Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Jun 1927, p. 55

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WINNETKA TALK June 25, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -- Glencoe inclusive whose names appear regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINN GLENCOE NEWS. Rates - 15 cents a line in one paper. papers. 30 cents a line CHARGE 50 cents. used. 10% discount on all cash with Average of five words to the line. Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evansten to in the telephone directory, or who are ETKA TALK or 256 cents a in all line three papers. in any two MINIMUM No black face type order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions--°C! assified advertisements will be ac- cepted up 'to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Win papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS, netka 2000-2001. 5 BATTERIES 25 SERVICE BUREAU STORAGE BATTERIES CALLED FOR, charged and delivered, 50c. Tel. Winn. 2869. SLTN39-1tp 10 DRESSMAKING OLIEN JENSEN, FORMERLY OF 701 Davis, Evanston, now located at 910 Elm St. Expert Dressmaker, Remodel- er. Tel. Winn. 2336. 10LTN37-4tc COUPLES--MAIDS WE HAVE SEVERAL SPLENDID PO- sitions available for high class, white couples. Can also place three maids-- good openings, fine salaries. FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4417 25LT39-1tc 32 HELP WTD.--FEMALE 37 SITUATION WTD.--MALE WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR cooking and first floor work. Call Glencoe 1039. 32TN16-1te FOR COOKING AND SERVING; GOOD wages. Tel. Winn. 58. 32T16-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Wil, 3391. 32LT39-1te GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK MORNINGS. Phone Winn. 2537. 32LTN39-1te GARDENING AND HOUSEWORK. DAY, hour, or contract. Walter Hanson, 1007 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. Winn. 2738. 37TTN16-1tp POS. WANTED BY HIGH SCHOOL senior, Any kind of work. Phone Winn, 546-W, 3TTN16-1tc CHAUFFEUR OR HOUSEMAN. EXPER. Best of refs. Kenwood 6920. 3TTN16-1tp 33 HELP WANTED--MALE BOY'S 12 YEARS AND OVER FOR evening paper routes in Hubbard Woods. Apply 3:30 sharp at rear of Dini Sweet Shop. 33T16-1te ------------------------ 34 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE COUPLE, WHITE. MAN AS CHAUF- feur, assist gardening and housework. Wife, half days chamber work. House- keeping quarters. Couple only. Refs. Call 525 N. Linden Ave. Highland Park, Tel. 2525. 34TN16-1te 36 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE NEAT COLORED GIRL DESIRES TO do general housework, or plain cook- ing. References. Wil. 911-J. 36LT39-1tp ----. 31 LOST AND FOUND EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL sew, day or hour or at home. Wil. 3464. 10LTN39-1tp PLAIN SEWING, MENDING AND AL- tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. Winn. 1784. 10T16-tfe LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 10T15-tfe = -- PIN LOST JUNE 18, ON OR NEAR Elm, Winn. Large sapphire center, surrounded by imita. diamonds. Valu- able only as a gift. Reward. Winn. 2660. 31TN16-1tp LOST --- GREEN PURSE IN FRANK- lin Bldg. Thursday evening, June 186, will finder keep money but return other articles, especially glasses. E. A. Theis, Minier, Ill 31T16-1tec WHITE WOMAN WANTS WASHING, GARDENING, LAWN CUTTING, AND oCd jobs. Tel. Highland Park 2251-W, 37TN16-1tp HIGH SCHOOL BOY WISHES WORK, afternoons and Saturdays. Tel. Winn. 2235. 37T16-1te 38 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE SMITH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY--EV- anston. Couples, chauffeurs, maids, dayworkers. Phone Univ. 6464. 38LTN37-4tp 39 BOARD AND ROOM BUSINESS MAN WANTS HOME FOR self and little daughter 7 years old, where child will have care. Vicinity Scott Ave, and Elm St.,, Winnetka. Ad- dress Talk B-348. 39T16-1tp A CONVALESCENT HOME FOR ELD- erly people or invalids, large sunny ironing, cleaning and cooking. Wil. rooms with south exposure. Resident 3428. 36LT39-1tp nurse. Univ. 7483. 