20 WINNETKA TALK June 25, 1927 VALUES! Just Arrived for Qur EVANSTON STORE 1500 yards CARPETING 27" width without bor- der. All wool, regular $3.50 value. Colors are very latest; Raisin, Rose Taupe, Mole. Room size rugs and carpeting. Entire room can be done for almost 15 the usual cost. $2.27 yd. PHONE GREENLEAF 1941 Our representative will call and give an estimate without obligation. Reduced during this sale. REMEMBER The FLOOR-0-LEUM Method Guarantees perfect lino- leum laying. FLOOR-0-LEUM STORES 1007 Davis St. Evanston 1622 Howard St. Chicago | marriage. Winnetka Woman Holds | ADDRESSES KINDERGARTNERS | s Le | Dr. Horace G. Smith, pastor of the Trout Fishing Record | Wilmette Parish Methodist church, Mrs. Lin M. Butler, 563 Ash street, | gave the opening address at the in- Winnetka, is holder so far of the wo- | ception of the summer session of the men's trout fishing championship this | National Kindergarten and Elementary | season at Fishermen's Paradise, Grass | college early this week. Dr. Smith also Lake, with a total of seven fine rain- [spoke at an Epworth League banquet in| bows and speckled beauties on one | Waukegan this week. trip out. When Mr. Butler, general | manager industrial division, American | Radiator company, Chicago, caught the limit recently he took Mrs. Butler out to make her record catch. Many |X FR: y of the men and boys fishing in this | Carroll of Winnetka Wednesday, June region have obtained their legal limits | 22, at the Methodist Episcopal church in trout, but the feminine fishermen | Parish House at 4:30 o'clock. have been suffering from lack of ex-| The wedding dress was of taffeta] perience. | shading from peach to orchid, and was | {| made in bouffant style, with picture | a bt { hat to match. Miss Margaret Weis, Mr. and Mrs. Seward McKinney, | who acted as her sister's maid of Jr., of Rogers Park, are the parents | honor, was dressed in yellow georgette, of a son, Seward McKenney, III, born | with hat to match. Both the bride June 7, at St. Joseph's hospital. Mr. | and her maid of honor carried Colonial McKenney lived in Winnetka until his | bouquets of vari-colored flowers. Ralph Carroll served as his brother's best ---- man. Mrs. F. C. White and her daughter,| Immediately after the ceremony Mr. | Marian, of 809 Rosewood avenue, left| and Mrs. Carroll leit on a northern | Monday to spend the summer at their | motor trip. They will be at home after! farm at West Brattleboro, Vt. July 6, at 1819 Central street, Evanston. Miss Jeanette Weis, daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. John Weis of Wilmette, | became the bride of J. Lester Motor Tourists Told of Fire Regulation Rules Motorists planning trips into the national forest reserve areas are warned by the Chicago Motor club that strict forest fire prevention reg- ulations are being enforced. One of the most important of these measures, made effective by the United States Forest Service, June 15, pro- hibits smoking in all national forests except at improved camps and places of habitation. In the Eldorado, Stanis- laus, Sierra, Sequoia, Inyo and Mono forests, the "no smoking" order will apply only to areas around 7,500 feet or less in elevation and not to the high Sierra region. This regulation will re- main in effect until the fall rains elim- niate the fire hazard. Motorists planning camping trips on any of the national forest areas, under another regulation just announced, must carry a shovel and an axe for fire-fighting purposes. Statistics show that many of the damaging fires re- ported in recent years might have been extinguished if the motorist or camper discovering the incipient blaze had been equipped with tools for fire-fight- ing. R) THE value to in the outward tinction in performance. EVANSTON BRANCH 1810 Ridge Avenue . "dis- of this car is more than mere pride in its appearance. Because all the promise of its external charm is fulfilled by the car's hidden values, as revealed CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY Evanston you FaRalle cAcceleration ~ cAppearance