Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 2 Jul 1927, p. 51

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WINNETKA TALK July 2, 1927 ors BS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -- Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILM GLENCOE NEWS. Rates - 15 Bans a line in one paper. 30 cents a line CHARGE 5 cents. used. Average of five words to the line. 109% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or 26 cents a line in any two in all three papers. MINIMUM No black face type our office at 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. be ac- : : Classified advertisements will Deadline for Insertions--S35sited advertisements will be ac Re WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Y Winnetka 2000-2001. 10 DRESSMAKING 31 LOST AND FOUND OLIEN JENSEN, FORMERLY OF 701 Davis, Evanston, now located at 910 Elm St. Expert Dressmaker, Remodel er. Tel. Winn. 2336. 10LTN37-4tc LOST -- POLICE DOG, MALE, BLACK and tan with white chest. Three years old. Reward. Phone Winn. 2288. 31LTN40-1tc PLAIN SEWING, MENDING AND AL- tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. Winn. 1784. 10T17-tfe LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 10T15-tfe A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1B GARDENING BLACK SOIL $7 Truck load delivered. North Shore Home Garden Service Phone Wil. 2183 If not the black soil you want we will take back without charge. 10BLTN38-4tc FOR REASONABLE PRICES -- THE Orrico Gardens ; cut flowers and plants; 1409 Pleasant Ave. Ravinia, Ill. 1 bl west of tracks on Williams Ave. Half block north. 10BTN17-tfe Special Darwin Tulips UNTIL JULY 15, 100 FOR $3.50. 10 each of 10 named var. Send for list. J. M. Hannon, Wilmette. 10BLTN40-1tc CLEARANCE SALE -- GERANIUMS, petunias, full of flowers, for a reason- able price. Stachel's Greenhouse, Wil- mette. Tel. Wil. 2221. 10BLT40-1te 13 INSTRUCTION LOST -- POLICE DOG, FEMALE, JUST Vicinity of Wilmette, name Reward. W. Anderson, Shel- drake 10125. 31LT40-1tp WILL MAN IN WHOSE CARE BOY left tennis racket kindly return same to 212 4th St. 31L40-1tc EE 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE SEVERAL FLOOR GIRLS AND STEAM table girls. Must be neat appearing. Experience unnecessary. Apply at once. Central Cafeteria, 1131 Central St., Wilmette. 32LTN40-1tc WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR COOK- ing and general housework. No laun- dry; small adult family; good wages. Mrs. McMahon, 509 Washington Ave. Glencoe 836. 32TN17-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; 3 adults. Mrs. Sherman, 1101 Greenwood Ave. Wil, 258. 32LTN40-1tc 33 HELP WANTED--MALE 38 SIT. WITD.--MALE AND FEMALE ate, Days only, during July and Aug. State age and wages. Address Talk B-353. 33T17-1te EE -- 36 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE NORWEGIAN, MIDDLE AGED LADY will be housekeeper for elderly couple. Do sewing, some good cooking. No gen- eral. Will travel. Address Life B-349. 36L.TN40-1tp MOTHER WITH CHILD WANTS GEN- eral housework or housekeeping posi- tion. Experienced. Phone Wil. 1183 Sundays. 36LT40-1te TEACHER WANTS POSITION AS tutor or taking care of children for summer months. Sunyside 2840. Room 102. Call after 6:30 P. M. 36LT40-1tp FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS, GERMAN- American wishes work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. References. Call Univ. 5647. 36LT40-1tc WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home, will call for and deliver. Phone Wil. 773-J. 36L.T40-1tp YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION taking care of children. Wil. 969-W. 36LT40-1tc WIDOW WITH 5 YEAR OLD GIRL wants position doing housework. Call Wil. 2249 or Normal 7988. 36LTN40-1tc YOUNG GIRL WISHES TO TAKE CARE of children. Phone Wil. 773-J. 36LT40-1tc YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE CAR. PRIV- WANTED -- BY COLORED COUPLE. Wife good cook, houseman and butler, References. Phone Boulevard 10557, 38LTN40-1tp 39 BOARD AND ROOM A CONVALESCENT HOME FOR ELD- erly people or invalids, large sunny rooms with south exposure. Resident nurse, Univ. 7483. 