Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 20 Aug 1927, p. 40

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ET August 20, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES 53 FOR SALE--VACANT 7 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS -A . -- ~~ Exclusive N. East Glencoe NEW GEORGIAN COLONIAL BRICK Veneer on large lot. 4 bedrms. and slpg. pch. with tiled bath off master rm. and marbelized bath off hall; liv. rm., din- ing rm. and hall antiqued neutral parch- ment; sun rm. and brkfst. rm. antiqued greenish tint; Frigidaire, elec. fans, ser- vice stairs, h. w. heat, 2 car gar., land- scaped. All's here that scientific con- struction knows. $35,000. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St Ph. Winn. 2032 Winnetka 52LTN4%-1tc Glencoe MODERN 7 RM. BRICK ; 4 NICE BED- rms. ; vapor heat; recently decorated; 2 car garage; beautifully landscaped Jot; 50x240. Near school and transp. Bargain at $20,000. Bills Realty, Inc. 1603 Sheridan Road Wilmette 3740, Del Lago District Between Wilmette and Kenilworth, 52LTN47-1te Priced for Immediate Sale NORTH OF INDIAN HILL CLUB, close transportation and schools; on beautiful lot 110x127 with forest and fruit trees; remodeled white Colonial frame in excellent condition; 7 large rooms; oil heat; sealed 2 car garage; 2 screened porches. Immediate pos- session. Attractive terms. Inspection by appointment. Phone Winn. 1008. 52L.TN47-1tc FOR SALE -- VERY COMFORTABLE 6 room home ; 3 good bedrooms ; oil heat; 100 ft. lot. Will be sold at sacrifice. Owner out-of-town and does not want to leave vacant. This property must be seen to appreciate the value. It is near school and the lake. East of railroad. Terms can be arranged. Come to 416 S. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park for information, or phone Highland Park 447. 52LTN47-1te WINNETKA room stucco; 5 cheery bedrooms; 2 baths; sun porch; hot water heat; beautifully landscaped lot; 2 car gar- age. Price reduced to $26,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Phone Winn. 1800 51 TN47-1te 2 Blocks to School 440 MONROE ST. NEAR VERNON Ave.; big lot; good garage; 10 min. walk from sta.; 6 rms., $13,500; reas. terms. Glencoe 152 or Central 4383. H. W. Butler, 77 W. Washington. 52TN24-1tp FOR SALE -- GLENCOE, ATTRAC- tive 5 room bungalow, large porch; oak trim; 62 ft. lot. $11,000. §1,500 cash. Balance like rent. FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 1300 52LTN47-1tc FOR SALE--ARTISTIC COLONIAL, 6 rooms; house and garage. Lot 50x141, Beautifully landscaped. Cash $3,000. Balance $100 per month, including in- terest. IL. V. Wilson 909 Ridge Rd. Wilmette 4113. 52TN24-1tp $28,500 Substantial 7 room brick residence, modern in every detail, on beautifully landscaped lot, Hubbard Woods; near transportation. Address "Winnetka Talk" B-405. 52T23-2te FOR SALE -- MY LOVELY 6 ROOM home, beautifully decorated. House too large for widow's present needs. At- tractively priced for immediate sale. 1406 Washington Ave. or Phone Wil. 3281. 52LT47-1tc 8 ROOM HOUSE, 2 BATHS. STUCCO and shingle Spanish-English type. Hot water heat. Fine trees and shrubbery. Close to station, school, and business. Phone Winn. 1200. 52LTN47-1tp FOR SALE -- 8 ROOM FRAME, 4 BED- rooms, hot water heat. Bargain for cash. Open for inspection Saturday - and Sunday P. M. 1719 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. Phone 2399, 52LTN47-Lfc LAKE FOREST VACANT Golf Ciubd, adjoining Onwentsia 200x235. This piece of vacant has an abundance of beautiful large trees and is located in a very exclusive section on private road, having as neighbors, owners of nine and ten acre estates. There is a very fine clay tennis court so situated on the property that it will not interfere with the location of your , home. This is one of the season's best buys at $85 per foot. CROSBY & MCKENDRY 556 Center St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 2032 53TN24-1te 50-FOOT LOT, 3 BLOCKS TO INDIAN Hill Station. Priced at $4,500 for a quick sale. Telephone Winnetka 2198. 53T24-1tc FOR SALE -- NORTH SHORE LOT, near lake, ready to. build. Original subdivision price. Terms to responsible party. Call Winn. 2235. 53LTN47-tfc ---------------- S---- 56 REAL ESTATE Dudley Bradstreet REAL ESTATE BROKER WINNETKA AND NORTH SHORE properties. 