridge season is opening early in June. Mrs. A. Ballard Bradley of Winnet- Ravinia Artists to Spend ka is chairman of woman's golf at - > Indian Hill, which started Wednes- Summer in Winnetka Homes The Winnetka Ravinia committee day of last week. Mrs. George Forrest is co-chairman, Mrs. A. Fletcher was entertained at tea at the home of Marsh, team captain. Other commit- Mrs. John Vennema of 849 Willow tee members are Mrs. Grant Ridgway, road, Thursday, May 19, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Harve Badgerow, Mrs. Charles Plans for the summer season at Ra- Klotz, Mrs. Carroll Kendrick, and Mrs. vinia were announced and discussed. Hubert Howard. The bridge lunch- The committee now is ready to sell eons will not commence until about coupon books and there is great rivak- the middle of June. ry among the members of the com- Sunset Ridge is offering a new dance mittee, for they are determined to floor and Cope Harvey's orchestra as make this vear, as far as Winnetka is the special features of its opening din- concerned, the greatest of all years, ner dance which is to be formal. Wo- thev announce. man's golf opens at the club next _ Of special interest to Winnetka and Tuesday with a three club match, me- Hubbard Woods residents, is the fact 'dal play. Mrs. Arthur T. Goodman of that Edward Johnson will make his Winnetka is chairman, with a commit- home during the season, in Hubbard tee including Mrs. Raymond Doonan Woods. Bori is considering a summer of Winnetka, Mrs. Fred Coambs of home in Winnetka, and Martinelli is Chicago, Mrs. Elbert Clark, Mrs. Ry- fo occupy the Victor Elting home at land Wolcott, and Miss Virginia In- 830 Mount Pleasant court in Win- gram of Winnetka. netka. : : Later in the season Sunset Ridge is The committee feels that with three to have one of the Open days for the Women's Western Golf association. The bridge luncheons at Sunset Ridge commence Wednesday, June 8, with Mrs. Ward Pearl at the head of the committee, and Mrs. B. D. Craft in charge of prizes, and Mrs. C. F. Mc- Nally of season point scoring. . Friday, June 6, formally opens the women's golf season at Skokie, with - special events arranged for every Fri- of the foremost artists of the season as neighbors in the village, and with Ravinia such a few miles away and accessible, Winnetka people will more than support the cause. Travelers in Europe and throughout this country say there is nothing to compare to Ravinia as a musical center for every- one to enjoy at reasonable rates. Ravinia Club Hostess day throughout the season. Mrs. The Hubbard Woods committee of Ernest P. Ballard of Winnetka is the Ravinia club held a meeting and chairman, assisted by Mrs. G. B. Childs tea at the home of the chairman, Mrs. of Glencoe, Mrs. William Watson of J. Williams Macy of 966 Hubbard lane, 'Highland Park, Mrs. Stalham Wil- Friday, May 20. Much enthusiasm was jams of Winnetka, and Mrs. E. R. shown by members of the committee. Hankins of Evanston. Ball sweep- for the record of four years is hoped stakes have been the events this to be kept. For the past four years, month. Mrs. J. C. Allen of Evanston the Hubbard Woods committee has in- heads the committee for the luncheon creased its sale of Ravinia coupon 'and bridge parties at Skokie. Work- books each year, and this year the ing with her are Mrs. I. H. Frank, members expect to break last year's assistant chairman, and Mrs. Edward 8S. Craven, Mrs. H. C. Arms, Mrs. F. ~L. Williams, Mrs. A. G. Mills, Mrs. R. D. Rogers, Mrs. G. C. Kingsley, "Mrs. P. N. Cutler, and Mrs. F. E. The first bridge luncheon Compton. 'record. Collect for Rummage Sale _The Woman's guild and auxiliary of Christ church. will hold a rummage sale in the Parish House of the church 'will be given Tuesday, June 7; with_on October 13. They have begun the one each week during the summer. Mrs. D. W. Poff will entertain at a luncheon and six tables of bridge at "her home, 739 Walden road, Winnetka, june 2 -------- collection of articles to be sold, and ask that anyone wishing to dispose of clothing, furniture and other articles any time during Helen Hardenberg Makes Bow at English Court When Miss Helen Hardenberg, daughter of Major and Mrs. Raymond W. Hardenberg of Governor's Island, and granddaughter of Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson of 701 Sheridan road, Win- netka, was presented to Queen Mary and King George of England, Tuesday, May 24, Buckingham Palace was a-glow with a thousand lights, and the most brilliant of courts since 1913 was witnessed by the 1,000 guests attend- ing the affair. Mrs.» Alanson B. Houghton, wife of the American ambassador to England, presented Miss Hardenberg, and her cousin, Miss Florence Lowden, daugh- ter of ex-governor Lowden of Illinois. The Great Throne room, with the alcove at one side, was unveiled, the king and queen occupying their throne chairs part of the time. The state apartment was banked with greens and hot-house flowers. Crimson and gold -uniforms worn by the gentlemen at arms and the throne guard added royal color to the festive occasion. The four Indian orderly officers were stationed close to the king, and were dressed in their native costumes. Included in those attending the opening court were three hundred of the diplomatic circle, and of the royal family, Princess Mary, Viscountess Lascelles, Viscount Lascelles, Princess