39TN14-4te WANTED--BY RESPONSIBLE YOUNG | 41 FOR RENT--ROOMS woman, position as mother's helper or care of children during July and Au- gust. Address Talk B-347. 36T15-2te COLLEGE STUDENT DESIRES POS. for afternoons. Gen'l office work or as French or Spanish tutor. Phone Winn, 1260. 36TN16-1tp 108 GARDENING Special Darwin Tulips UNTIL JULY 15, 100 FOR $3.50. 10c each of 10 named var. Send for list. J. M. Hannon, Wilmette. 10BLTN39-1tc BLACK SOIL $7 Truck load delivered. North Shore Home Garden Service Phone Wil. 2183 If not the black soil you want we will take back without charge. 10BLTN238-4tc 13 INSTRUCTION TUTORING IN LATIN AND FRENCH by experienced teacher. University 6894. 13LTN38-2tp 15 INTERIOR DECORATING FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DEC- orating call Art. Special price for sum- mer season. Phone Univ. 8132. 15LTN39-1tp I ------ LOST SUNDAY NIGHT, RIVERSIDE tire on rim. Asbury or Railroad aves. Phone Wilmette 721-M. Reward. 31LT39-1te EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS, WHITE, wants work, for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. References. Call Univ. 5647. 36T16-1tp LOST--COLLIE DOG, TAN & WHITE, Saturday night, answers to the name of "Bud." Reward. Phone Wil. 2357. 31ILTN39-1tc TWO GERMAN GIRLS WANT ANY- thing in the line of housework from July 5th to August 25th, Call Winn. 57. Ask for Dora. 367'15-2te LOST--BLACK AND WHITE POODLE. Reward. Call W. D. Kirk, Glencoe 69. 31T16-1tp 2 GIRLS, COOK AND 2ND MAID. COL. Exper. Best refs. Call Glencoe 73. 36TN16-1tp LINEN TABLE SCARF DELIVERED by mistake or lost, 3 weeks ago. Call Winn. 2265. 31TN16-1te WASHINGS WTD. WET, ROUGH DRY, or finished. Will do blankets also. Ph. inn. 859. 36LTN38-2tc FOUND -- BIBLE, "SCIENCE AND Health," and "Christian Science Quar- terly." Call Talk office. WHITE WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRY 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE FREE RENT, MODERN BUNGALOW lodge to white couple, no children, in exchange for but part time maid service and care of yard; if steady employ- ment is preferable good wages can be 19 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OWNER OF DISCONTINUED MUSIC business will sacrifice few remaining radios, Philcos, Balkites, cone speakers and portable phonographs. Tel. Winn. 2869. 19LTN39-1tp 19A NURSES REGISTRY FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU Phone Greenleaf 4417 We furnish nurses on short notice for all kinds of cases. Also children's nurses and governesses. MRS. FAUST 845 CHICAGO AVE. > 19ALT39-1te 22 PETS FOR SALE -- YEAR OLD MALE POL- ice dog, $35 including new dog house and harness. Tel. Wil. 1001. 22TN16-1te FOR SALE -- 1 PAIR VERY FINE Turbit pigeons, with young pigeon. Price $2.50. Winn. 990. 22TN16-1tc FOR SALE--BOSTON TERRIER, FE- male, 1 year old. $20. Wil. 3319. 22L.T39-1tp 24 REPAIRING & REFINISHING ; references required. Apply in person 755 Grove St., Glencoe. 32LTN39-1tp WANTED -- MAID, WHITE, FOR GEN- eral housework; 2 adults, 2 small chil- dren. Plain cooking. Private room and bath. Near transportation. 379 Ridge Ave. Phone Winn. 1379. 32TN16-1te WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN. housework. Must be good cook and do laundry for small family. Good wages. Winn. 569. 32T16-1tp WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, permanently or for summer months. Winn. 1253. 32T16-1te GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 3 months, in Michigan. Winn. 1564, 32T14-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid for cook and first floor work. Good wages. Glencoe 820. 32TN14-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL AS MOTH- er's helper. Go home nights. Phone Winn. 2111. 32LT39-1te work, Monday and Tuesday. Phone 31TN16-1te Winn. 2978. 36LTN39-1tc EXPER. INFANT'S NURSE. §25-330 week. Miss Oinas, Highland Park 758-W. 36L/TN39-1tp 37 SITUATION WTD.