772 Walden Rd. Phone Winnetka 875. 56T24-tfc ie - 57 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WOMAN AND 7 YR. OLD CHILD wish large furnished room and bath. Meals if possible from Sept. 10th. Either Winn. or Hubbard Woods loca. Mrs. Frank Payne, Tel. Barrington 125-M-2. 57T24-1tp 58 WANTED TO RENT--APTS. WTP. TO RENT -- 4: ROOM APART- ment or small house. Address Win- netka Talk B-381. 58T24-tfn 61 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES 4 OR 7 ROOM FURN. OR UNFURN. house from Sept. - 15. Small family. Reasonable rent. © Prefer . bard Woods school. Winn. 89. E <B61TN24-1te WTD. TO RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE, must have 3 bedrooms. of Sep- tember. Call Wil. 3497. 61LT47-1tc 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. FORD sedan, Dort sedan, Hupmobile touring, Studebaker big 6 sedan. Hanson Mo- tor Co., 555 Chestnut. 68T24-1tc 70 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES MAPLE TEASTER BED OVER 100 yrs. old. Cherry highboy, curly maple dining and bedside tables. Colored goblets in sets, also other sets of old glass and lustre. Sheraton mirror. Old pine furniture, fire screens, arm chairs, odd pieces of very choice fur- niture. Currier and Ives, sporting, fashion, flower and other prints and etchings. Wal, mah. cherry and maple chests. Club foot Penna. Dutch tavern table. 808 WASHINGTON ST. EVANSTON 1 Block South of Main St. T0LTN47-1te 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS FEAUTIFUL, ARTISTIC, AND IN- dividual 8-piece dining suite, 2-piece hand-carved living room suite, 3-piece bedroom set. Maple and marble coffee table. Grandfather's clock. Rugs. Im- ported marble pieces. Very unusual lamps. Odd tables and chairs. Remark- able bargains. 5817 Kenmore, Edge- water 3782. T1ILTN47-1tp HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS ; MAHOG- any davenport, dresser, chairs, floor lamp, and small round table; oak fur- niture; library tables, refrigerator, rugs, office furniture. Going cheap. 347 Forest 'Ave. Tel. Winn. 114. TILTN47-1tp MOVING TODAY. REASONABLE FOR prompt disposal. Dining table, lamps, and shades. Book shelves. Extension cot. Kitchen table. Chairs. Dresser. Pictures. Porch rug, etc. 419 Sheri- dan rd., Winn. 1000. 71T24-1te INTERIOR DECORATOR DISPOSING of samples of bedroom, dining room and living room furniture. Call Saturday or Sunday, Winn. 2091. TILTN47-1te FOR SALE--PULLMAN DAVENPORT bed, upholstered in tapestry. 134 Woodland Ave. Winn. 1812. a T1T24-1te near Hub- FOR SALE--FRUIT JARS, JELLY glasses, kitchen ware furniture. Call Winn. 1236. T1TN24-1te KITCHEN CABINET AND MAHOG- any chiffonier-desk, an antique. Glen- coe 467. T1TN24-1tc FOR SALE--BOHN SYPHON REFRIG- erator. Capacity 100 lbs. Price $15.00 Winn. 1704. 71T24-1tc FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY DRESSER, Colonial period. $25.00. Tel. Wil. 2833. T1LT47-1tc DINING TABLE, BUFFET, 'CHAIRS, $15.00. Gas stove, $10.00. Winn. 1613, TILTN47-1te DETROIT-JEWEL GAS STOVE. GOOD condition. Winn. 1072. TILTN47-1tc 2 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD, GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest. prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, 111. Phone Univ. 189. T2LTN47-tfe EE ------------------------------------------------ 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- GOLDEN BANTAM sweet corn. Not cheap, but very good. Dundee and Kotz Rd., Glencoe. T3LTNA47-1tc BUICK '27 OR '28 BROUGHAM OR Phaeton. Trunk with 2 suitcases and cover, less than half price. - Phone Winn, 114. T3LT47-1tp FOR SALE--RACCOON COAT, TOM- boy. style. Sell for $150. Call Glen- coe 972, 7 73T24-1tc MOTOR-SCOOTER FOR SALE. IN perfect running condition. Price, $25. Tel. Winn. 783. T73TN24-1tp FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE, EX- cellent condition. Glencoe 751. T3TN24-1tc HOLLAND FURNACE, ALMOST NEW. Suitable for 6 room house. Winn. 1200. Fo 73LTN47-1tp Mrs. Isa MacIntyre and family wish to .express thanks to the many friends and neighbors of the late D. C. MacIntyre for their expressions of sympathy and floral offerings, and particularly to Winnetka Masonic Lodge No. 1078 A. F. and A. M. and also to Rey. Thomas Goodwin. ' BIDS Sealed