Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 27 Aug 1927, p. 43

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WINNETKA TALK August 27, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -- Glencoe inclusive whose names appear Classified advertisements will to residents of be charged only the district from Evanston to | in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates- 5 oo CHARGE 50 cents. used. 30 cents a line 156 cents a line in one paper. Average of flve words to the line. 109 discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to 26 cents a line in any two in all three papers. MINIMUM No black face type our office at 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions-- the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 Classified advertisements cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for will be ac- papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 10 DRESSMAKING 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE DRESSMAKING, COATS AND DRESS- es. J. . Andersen, 434 Provident Ave, tel. Winn. 757. 10T25-1te LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone 'Winnetka 2022. 10T25-tfe 21 PAINTING & DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Winnetka 185. 21TN25-tfe 22 PETS FOR SALE -- AIREDALE, 5 YEARS old, good watch dog, suitable for out- doors or farm. Phone Glencoe 1018. 22LTN48-1tc FOR SALE -- PEDIGREED COCKER puppies. 892 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, Ill. 22L TN 48-tfc FOR SALE--3 MONTHS OLD POLICE pup. Female. $15. Wil. 2172. 22T25-1te 25 SERVICE BUREAU FOR RENT -- GOLD CHAIRS, $3.75 dozen. Call Kenil. 44. 25L.T48-tfc 28 WINDOW SHADES SHADES CLEANED. NEW SHADES made. to order. Skokie Shade and Awn- ing shop. Winn. 1994. 14 Prouty Ct. 28LTN48-tfc 30 PERSONAL GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY, ALL hand work. Call for and deliver. Phone Glencoe 106. 30TN25-2tc SEVERAL GIRLS FOR STEAM TABLE and floor work. At once. Good pay and pleasant working conditions. Ap- ply Central Cafeteria, 1131 Central St. Wil 32LTN48-2te COMPET. WHITE MAID, GEN. HOUSE- work. Must be good cook. Good wages. Own room and bath. Refs. req. Winn. 2084. 32LTN48-1te COMPETENT WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. 2 small children. 655 Garland Ave. Winn. 2648. 32LTN48-1tc SECOND MAID. WHITE, REFER- ences required. Call 708 Prospect Ave.. Winnetka, phone Winn. 68. J2LTN48-1tc WANTED -- WHITE MAID GENERAL housework from Sept. 13th to Oct. 10th, or woman by day. Phone Winn. 2914. Near Indian Hill Station. 321.T48-1w 34 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE WANTED--EXPERIENCED COUPLE; wife must be good cook, man experi- enced butler, houseman and some chauffeuring. Must have city refer- ences. Phone Winn. 473. 34T25-1te 35 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT--A CONTRACTOR OR PARTY who would be willing to join on equal basis to develop property in Highland Park, close to trans- portation. Also, investor to form syndicate to develop small homes on north shore. If interested, address 35TN25-1tc Winnetka Talk B-424. 36 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED REFINED single, capable woman will accept po- gition in first class home as compan- ion or charge of house or children in your absence. References exchanged. Phone Wil. 3391. 36TN25-1tc SIT. WTD.--A-1 RELIABLE COLORED woman wishes laundry or cleaning work for Thursday and i'riday. North Shore references. Call Greenleaf 4470 after 6:00 p. m. 36L/TN48-1tp COLORED GIRL. HOUSEWORK. NO laundry. Fond of children. Perman- ent position. Good reference. $18-$20 per week. Phone Winn. 2042. 36TN25-1tp IST CLASS LAUNDRESS WOULD like family washings tc take home. $£.90 doz. Will call and deliver. High- land Park 1972. 36LTN48-1tp WANTED CLEANING BY THE day. by experienced woman. Phone Univ. 6471. 36LL.TN48-1tp SIRL COLORED FOR HOUSEWORK, steady reliable, three years last place. Greenleaf 4554. 36LTN4S-1tp EXPERIENCED WOMAN FOR DAY work. Kenwood 3483. 36TN25-1tp MAID, WHITE, GENERAL WORK. About Sept. 15. Family 3 adults. Exper. Call Winn. 1330. 