Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 29 Oct 1927, p. 60

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di A EA ai ai ER a October 29, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 50 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS $60.00 WINNETKA HEIGHTS |e R SELLING our i Boous or FINE. t g ' gh-grade furniture and anfiques, con- 4 LARGE LIGHT ROOMS AN ® FoLL- $24,500 ese epossessed sisting of Oriental rugs, all ry So the Loop. 2 MODERN BRICK HOME JUST PUT ON a Be yt bedroom rs M. J. FAHERTY At "L" Terminal, Niles Center. Phone Niles Center 93. 42I/TNG-1tp FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN2-tfc FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 42LTN2-tfc 3 ROOM FLAT ; NEAR TRANS. ; STOVE heat. 1109 Gage St., Hubbard Wds. 42TN34-1tp 4 ROOM FLAT; 1ST FLOOR; HEATED. Tel. Winn. 650-M, after 1 p. m. 42T34-1te 13 FOR RENT--FURN., APTS, 2399. FOR RENT--FURN. 3 RM. APT. IN Hub. Wds. Dec.-May. Reas. Winn. 2389. 43TN34-1te 14 FOR RANT--HOUSES " - DEERFIELD OFFERED FOR RENT FOR FIRST TIME --T7 new modern bungalows; some have 7, others 6, and some 5 rooms. All have tile baths, hardwood floors and finish. 4 have fireplace and reception hall. Hot water and hot air heat. Large basements, nice lawns. Or will sell small payment down. Balance monthly. Seller will take your present lease, if favorable, off your hands. Call or see John A. Hoffman, Deerfield. Phone Deerfield 245-W. Real Estate Broker. 441 TN5-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED OR UN- furnished, six mo., one year or year and one-half. 6 bdrms.; 2 baths.; hot water heat; garage. Near transporta- tion and schools. $100.00 a month. McGuire & Orr 541 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 672 441. T5-1tc FALOW WITH FOR RENT--4 RM. BUN bath and h. w. heat; 1 blk. north of Winnetka Ave. on Happ & Harding Rds. 10 minutes walk to Northfield sta. on Skokie Valley route. Poss. Nov. 15th, Phone Wil. 893-Y-2. 44L/TN5-1tc FOR RENT -- 6 RM. HOUSE; FURN- ace heat; conv. loea.; immed. occu- pancy. Only $50.00 per mo. Inquire at Dini Bros. Sweet Shop, Hubbard Woods, 441, TN5-1tc BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS. tion. Easy to heat. Reasonable. Phone Winnetka 1127. : 44T34-1tc 45 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT -- SMALL MODERN FURN, bungalow for the winter: heated gar- age. Tel. Winn, 1221, 45LTNb-1te FOR RENT -- 8 RM. FURN. HOUSE; 4 bdrms.; 3 baths; 2-car garage. Ph. Kenil. 622. 45L TN5-1tc tec ---- 18 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent ground floor location at 736 Elm St GOOD LOCA- the market. There are 6 dandy rooms, besides 2 enclosed porches, 2 baths (private bath adj. large owner's bed- room) ; side entrance with center hall; living room on front; hot water heat; deep wooded lot with l-car brick gar- age. Possession can be given at once and a moderate cash payment can be arranged, to follow with monthly pay- ments like rent. We believe it can be bought right. Hill & Stone 543 Lincoln Winnetka Winn. 1544 52TN34-1tc 6 RM. HOUSE AND LOTS, CHURCH St. and Chappel Ct.,, Northbrook; also one acre, Waukegan Rd., Glenview. A E. Wolff, 1937 Wilmette Ave., Wil: mette, 52TN-1te pi a p-- 58 FOR SALE--VACANT WE OFFER IN HIGHLAND PARK within 2 blocks of the Ravinia Station a 40 ft. lot at $1100.00 and two 40 ft. lots side by side at $1800.00 each; with sewer, water, concrete walks and pave- ment, subject to unpaid installments of special assessments. We believe these are the cheapest lots to be had along the entire North Shore; being only $28.00 and $45.00 a foot re- spectively. McGUIRE & ORR 391 Central Ave. Highland Park 146 53LTNbG-1te FOR SALE -- WINNETKA CHOICE 50 FT. LOT NEAR SCHOOL. Willing to sacrafice for cash. Hill & Stone Winnetka 1544 53TN34-1te ONE-ACRE ESTATES IN BEAUTIFUL Indian Hill section. Priced much lower than surrounding property. Call Wil- mette 1340. 