--MALE YOUNG MAN, COLLEGE JUNIOR, with extensive driving experience in Chicago loop traffic and on country roads, including a 9000 mile trip to the west coast desires to chauffeur private family on their vacation tour. Can give reference as to character and ability. Address Ralph Wrigley, 261 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IIL 37TLT39-2tp TWO HIGH SCHOOL BOYS WANT lawn work at 50c an hour. Cars Washed Cheap Kenilworth 1062 3TLT39-1tp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS CE- ment work ; driveways and walks, base- ment floors, garage; grade and seed laws. Louis Pantle, landscape gard- eners. Tel. Winn. 1813. 3TLTN39-1te HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH- ing, floor polishing, lawn and garden work. References. Wil. 3428. 3TLT39-tfc GENERAL HOUSECLEANING BY DAY or contract. Painting, decorating, floors waxed or refinished. Home Serv- ice Co. Univ. 8517. 3TLTN37-3te WANTED IMMEDIATELY, EXP. GIRL for gen. housework. Small fam. Winn. 75. 32LTN39-1tc EXPER. CHAUFFEUR WANTS EM- ployment. Good refs. Univ. 3273-M or 4388-J. 37TLTN39-1tp Plastering Repair Work ALL KINDS OF PLASTERING AND stucco work. James Keenor Phone 2291 Wilmette 241. TN39-tfe ~-- 30 PERSONAL WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, family of two. Phone Winn. 2589. 32LTN-1te COLLEGE STUDENT WANTS STEADY summer position, any kind of work. Call Winn. 1797. 3TLTN39-1tp WANTED -- YOUNG RESPONSIBLE girl to help with children mornings. Phone Winn. 1989. 32T16-1te HAVE YOUR BASEMENT WHITE washed. Williams & Co. 1933 Wesley Ave. Tel. Univ. 1299. 37TLT39-1tp WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. F. C. Meyers, 1149 Scott Ave. Winn. 2397. 32LTN39-1te EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN WANTS garden and housework. Tel. Wil. 3233. 3TLT39-1tp GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY. ALL hand work. Call for and deliver. Phone Glencoe 106. 30TN15-2te WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with housework, home nights. Glencoe 58. 32LTN39-1te WANTED --- EXTRA DRIVING FOR young man. Call Univ. 6135. 3TLT39-1tp FOR RENT -- WINNETKA, SUITE OF living room, bedroom, large sleeping porch, bathroom, extra lavatory, kitch- enette and breakfast room. Very de- sirable. Reasonable. Heat included. Also single suite of large room & bath. Tel. Winn. 2664 mornings. 41LTN39-tfe WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN16-tfc ROOM FOR RENT, NEAR TRANSPOR. Suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 1006 Chatfield Rd. Phone Winn, 2481. 41T16-1te FOR RENT -- A NICE FURNISHED room, bath. Garage. 851 Spruce St. Winnetka. 41T16-1te FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATE LAVA- tory. Near transportation. Winn, 2791. 41T15-2te TO RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, gentleman preferred. Call after 5:00 o'clock, 893 Cherry St. 41T16-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM WITH SLEEPING porch. 969 Elm St. Winn. 2399. 41T16-1te 1 ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, 858 ELM St., Winn. 2864. 41T16-1te LIGHT PLEASANT ROOM. SINGLE, $5, double, $8. Ph. Winn. 621. 41T16-1tc ROOM FOR RENT -- 2 BLOCKS TO transportation. Phone Winnetka 2258. 41T16-1te PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM. NEAR to station. Phone Winn. 415. 41T16-1te SINGLE ROOM. CALL EVENINGS OR Sunday at 928 Elm St. 41T16-1tp FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT FOR 2. Phone Winnetka 2231. 41T16-1tp ROOM WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 973 Willow, Winn. 1286. 41LT39-2tc A ------------------ ST SS ---- 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42LTN39-tfe FOR RENT -- 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN39-tfc FOR RENT -- MODERN 4 ROOM apartment with garage ; hot water heat. Phone Glencoe 341-W. 42T16-1te 43 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. 3 ROOM KITCHENETTE APT. TILL Sept. 1. 309 Chestnut, Winnetka. $65 a month. Cal Winn. 2113. 43LTN39-1tp Be LD i 44 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, SLEEP- ing and living porches. Centrally lo- cated in Glencoe. $110. Phone Glen- coe 629 or Harrison 0282. 44LTN39-tfe

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