32LTN48-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 4 in family. Refers. Call Glen- coe 961. 32LTN48-1tc NURSEMAID, WHITE, EXPERIENCED. Ref. required. 2 children. Winn. 1985. 32LTN48-1tp MAID, GENERAL HOUSEWORK, IN Rogers Park, _Chgo. 2 children. Refer- Call 377. 32LIN48-1tc EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL, GEN- eral housework. No laundry. Winn. 852. 22LTN48-1tc 31 LOST AND FOUND : LOST--FRI., AUG. 19TH, GERMAN PO- lice Dog, brown and black; 1 year old. Answers to name of "Larry." Vaccin- ation tag from Village of Winnetka, stamped 449. Liberal reward offered. R. P. Weingarten, 860 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 2003. 31LTN48-1tc YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. No eXperience necessary. Winn. 1253. 32T25-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Good cook. Wil. 3391. LOST -- SUNDAY AT THE NORTH Shore Garden Club exhibits, small silver mesh purse, liberal reward for return of it. Catherine Macpherson, Univer- sity 95 31LTN48-1te $5 REWARD FOR RETURN OR IN- formation resulting in recovery of po- lice dog pup, 9 weeks old. Brown with black marks in tail. Glencoe 778. 31TN25-1tp LOST SINCE THURSDAY, AUG. 18. male Irish setter, Tel. Chester H. Wal- cott, Winn. 680. Reward. 31LTN48-1tc FOUND -- SKOKIE GRADUATE PIN, initials C. B. Call Winn. 2082. 31T25-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR COOK, serving and first floor. Private room and bath on second floor. All laundry sent out and cleaning man kept. Ref- erences. $20.00. 725 Greenleaf Ave. Glencoe 1051. 32LTN48-1tp SALESWOMEN REAL ESTATE SALESLADIES CAN make big money selling on our no- down-payment plan, on subdivision ad- joining Lake Forest. For particulars see Mrs. Fankboner, Rm 502, 124 N. La Salle St. 32LTN#8-1tp WANTED -- MIDDLE AGED WHITE woman for general housework. Wil. 1732. 32LTN48-1tp | COMPETENT WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. References required. Winn. 1879. 32TN25-1te 32TN25-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL, MOTHER'S D Winn. 1970. 32TN25-1te 3 HELP WANTED--MALE Wanted--Real Estate Salesman Zvery co-operation supplied. Live wire with car can make real money. Crosby & McKendry 366 Center St. Phone Winn. 2032 Winnetka 33LTN48-1tc SALESMEN WANTED! WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR SEVERAL experienced Real Estate sal 27 Private Chauffeur (Couple) SITUATION WANTED--MALE INTELLIGENT, WHITE WITH 2% year old girl. (German). Good Mech. A-1 references. Careful driver, 23 years experience. Understands house and garden work. E. Lettman, 6522 S Paulina St. Tel. Hemlock 3435. 3TLTN48-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FIRST CLASS housecleaning, trimming of trees and taking down trees and cutting up by machine, housepainting. Hans Jorgen- sen, 506 Oakdale Ave. Glencoe 1186. 37TTN25-1tc SARDENER, CHAUFFEUR, HOUSE- man. Married. Exper. in greenhouse, landscaping, driving, and housework. Good refers. Address Talk B-415. 3TLTN48-1tp YOUNG WHITE MAN WANTS POSI- tion as chauffeur. Willing to do other work, and take care of furnace. Box 204, Kenilworth, IIL 3TLTN48-1tp 1ST CL. COL. CHAUFFEUR, EXP. neat, and reliable. Quarters des., wife 2nd maid if des. Phone Kenwood 9189. M. J. Johnson. 3TLTN48-1tp SIT. WTD. -- BY DAY OR HOUR, window and house cleaning. Tel. Weber. Wil. 1170. 3TLT48-1tc EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAN WANTS one day a week permanent. First class references. Wil. 3428. 37TLT48-1tc 11 FOR RENT-- ROOMS TO TEACHERS FURNISHED ROOMS --Available September 1st; comfort- able rooms with breakfast. Central location, one block to lake and beach; three blocks to trains. Call Glencoe 1160. 41TN25-2tc FOR RENT LARGE FURNISHED room with large closet and private bath, third floor in private home. Space for car. Suitable for couple or ladies. Wil. 1253. 41LTN48-1te FOR RENT -- FRONT ROOM FURN- ished for light housekeeping. Hot and cold running water in room, gas, light and heat. Half block from depot. 1230 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. 