53LTN5-2tc ENGINE ih 56 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. WW. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate - Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 162 56T34-1te Smart & Golee 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE, EVANSTON are increasing their sales territory to include North Shore properties. We will welcome your listing with us real estate that you may have for sale or for rent. Tellephone University 285 Direct Chicago wire--Rogers Park 0272 56LTNG-tfe CALIFORNIA by IF YOU WANT AN HONEST OPINION of values and future possibilities in Southern California by one whose real- estate reputation has been established for years on the North Shore, write Arthur E. Hill, 511 Rodeo Drive, Bev- erly Hills, California. (Formerly with Cars Offer You the Greatest Used Car Values SOME ARE PRACTICALLY NEW -- others have been reconditioned and are as good as new. Come out and select the one you want and let us demon- strate it. If unable to come to our garage call Mr. Perbohner, Pensacola 5714 and he will arrange for a demonstration. We have only listed a few. An inspec- tion of these--and our complete stock will insure you the greatest value-- dollar for dollar--on your purchase. Marmon '26. The Big Marmon, in finest condition ; upholstery, tires and motor will bear closest inspection; many ac- cessories ; a wonderful value at..$2,400 Marmon '27. We have 2 of these "Little Marmons," just broken in; the smooth, silent motors bear evidence of the ex- ceptional care the former owners have given these cars; both have numerous extras; upholstery is perfect and tires 85% new; 2 real sacrifices; each ORE: «oie cvies AL ag $1,400 Nash '27 Sedan. 4 door. Perfect as to fin- ish, motor, tires and upholstery ; an ex- ceptional buy for only .......... $1,300 Willys-Knight '27 Sedan. Exactly like brand new; just broken in. Here is a chance to save the price of new car depreciation .....ovi.ovnvgn ison enn £1,200 Willys-Knight '26 Roadster. Sportiest job in Chicago; a really speedy sport car in the pink of condition; only....3985 Hudson "27 Brougham. One of the late "Super Hudsons." Cannot be distin- guished from brand new ..........3$300 Chrysler 26-60 Roadster. One of the best cars Chrysler ever made ; tires and fin- ish are excellent; motor is perfect $700 Nash '26 Coach Special 6, 2 door. A per- fect car at a price far below usual; ex- ceptionally good shape ............ 3700 Hudson "26 Brougham. Original finish has not a scratch on it. Tires are like new. Motor will bear closest inspection ar DER TR 750 Willys-Knight Coupe Sedan. 3 door. In perfect condition throughout ; will stand inspection. See this at 55! Whippet '27 Sedan. The latest model little Whippet ; cannot be told from brand new; priced JOW .........snsrsrrsn $200 Ford Coupe '27. An ideal car for a sales- man ; mechanically perfect; good tires and finish; a rare bargain ........ $325 Ford '27 Roadster. See this car; it has only been run a few thousand miles and the appearance and performance are as of a new car 27 Ford '26 Roadster. In excellent shape, good tires, many extras; will sell ack AU ivi snnetes IEEE EEE Cesarean n ALSO MANY OTHERS TERMS ARRANGED Monzich Alo Sales 4818 N, Crawford JUST NORTH OF LAWRENCE AVE. Pensacola 5714 Phone Winn. 142, 48LTN2-tfc| Hill and Wheeler). 56LTN5-tfc 6SLTN5-1tc OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT. 556 CEN-|68A FOR SALE--USED CARS = ter St. Winn. 1467. 481, T5-1te : 70 ANTIQUES NEW HUPP, 6 CYLINDER, 5 PASS. 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES sedan ; run only 300 miles, EL as Som IMPORTANT! onstrator. Regular price $1575; sell at| My unvsual clearance continues and I am NEW BRICK HOME IN NORTH $1325. sellir.g everything at cost. Many rare RIVER FOREST 45 MINUTES FROM LOOP Tiled roof; 2-car garage; immense liv- ing room with real stone fireplace; beautiful sun room; lovely dining rm. Pullman ceiling ; breakfast room ; tiled kitchen; inclosed back porch; extra tiled lavatory on 1st floor; 4 lovely bed- rooms; 2 tiled baths on 2d floor; cozy study ; maid's room and bath, 3rd floor; billiard room in basement; 5-ft. fron- tage ; canvased walls throughout; metal weatherstrips; hot water heat (gas); all floors oak; electric refrigeration; beautifully landscaped. On account of leaving town, I will sell at low cost of $46,000. Phone Forest 3064-J. 52L/TN5-2tp FOR SALE--8 ROOM FRAME, 4 BED- rooms, hot water heat. Bargain for cash. Open for inspection Saturday and Sunday p. m. 1719 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2399. 52LTN2-tfc Sacrificed at $17,500 ATRACTIVE 7-ROOM STUCCO HOME; 2 baths; attached garage; h. w. heat; 5 blocks north of Elm street station. A real bargain in Fast Winnetka. Phone Winn. 2189. 52T34-1tc i HANSON MOTOR CO. 557 Chestnut St. Winn.330 68ATN34-1tc mr 70 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES -- SALE PRICES REDUCED to a point where every piece is an at- tractive investment. Big variety in furniture, lamps, clocks, glass, candle- sticks, mirrors, prints, andirons, cover- lets, trays, hold-backs. Rosewood me- lodeon in playing condition. Other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Your chance. Call at once. Aurora Antique Shop, 490 New York street, Aurora, Ill. TOLTNG-1tp FOR SALE--EARLY AMERICAN FUR- niture in walnut, mahogany, rosewood, maple and pine; old glassware; print; hook rug and other objects of art which I want to dispose of at once. Glen Brook Acres, Pfingsten Rd. near Dundee, Northbrook, Ill. Tel. North- brook 161. T0TN34-1tp ANTIQUES FOR SALE--SOLID MA- hogany, hand carved dining rm. chairs; odd chairs, tables and settees from an old Cuban home. Univ. 9598. T1TN34-1tc bargains in Early American furniture --solid walnut chests as low as $5. Tables, $3 and up. Chairs, 50c and up. Odds and ends at any reasonable offer. MRS. MARY ANN DICKE 808 Washington St. 1 bl. So. Main St. near Sherman. Phone University 9890. TOLTN5-1tc EXHIBIT AND SALE OF ENGLISH antiques and American, including whaling ship models, pictures in wool, silhouettes, samplers, Staffordshire, Rockingham, pewter, lustre, unusual lighting fixtures and furniture. Many small objects of real interest, suitable for Christmas. The Little House of Interest, 312 South Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 732. TOLTN4-2tp 71 FOR SALE HSEHLD. GOODS FOR SALE -- CHERRY BUREAU; IN- direct lighting fixture; antique uphol- stered chair, perfect cond.; Ohio Vac cleaner; seal