A rE ET ET TT TE HTT TTT TTT TTT 18 WINNETKA TALK August 20, 1927 "NO TOLL" Telephone Service? HIS great convenience enables you to fill your needs by phoning di- rect to the store without paying any toll charge. Just Call-- WINNETKA 2900 OPERA "LOUISE" NEXT SURPRISE AT RAVINIA Mandel Brothers Madame Yvonne Gall to Have ree eCHICAGO ----= Are you taking advantage of our Title Role; Edward Johnson to Be Cast as Julian Another of those pleasant surprises for which Ravinia is justly famous is in store, and patrons of this unusual operatic institution will be enabled during the coming week to hear Char- pentier's famous French opera, "Louise," with Madame Yvonne Gall in the title role. This work, which has never been heard at Ravinia, was not among the season's scheduled offer- ings, but Louise Eckstein has included it with the idea of giving the opera lovers of this community the oppor- tunity of hearing a work which is new to the Ravinia repertoire, and at the same time presenting Madame Gall in another of her best known roles. "Louise" is to be given on Mon- day night, August 22, as an extra operatic performance in place of the orchestra concert, which, during the oreater part of the season, is the Mon- day night attraction. FOR HERSELE-- Smart dresses are smart for a reason. Back of every beautiful gown are certain laws of color and de- sign. A Because they want to know what will look well on them, increasing numbers of women are enter- ing our classes in Dress Design and Crafts. For smartness is essential to every woman _ today. And the feminine heart loves beauty even moré than smartness. Here at the Academy we teach every gl The EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CARL SCHEFFLER, Director Carlson Building, 636 Church St., Evanston Fall Term Sept. 6 he EE TT HTT --BY HERSELF student how to put both beauty and smartness 'nto her 'apparel. How is it done? First the figure is sketched, then he» garment, according to established principles. Next the student learns to cut a pattern to fit her own figure. Finally she works with the actual dress materials. She has learned to make a dress--true. But more than this she has learned color, harmony. And vhather she makes her own gowns or buys them <he'll be better dressed ever after. This opera ranks high among the ultra-modern works of the French school and has been defined by Gus- tave Charpentier as a musical ro- mance. Its story concerns life among the Parisian working classes of the present day and Louise fits well into the trend of the times as a young woman who seeks self-expression and her own life away from the restric- tions of the parental home. It is dra- matic throughout" and the title role will give Madame Gall the opportun- ity of displaying to the fullest extent that splendid versatility which she has demonstrated during 'her Ravinia ap- pearances. Edward Johnson will be cast as Julian, the lover, a part which is replete in romance, and which will give this tenor -opportunity for much beautiful singing, as well as convinc- ing acting. This will be Mr. Johnson's first appearance in this role, and he has perfected himself in it on short notice. Leon Rothier will be heard as the Father, one of the great char- acter parts of modern opera, while Julia Claussen will be the Mother. Others in the cast are Margery Max- well, Gladys Swarthout, Philine Falco, Jose Mojica and Louis D'Angelo. Miss Ruth Page will head the ballet. Louis Hasselmans will conduct. Present "Manon" Thursday Another high spot of the coming week at Ravinia is the season's first presentation of Massenet's scintillat- ing opera "Manon" on Thursday night, August 25. This, it will be remem- bered, is the French version of the celebrated Manon story which Mas- senet has treated in his most brilliant style. Madame Gall will have the title role, which will provide her with a part entirely different from anything else she has done at Ravinia, and which will display her voice in its more lyric aspects. This part also offers unlimited scope for acting, as the many-sided character of Manon lends itself admirably to varied inter- pretation. Mario Chamlee will appear opposite Madame Gall as the young Chevalier des Greiux, a part in which he is already well- known to Ravinia patrons, and which he sings magnifi- cently. Leon Rothier will be the elder Des Grieux, while the cast will like- wise include Desire Defrere as Les- caut, Louis D'Angelo, Margery Max- well, Gladys Swarthout, Philine Falco, Jose Mojica, George Cehanosky and Paolo Ananian. Louis Hasselmans will conduct. "La Vida Breve," that colorful and dramatic Spanish opera in which Lu- crezia Bori appears in one of her most convincing roles, is to be given on Wednesday night, Aucust 24. This tense story of life in old Spain is a favorite with all Ravinia patrons, and its principal role is so perfectly fitted to the genius of Madame Bori that in it she has set a new record for herself at Ravinia. Jose Moijica will be cast as the faithless lover, in which part both his singing and acting are espe- cially notable, and Ina Bourskava will have the character part of the Grand- mother. Others in the cast are T.ouis D'Angelo, Desire Defrere, Philine Falco. Giordano Paltrinieri and Paolo Ananian. The ballet numbers in this opera are especially interesting, and are presented bv Ruth Pace, Jorg Fasting and the Ravinia Opera Ballet. Louis Hasselmans will conduct. The opera will be preceded by a forty min- ute program of Spanish music by the Chicaco Symphonv orchestra under the direction of Eric Del.amarter. After Italian Program Afternoons of national music have been deservedlv popular at Ravinia this season, and the third of the series is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, August 21, when a program of Italian music will be given in honor of the L\