3 May 28, 1927 TFT ry vy ryryryrvyvyvyvrvyrvvvy home. chenette. INQUIRE NOW To the delight of the Bride- groom and their parents the Bride will find economy pos- sible at The Elmgate at a time when economy is most needed and hardest to practice. tional maid service and mniod- erate rental make this possible --Dining room, kitchen, or kit- Phone - - - Greenleaf 2100 - - - or write he ELMCATE "Happy days ahead--if you choose The Elmgate" Op- A PT RIT TI TY wom 36 WINNETKA TALK | Johnson and Brother . Move to Acquire New Quarters in Glencoe Gilbert Is. Johnson & Brother an- nounce their disposal of the lease of their office at 352 Park avenue, Glen- coe, to the Green Tea Pot Candies company of Highland Park to take ef- fect June 1. There are a number of new building projects in Glencoe, and Gilbert D. Johnson & Brother are ne- gotiating for new and more commodi- ous quarters in one of these business blocks. Mr. R. G. McMillan who resides at 530 Longwood avenue, Glencoe, will continue in charge of the Glencoe dis- trict operating from the Chicago office at 110 South Dearborn street. This firm is also negotiating for a branch office in Barrington so that their interests in that region may be : > handled more expeditiously. ' ] '\HROUGH our aid the uest for a North Shore e b q 13a happy Chicagoan Buys Meads ome comes to such a happj) Property in Winnetka conclusion that the question w . : : : Te gy a, Varren S. Corning, president of of where to live 1S an- Chicago Tube & Steel company has ntlu. purchased the home of the late Albert swered permane y I" Meads at 381 Sheridan road, Win- netka, for an undisclosed considera- tion. Haviland Realty company repre- & sented both pa-ties. The house, con- mat sisting of five master bedrooms and OKANSON ENKS three baths and servants' quarters was > ING designed by Marshall and Fox. - Se WRN . : the Sy LB ps The Jsnilworth Garden club motor- WR ed to Morton Grove Arboretum Tues- Notth Jhore FPeopec Led day and stopped on the way in Lom- bard to see the lilac garden of the late 513 Davis St. EVANSTON Greenleaf 1617 Colone] Plum. : There is more telephone wire serv- ing the people of Illinois than in Asia and Africa combined. Hil me = rT { y: - . The June Bride Solves | 3 bi Her Home Problem by ¢ 4 ; Choosing The ELMGATE ¢ 4 1 4 ¢ 4 3 y 4 charming 1, 2 or 3 room fur- 1 . nished apartment at The Elm- 1 q gate is the happiest solution to y the home problem confronting y the couple just launched into 1 3 matrimony. No great respon- 3 4 sibilities for the Bride, as yet | 1 unused to conducting a home-- ) ; The quiet and seclusion which 4 make the post-honeymoon so de- 4 1 lightful--And time to shop and 3 plan for the future permanent PHONE WILMETTE 364 831 RIDGE AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. | Quinlan & Tyson Negotiate Many Real Estate Deals Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., announce the closing of 'the following sales within the last three weeks. Bert B. and Emma S. Barry sold to C. N. Ford the 7-room stucco and tile home at 211 Maple Hill road, Glencoe, on a lot 100x150 . F. M. Orndorff of the Winnetka office of Quinlan & Ty- son was the broker. A. B. and G. A. Wood sold to Fred- erick W. Harlan the 7-room brick and stucco English home at 920 Greenwood avenue, Winnetka, on a lot 72x150. C. A. Gurshin of the Winnetka office of Quinlan & Tyson was the broker. John W. Dickson sold to John B. King the vacant property 50x150 on the cast side of Sheridan road, between Main and Lee streets, Evanston. Mr. King will improve the property in the near future. R.®H. Peterson of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson represented both parties. Evelyn A. and G. W. Marauardt sold to Andrew E. and Eve M. Coburn the 9-room frame house at 930 Ridge ave- nue, Evanston on a lot 79x170. R. H. Peterson of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson was the broker. E. B. and Marian B. Wheeler sold to Roy H. and Bessie M. Goddard the brick two apartment building at 619 Library place, Evanston on a lot 45x 177 and containing two 7-room and 2- bath apartments. There is also a 2- car garage with living auarters above. Pierre G. Beach of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson was the broker. Lester W. and Elizabeth B. Hesse sold to Charlotte M. Heermans the vacant lot 60x145 on the west side of Marcy avenue, between Central and Harrison streets, Evanston. The pur- chaser will build on the property in the near future. Pierre G. Beach rep- resented both parties. Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 28 sold to Edw. I. Middleton the vacant prop- erty 75x163 at the northeast corner of Ridge and Emerson street, Evanston. Mr. Middleton bought the property for investment. Pierre G. Beach was the only broker. Estate of H. E. Chandler sold to Ed- win M. Russell the vacant lot 3774x150 on Central street, west of McDaaie! avenue, Evanston. The purchaser will build a 2-apartment building on the property. J. L. Corcoran of the Ev- anston office of Quinlan & Tyson was the broker. Anna C. and Jeannie S. Quinlan sold to V. C. McGill the 1l-room frame house at 1813 Hinman avenue. Evans ton on a lot 68x160. J. I.. Corcoran rep- resented all parties. Cornelia R. Stevenson sold to Max and Anna B. Lehman the 8-room frame house at 2607 Ridge avenue, Evanston, on a lot 110x150. R. S. Crane of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson was the broker. Mary S. Langtry sold to George F. Gonsalves the vacant property 90x150 on the east side of Forestview road, between Colfax and Grant street. Ev- anston. Mr. Gonsalves will build on the property immediately. P. G. Beach of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tvson was the broker. : Harold Martyn leased to R. W. Peet the 6-room brick residence at 1083 Pine street. Winnetka. Mr. Peet is with the Palmolive company. C. A. Gurshin of the Winnetka office of Quinlan & Tyson negotiated the lease. Mrs. Frank Stover, 1183 Tower road, Winnetka entertained her Kenilworth sewing club last Friday. The guest of honor was Mrs. Robert Danley, formerly of Kenilworth and now of California, who is here on a short visit. The next meeting is to be hed May 27, at the home of Mrs. David R. DeCamp, 615 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. y-