WINNETKA TALK June 4, 1927 ATALL FOUR § SHOPS_o% RUBY'S FAMOUS RUNPRUFF CHIFFON HOSE INALLTHE SEASONS NEWEST SHADES Alfred RUBY GOE. WASHINGTON ST. J EDGEWATER BEACHHOTEL 1563 EAST S3RPST., ORRINGTON HOTEL. HYDE PARK C EVANSTON 00 Third Cabin ow Economy plus travel comfort far surpassing your expectations. Round trip fares from $170 to $190. From Montreal or Quebec you will sail down the beautiful St. Law. rence--the mighty water d to Europe pea Soa ion Giaagom A to Liverpool, Sou: y st Cherbourg, Antwerp, a Collegiate Tours to Europe a brad Season--1927 37 days, $385--all expenses-- 11 escorted -- England, F France, Holland, Bel. gium. Most complete itinerary with maxi- mum benefits. Cabin and Empress ours, $850 and up. clive 3's Tron T llers' gotiab pany's Trave ion Fad ne; le everywhere. Full information and sailing dates from local steamship agents, or R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent, 71 E. Jackson Blvd., Telephone Wabash 1904, Chicago, Tll. For Freight Apply to W. A. Kittermaster, General Western Freight Agent, 940 The Rookery, Chicago, Ill. ~ Canadian Pacific . World's Greatest Travel System MAKE KNOWN OPENING OPERAS AT RAVINIA First Week to Bring Before Pa- trons Virtually All the Princi- pals of Season Plans for the opening of the six- teenth season of Ravinia opera and concerts have now progressed to such an extent that Louis Eckstein finds it possible to announce the list of operas from which choice of the first seven performances will be made. To this list may be added the first of the series of Monday night concerts, which will form a regular weekly feature during the season. It is impossible at this time to make definite announcement of the order in which the early perform- ances will be given, but they will in- clude presentations of "Andrea Chenier," by Giordano; "Romeo and Juliet," by Gounod; "LaBoheme," by Puccini; "Martha," by Von Flotow; "Faust," by Gounod; "The Love of the Three Kings," by Montemezzi, and "Aida," by Verdi. The Monday night concert will, of course, be given by the Chicago Symphony orchestra, with soloists chosen from the ranks of the opera company and the orchestra. This list of works offers splendid possibilities. It will serve to bring be- fore Ravinia patrons nearly all of the artists Mr. Eckstein has engaged for the new season, and will present them in roles in which they have won wide- spread favor in many of the world's opera houses. The operas themselves are prime favorites with all Ravinia patrons. They are broadly representa- tive of the best of all operatic litera- ture, including five of the best known of the Italian operas, and two which may be considered as classics of the French school. They likewise serve to emphasize the broad range of human emotions, which is so ideally reflected in opera. Some of these works sound the profoundest depths of tragedy, while at least one of them is light and airy, filled with glittering tunes, and | presents life in its humorous aspects. These works which are to be heard during the first eight days of the Ra- vinia season serve admirably to index the entire repertoire with which Ra- vinia patrons will be regaled during the ten weeks and three days of the season. This repertoire has been care- fully chosen, with many things in mind. The taste of Ravinia audiences has been given the utmost consideration, with the result that there is no opera lover who will not find his favorite works on the list. There will be enough of revival and novelty to give the season many interesting high spots, and what is perhaps most important of all, the operas have been chosen with the artists in mind, and the galaxy of stars who will assemble at Ravinia within the next few weeks will be giv- en every opportunity to sing those roles which fit them most perfectly. The operas which will be given earliest presentation at Ravinia serve as striking examples of the splendid system of casting which is to prevail at Ravinia this year, as always. There is, for example, "Andrea Chenier," in which Madame Rethberg will be heard as Madeleine, a role which Ravinia pa- trons will remember gives her every chance to utilize her wonderful tone, which is noted throughout the entire world of music because of its power and the exquisite beauty of its quality. Giovanni Martinelli in the name part of this thrilling opera has a role which makes the most trying demands upon a dramatic tenor, but Mr. Martinelli has fully demonstrated that these de- mands present no difficulties for him. brits SR dT moment. 1608 Chicago Avenue O UR entire business suc- cess depends on one thing-- the perfect satisfaction of that pair of shoes which we are fitting at any Telephone University 973 QOL & PIPER 3 | NC . CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS : TERRE given Evanston, Illinois