39TN14-4tc a ------ 39A SUMMER CAMPS SUMMER OUTING FOR CHILDREN IN healthful North Woods. Trained care and out-of-door recreation provided. Ad- dress Mrs. Dan Jossart, Box 274, Min- ocqua, Wis. or Phone Miss Weedon, Wil. 2778. 39ALTN40-1tc (-- 40 WANTED--BOARD & ROOM MOTHER AND DAUGHTER; MOTHER --cook, laundry wk. Girl--2nd wk., Col. N. S. ref. Oak 0868. 36LTN40-1tp 11 FOR RENT--ROOMS VERY DESIRABLE ROOM WITH PRIV- ate bath; 3 exposures; 2 blocks from "L." Use of garage. Lady preferred. 501 Laurel Ave. Wil. 3971. 41LTN40-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT40-tfc FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR married couple. No objection little girl. Kitchen priv. if desired. Glencoe 976. 41LTN40-1tc COLORED GIRL WANTS POSITION AS nursemaid. Phone Greenleaf 4254. 36LTN40-1tc GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD COOK. Can furnish ref. Drexel 7984. 36LTN40-1tc EXPERT LAUNDRESS, COLORED, wishes work. Phone Univ. 2639. 36LTN40-1tp HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WISHES TO take care of group of small children afternoons. Winn. 657-R. 36T17-1tp WANTED -- COOK, WHITE, EXPERI- enced, cooking and first floor work. Also, second maid. Glencoe 1247. 32LTN40-1tc WANTED -- GIRLS TO LEARN PRESS- ing fancy dresses. Call at 899 Linden Ave. A. W. Zengeler Co. Winn. 307. 32LTN40-1tc TUTORING IN LATIN AND FRENCH by experienced teacher. Univ. 6894. 13LTN40-2tp GRADUATE Primary teacher wants one or more pupils for tutoring or hand work. Phone Wil 609 13LTN40-2te 17 MASSAGE NORWEGIAN MASSEUSE, 7 YEARS experience, wishes steady or day work. Call Winn. 869. 17T17-1tp eh...) -- 19A NURSE REGISTRY EXPERIENCED NURSE, $35 PER week. Phone Euclid 4090-W. 19AT17-1tp PETS THE FINEST DOG FOR A CHILD'S pet is a Cocker Spaniel. Beautiful black and white, also, brown and white pups ready for delivery after July 8. Dam Peggy's Lady Patsic. Sire Champ- ion Mission Elkhart. Phone Glencoe 892. 22TN17-1te " FOR SALE -- RUSSIAN WOLFHOUND, all white, pedigree. Very reasonable. Tel. Winn. 839. 22T17tfc 24 REPAIRING & REFINISHING Plastering Repair Work ALL KINDS OF PLASTERING AND stucco work. James Keenor Phone 2291 Wilmette 24LTN40-tfc HAVE YOUR GUTTERS CLEANED and painted. All kinds of odd jobs. D. Kain. Tel. Wil. 2706. 241. T40-1tp 30 PERSONAL IF THE FOLLOWING PARTIES DO not call for watches left for repairs within 5 days, same will be sold. for charges: Mr. Strand, Glencoe, Mr. Ebil- sesor, Winnetka, Mr. Carter, Glencoe, J. Morrison, 6218 Kenwood Ave. Chi- cago, Ill, and clock of Mrs. Thomes, formerly of 800 Rosewood, Winnetka. G. W. Ettinghausen, jeweler, 574 Lin- coln Ave.,, Winnetka, TIL 30T17-1tp GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 2 adults, 2 infants. No family washing or heaving cleaning. Good home. Winn, 2220, 32T17-1te WANTED --- SCHOOL GIRL, CARE OF 2 children. 128 Crescent Drive. Glencoe 377. 32TN17-1te GENERAL HOUSEWORK GIRL FOR July. White. Mrs. Blair, 661 Black- thorn Rd. Winn. 2696. 32T17-1te WHITE GIRL FOR GENER. WORK. Small family. Good wages. Winn. 2170. 32T17-1te YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. Must be clean. Protestant. 3 in family. Winn. 2574. 32TN17-1te EXPER. WHITE MAID FOR GENER. housework. Must be good cook. Good wages. Winn. 2084. 32LTN40-1tc WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER TO assist with light housework, good home, Call Glencoe 1466. '32LTN40-1tc CAPABLE WHITE WOMAN FOR 2 hours housework daily. Winnetka 2689. 32LT40-1tp WHITE MAID FOR GENER. HOUSE- work. Exper. Small house and family. No laundry. Winn. 2674. 32LTN40-1tp LAUNDRESS TO DO WASHING AT her home. Winn. 878. 32T17-1tp 33 HELP WANTED--MALE REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED WEEKLY GUARANTEE. OPPORTUN- ity for right man to make real money. Heinsen Realty Co. Winn. 254. 