41LT48-1tp 2 LARGE BEDROOMS. 1 WITH SLEEP- ing porch and 2 closets. Other, extra large closet. Near transpor. and schools. 910 Elm St. Winn. 2336. 41LT48-1tc -- FURNISHED ROOM in exchange for light serv- ices for woman. Man can work else- where. Winn. 2231. 41LTN48-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT48-tfc FOR RENT--3 FURNISHED ROOMS, pivate bath; nicely located home; 2 people. Tel. Winn. 729. Also, garage. 41T25-1te FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM AND adjacent bath. Three blocks from transportation. Business person pre- ferred. Glencoe 1224. 41TN25-1tc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, % block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN25-tfc FOR RENT -- 2 FINE FRONT ROOMS, east side, near all transportation. Call Wil. 1940. 41LT48-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, close to transportation. Tel. Winn. 1921. 41T25-1te ATTRACTIVE, LIGHT, SINGLE ROOM, near transpor. Reasonable. Winn. 3051. 41TN25-1tc NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, GARAGE space if desired. Phone Glencoe 1186, 41TN25-1te NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 people, garage space if desired. Phone FOR RENT for couple, Wil. 776-M. 41LTN48-tfp ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. 858 ELM st. Winn. 2864. 41T25-1te ROOM TO RENT--GENTLEMAN PRE- ferred. 893 Cherry St. 41T25-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE ROOM, TWIN beds. Winn. 1920. 41LTN48-1te FOR RENT -- PLEASANT FRONT room. Wil. 3206. 41LT48-1tc ROOM FOR RENT, 882 PINE ST. TEL. Winn. 1549. 41T25-tfe ROOM FOR RENT. GENTLEMAN preferred. Winn. 2475. 41T25-1te FOR RENT--SINGLE ROOM. FIRST class. Phone Winn. 2022. 41T25-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, 928 Elm St. Winn, 1754. 41T25-1te FURNISHED ROOM, WITH GARAGE. $6 a week. Winn. 509-M. 41T25-1tc CHAUFFEUR WANT'S POSITION. Good references. Address Life B-413. ¥ 3TLTN48-1tp MAN WANTS HOUSEWORK FOR 3 days a week: take care of furnaces, Tel. Winn. 1813. 37T25-1te hey must have their own car and be familiar with the North Shore. BILLS REALTY, Inc. 1603 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 3740 Del Lago District, Between Wilmette and Kenilworth. 33LTN45-4tc BOYS WANTED FOR MORNING AND evening routes in Hubbard Woods. Apply 547 Chestnut St. Phone Winn. 765. 33T24-2tc -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 HELP WTD. MALE & FEMALE WANTED -- WHITE COUPLE FOR cooking, general housework and lawns. Must like children. Willing and com- petent. References required. Call Winn 2991. 34LTN48-1tc¢ GARDENING, LAWN AND OTHER work. Tel. Kenil. 3272. 37LTN48-2tn SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE TXPER. COUPLE, COL. DESIRES vos. in private service. Winn. refs. Call Oakland 1348 or write A. G. Scott, 467 E. 40th St.,, Chicago, 2nd flat. 38LTN48-1tp YOUNG GERMAN COUPLE AS COOK- housemaid and houseman-butler. Win- netka references. Talk B-410. 38L.TN47-2tp IT. WTD. -- EXPERIENCED COI.- ored couple; no laundry. Glen. 329-W. 38L.T48-1tc 0 WANTED--BOARD AND ROOM i] 12 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM apartments in the new Linden Court pa Hubbard Woods. $60.00, $75.00 n FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 1300 42LTN48-1tc WILMETTE -- 3 LARGE COMFORT- able rooms, complete with Kitchen and bath adj., furn. or unfurn.; garage; very conv. east loc. Private. Reason- able. Wil. 460. 42LLTN48-1tc TO RENT--SMALL APARTMENT. ALL conveniences. Will exchange for part time services of experienced green house man. Write giving references. Address Life B-412. 421. TN48-1tc FOR RENT -- OCT. 1, COMFORTABLE 6 room upstairs flat. Cooperative. $100. Near trans. and schools. 872 Pine St. Tel. Winn. 2741. 42LTN48-1tc WANTED_SEPTEMBER 15TH, WELL trained white or colored couple for Winnetka. Address Weekly Talk B- 422. 34T25-1te WANTED--PLACE FOR GIRL 15, GO- ing to Skokie School. Room and board. Phowe Deerfield 315. 40T25-1te FOR RENT -- 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN48-tfc bps del

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