Alice, the Countess of Athlone, Prin- cess Helena Victoria, and Princess Marie Louise. Princess Cantacuzene, granddaughter of President Grant and niece of the late Mrs. Potter Palmer, presented her daughter, Princess Ida. Miss Hardenberg left England, Fri- day, May 27, sailing for Governor's Island, where she will join her parents. She has spent six weeks in London. While living in Winnetka, Miss Hardenberg attended the North Shore Country Day school. After leaving Winnetka she spent six months with her grandmother, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Stewart Johnson, and her family, in Egvpt. Board Luncheon Given for Woman's Society Contributed Mrs. Albert Smith of 577 Oak street entertained at luncheon Tuesday, May 23, the members of both the old and the new boards of the Woman's so- ciety of the Winnetka Congregational church. During the afternoon an interesting business meeting was held at which time many plans for the coming year were discussed and acted upon. Mrs. Wiley J. Huddle, the re-elected president, was enthusiastic "in her praise for the faithful and efficient service given by the retiring board. This will act as an inspiration and an incentive to those who are to carry on. The work will be taken up in the fall with renewed interest, and it is the desire of all that the society will continue to function as a very impor- tant organization of the church: Hostess at Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fisher of 491 Elder lane have as their house cuest, Mrs. Marshall Fuller Holmes of Chicago. Mrs. Fisher gave a luncheon "and bridge in her honor Wednesday. Mrs. Holmes has spent the winter in California and is making a short visit with her daughter before opening her summer home at Lake Geneva; Wis. This afternoon Mrs. Peirce C. Ward is to be hostess at the tea given in the Indian Hill Riding club stables for thie sums mer, call Mrs. I ng club : Frank Fulton, at Winnetka 964. ' Mrs. equestrians returning from their after- "Fulton will call for articles-offered.-. ew Wedding of Helen Davis Is to T ake Place in Garden Plans for the wedding of Miss Helen Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Davis of Hubbard Woods, to Henry E. Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Hubert Allen of Edgewood lane, Hubbard Woods, are announced. It is to be a garden wed- ding, if the weather permits, on Sat- urday, June 18. Thus far it is the only out-of-doors wedding scheduled in the village. The Rev. James Richards is to read the service at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, in the presence of many friends and relatives. Attending Miss Davis will be Mrs. William Davis and Mrs. Arthur Davis, her two sisters-in- law. Mrs. Le Roy Sheldon and Mrs. Ralph Brown will also attend her. Waldo Allen is to be his brother's best man. Among the ushers are Cornelius Trowbridge, of Lake Forest, a cousin of Mrs. Allen, Stuyvesant Butler of Winnetka, Sherman Ewing of Cam- bridge, Mass., Durand Allen, another brother of Mr. Allen, and Miss Davis' two brothers, William and Arthur. Mr. Allen is a graduate of Yale col- lege and is at present studying at the University of Chicago for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. After he has completed his studies in the fall, the couple will take a belated honeymoon on the Mediterranean. Many parties have been planned in honor of Miss Davis and Mr. Allen. A dinner party will be given June 3, by Miss Louisa May Greely of Win- netka. On June 4, Mrs. Joseph Barton of Winnetka gives a bridge party. Mrs. Durand Allen of Hubbard Woods will have a bridge and shower on June 11. On June 14, Mrs. Leroy Shelton of Evanston has a luncheon and shower at the Evanston Golf clu. Mrs. Frank Watt entertains at dinner that same evening, in her Kenilworth home, and the next evening Waldo Allen will give a dinner and bridge at Onwentsia. Miss Katherine Trow- bridge of Lake Forest will entertain June 16, with a buffet supper, and June 17, the bridal dinner will be giv- en at the Winnetka Woman's club, by Mrs. E. Hubert Allen, mother of the bridegroom. Shower for Bride-Elect Miss Grace Gunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Gunn, of Lake Forest, Miss Dorothy Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Perry of 1127 Green- wood avenue, Wilmette, and Miss Dorothy Manchester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Manchester of 403 Grove street, Glencoe, entertained at a linen shower in honor of Miss Dor- othy Scharf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Scharf of 509 Cherry street, Winnetka. Miss Scharf's marriage to Benjamin Runyon of New York City, will take place in the early summer. The shower was held Sunday, May 22, at Miss Gunn's home. All of the group In French Play Edward K. Welles of 1411 Mrs. Edgewood lane, Winnetka, took part in a French play presented as part of the entertainment planned by the Jun- ior league of Chicago, for the hundred Junior league delegates from the East and South en route through Chicago for the convention of the Natignal As- sociation of Junior Leagues at Port- land, Ore. The convention took place May 24, to 27. The French play was given at the Casino, Friday, May 20, the day the delegates arrived in the city,- and a buffet luncheon at the Casino, a sight-seeing trip of the city, Casino followed. .. and a dinner at the ry eh