33LTN40-1tc WANTED -- REAL ESTATE SALES- man to sell prop. in Winnetka, Hubb. Woods, Glencoe and outlying territory from our Winnetka office. Apply to Hill & Stone, 543 Lincoln Ave., Win- netka. 33LTN40-1te GIRL WILL TAKE CARE OF CHIL- dren by the hour. Age 14. Phone Winn. 891. 36T17-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- GIRL TO TAKE care of children during day. Winn. 601-J. 36T17-1te SITUATION WTD. -- BY COLORED maid, half day or day work. Tel. Glen- coe 279. 36TN17-1te WANTED -- WASHING TO DO AT home. Will call for and deliver. Tel. Winn. 1468. 36T17-1tp HOUSEREFPER OR SERVING. WINN. 36LTN40-1tp 37 SITUATION WTD.--MALE YOUNG MAN, COLLEGE JUNIOR, with extensive driving experience in Chicago loop traffic and on country roads, including a 9000 mile trip to the west coast desires to chauffeur private family on their vacation tour. Can give reference as to character and ability. Address Ralph Wrigley, 261 Dundee Ave., Elgin, Ill 3TLT39-2tp BY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE, AGE 19, who can drive car and has experi- ence in garden work. Has been assist- ant scoutmaster and is capable of look- ing after boys. Winn. 2017. 3TLTN40-1tc CHAUFFEUR, 10 YRS. EXPER. CAN do repair work. Peterson, 1023 Ayers Place, Evanston. Univ. 8508. 37TN17-1tp CHAUFFEUR (LIC.) HOUSEMAN. 34 years. German. Address C. Fetzer, 2048 Mohawk St., Chicago. 37TN17-1tp EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR, BEST references, (Colored). 4710 Calumet Ave. Kenwood 10507. R. Gunter. 37T17-1te TWO HIGH SCHOOL BOYS WANT TO now lawns during their spare time. Winn. 2822. 37T17-1tp SIT. WTD. -- STEADY WORK BY THE day, house and lawn. Tel. Weber Wil. 1170. 3TLT40-2tp SIT. WTD. -- EXPERIENCED WHITE man, garden and housework. Wil. 3233. 3TLT40-1tp 38 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE FOR RENT -- PLEASANT ROOM, north exposure; gentleman preferred. 836 Oak St. Tel, Winn. 1559. 41TN17-1te WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN17-tfc TWO PRIVATE ROOMS WITH BATH for light housekeeping. 544 Sterling Rd., Kenilworth. Phone Kenil. 3241. 41TN17-1te SINGLE ROOM. CALL EVENINGS OR Sunday at 928 Elm St. Winn. 1240. 41T17-1te ROOM SUITABLE FOR 2 OR WORK- ing couple. 549 Provident, Winn. 689. 41T17-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM, GENTLEMEN preferred. Winn. 2306. 552 Birch St. 41TN17-1te ROOMS WITH BREAKFAST, MEN only. Near Indian Hill Club. Winn. 465. 41LTN40-1tc TWO ROOMS SUITABLE FOR 2 OR 3. Running water. Reasonable. Winn. 1920. 41LTN40-1tc FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT FOR 2. Phone Winn, 2231. 41T17-1tc 1te 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN40-tfc FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42LTN40-tfc MODERN 5 ROOM APARTMENT AT 907 Linden Ave., Winnetka. Call Win- netka 2688. 42L.TN40-1tc FLAT FOR RENT WITH GARAGE. Willow Rd. near Happ Rd. Winn. 2871. 42TN17-1tc FOR RENT -- MODERN 4 ROOM apartment with garage; hot water heat. Phone Glencoe 341-W, 42T17-1tc 44 FOR RENT--HOUSES GLENCOE. 7 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE. Oil burner. Instantaneous hot water. Lot 100x210. Garage. Beau. shrubbery and trees. S. W. cor. Park and Green- wood. 1 or 2 year lease. Poss. at once. Glencoe 561. 44TN17-1tc FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, SLEEP- ing and living porches. Centrally lo- cated in Glencoe. $110. Phone Glen- coe 629 or Harrison 0282. 44LTN40-tfc FOR RENT -- BEAUTIFUL 5 ROOM modern Colonial house. Best trans- portation. Two years lease. 1433 For- est Ave. Wil. 864-M. 44L.TN40-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES BOY'S 12 YEARS AND OVER FOR evening paper routes in Hubbard Woods. Apply 3:30 sharp at rear of Dini Sweet Shop. 33T17-1te SMITH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY--EV- anston. Couples, chauffeurs, maids, dayworkers. Phone Univ. 6464. 38LTN37-4tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED COTTAGE, rooms. 338 Lincoln Ave. Glencoe. 501 9 per month. Apply 341 Lincoln 45LTN40-1tc on

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