coat, 36 inches long, trimmed with squirrel, very cheap; boy's overcoat, 15 yrs.; an's over- coat, size 38; man's tux size 38. Winn. 1158. TILTNG5-1te couches ; fancy chairs; paintings; bric- a-brac; Chickering Grand Ampico Re- producing piano; 4% x 9 ft. B. B. ma- hogany billiard and pool table com- plete; table lamps; dishes; glassware ; Victrola; Radiola IV radio; Frigid- aire Ice machine; 6-hole gas range; power washer; mangle; garden tools; ete. Essley, 234 Warwick Rd., Kenil- worth. T1LTN5-1tp 6 PIECE PAINTED BEDROOM SET: 7 piece mahog. bedrm. set; 9x15 ros: taupe rug; drapes; 14% yds. stair carpet; lamps; wal. console table; pic- tures ; curtains; phone stand and stool; sewing cabinet; box springs, hair matt. ; single Simmons bed; portieres; daven- port; fireside chair; Hoover vacuum cleaner. 560 Greenwood Ave. Glencoe 284. ! T1LTN5-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF all kinds; oriental porch furn.; din- ing rm. and parlor suites; 3 bedrooms suites; 2 private office desks; elec. dishwasher ; etc. 822 Michigan Ave, Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 1313. TILTN5-1te FOR SALE -- TABLE SILVER, STERL- ing Gorham; table cloth and 1 doz. napkins never used; small mah. table. Ph. Wil. 1998. TILTN5-1te FINE ITALIAN FURNITURE FOR SALE. GLEN. 1271. 655 Sheridan Rd., Glencoe. T71LTN5-1te FOR SALE--SOLID WALNUT QUEEN Anne, 9 piece dining suite, perfect cond. $90. Call Glen. 1078. T1TN34-1te ROYAL SAROUK, 13-6 by 11-6, like new. Also 9 by 12 Anglo Persian. Phone Wil. 3645. 71T34-1tc FOR SALE--3 PCE. TAPESTRY SUITE; rug 9x12; victrola; cheap. Tel. Winn. 2688. T1TN34-1te THOR WASHING MACHINE AND mangle. Phone Winn. 2265. T1ITN34-1te FOR SALE -- FOUR LATE EMPIRE side chairs with rose ed backs. Phone Wilmette 525. T1LTN5-1tp DINING TABLE AND OTHER ODD pieces. Reasonable. Phone Winn. 2386. TILTN5-1te 6 WINDSOR CHAIRS, MAHOGANY, Marshall Field make, perfect, $30. Ph. Winn. 2516. TILTN5-1tc FOR SALE -- WALNUT BUFFET, vear old; fumed oak dining table and chairs; cheap. Winn. 1822. T71LTN5-1te FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO; LIV. rm. furn. & rug. 234 Maple Hill Rd. Glencoe 292. T1LTN5-1te ------------------------------------------ i? WTD. TO BUY--HSHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. Glencoe 292. T1LTN5S-tfe ---------------------------------------------------------- 78 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS SLIGHTLY USED ELEC. AUTOMO- bile for boy: Custer make, run by storage battery. An ideal and safe toy. Speed about 4 miles per hour. Same as used in amusement parks. Cost $150, will sell for $65. Tel. Win. 2918. T3TN34-1te FOR SALE NEW oN OXFORDS crepe sole, 5% B, a ; exquisite eve- ning dress, $20; ensemble, fur trimmed, at $25; other good garments, size 38. Call Glencoe 1267. 140 Hazel Ave. Glencoe. T3TN34-1te FOR SALE--HAND PUMP, $10; 2 mission chairs, $2 each; 2 sanitary couches with pads, $2 each; Pine's au- tomatic Winterfront for 1926 » $12.50. Phone Glen. 1017. T3TN34-1tc MUSKRAT COAT, SIZE 36, IN EXCEL. cond., will Sell reas. os ley 5-tube radio. one en Fs ore FOR SALE--RED CLOTH COAT, FUR trimmed, size 16; brown squirrel coat, size 38; reas. Winn. 1224, 73TN34-1tc FOR SALE--PEARS FOR CANNING. $1.75 per bushel. 962 Pine St. Call Winn. 1892. 73T34-1tc GIRL'S ROYAL BICYCLE; 18; NEAR- ly new. Phone Winn. 325. T3TN34-1tp MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 60

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