bids will be received by H. H. Sherer, New Trier Township Highway Commissioner, at 4:00 P. M., Chicago Daylight Saving Time, on Friday, August 26th, at the office of the Town Clerk at the Village Hall, Winnetka, for the grad- ing, paving, and otherwise improving Happ Road, in New Trier Township. Detailed information of the work to be done may be had by an examination of jf the plans and spceifications on file in the office of Windes & Marsh, Engineers, Winnetka, Ill, and also in the office of the Highway Commissioner, 789 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, Illinois. The Township Commissioner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and to waive technicalities. L46-2tc Railroad Plans Special Service to Tunney Camp Cedar Crest Farms, selected as Gene Tunney's training camp, are located between Fox Lake and Lake Villa. The camp is directly on one of the regular motor coach routes of the Chicago North Shore & Milwau- kee railroad. Preparations are being made by the North Shore line to operate special motor coaches directly to the camp while Tunney is in training. The motor coaches will make connections at Edison Court station, Waukegan, IIL, with North Shore Line limited trains operating north from the Chi- cago Loop and south from downtown Milwaukee at frequent intervals. Ask Your Dealer for Eleanor Bird Seed A Song In Every Seed. It's better than what you think is best. Be at Synthetic Hippo Finds Place in Chicago Museum A hippopotamus is one animal which, once dead, cannot be made to appear very lifelike, according to' zoologists and taxidermists of Field Museum of Natural History. This is because of peculiarities of its skin. This week however, a hippopotamus which looks as lifelike as if it had just come out of a stream in Africa to sun itself was placed on exhibition in Stanley Field Hall of the museum. This is one case where synthetic goods are far superior to genuine, it was explained by Dr. W. H. Osgood, curator of zoology at the museum. However, a real hippo, to begin with, goes into the making of a synthetic one, Dr. Osgood added. Thus the reproduction. of a hippo- potamus now occupying a position of state in the museum immortalizes Thomas G. Hippo, late resident of the zoo of the Cincinnati Zoological Park association, who, through an accident in his home there, came to an un- timely end at the age of 21. After a seemly period of mourning, the Cin- cinnati association presented the re- mains of the unfortunate Thomas to the museum, that his spirit might carry on his life work of acquainting the public with facts concerning his illustrious family. Thus came to Thomas the distinc- tion of being the first hippopotamus, and for that matter the first large ani- mal of any kind, to be reproduced in "celluloid." What is more, his 're- production, according to Dr. Osgood, is the first lifelike preparation of a hippopotamus ever shown in any mu- seum. The reproduction of the hippo was made by Leon IL. Walters, taxiderm- ist of Field Museum, inventor of a special process of employing cellu- lose-acetate in taxidermy, hitherto used by him only in the reproduction of reptiles, the wholly naked parts of the faces of certain monkeys, and the nosepads, lips and similar hairless areas of certain other animals. The largest previous use of the method was in Mr. Walters' reproduction of a group of crocodiles on exhibition at the museum. Christian Science Church "Soul" was the subject of the Lesson Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, August 14. The Golden Text was from Psalms 116:7, "Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bounti- fully with thee." Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "O God, thou art my God; early will IT seek thee: my thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. Because thy loving kind- ness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful "lips (Psalms 63:1-3, 5). The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Soul has infinite re- sources with which to bless mankind, and happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping, if sought in Soul. Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the crav- ings of immortal man" (p. 60). al

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