Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 5 Nov 1927, p. 79

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70 WINNETKA TALK November 5, 1927 General Notice -- GLENCOE NEWS. papers. 30 cents a CHARGE 50 cents. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or Rates 15 cents a line in one Joper Average of five words to the line. used. 109% discount on all eash with erder advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave.,, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. . . Cl ified d ti ti Deadline f or I nser toNS-- .pteq up NS saents 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. be charged only line three papers. 26 cents a in any two in all MINIMUM No black face type will be ac- Thursday 5 o'clock for the 10 DRESSMAKING | 31 LOST AND FOUND HIGH-CLASS DRESSMAKING. TAIL- ored clothes, evening gowns, coats, and remodeling. At your home or mine. Reasonable. Winn. 869. 10TN35-1tp LOST--OCT. 30, BLACK KITTEN WITH white chest and white paws. Please return to a little girl. 1204 Scott Ave. Winn. 4195. 31T35-1te WILL DO HEMSTITCHING AT MY LOST--BUNCH OF KEYS BETWEEN home. Mrs. Trudell, 624 Willow rd. Winn. garage and 807 Rosewood Ave. Tel. Winn. 1662. 10TN35-1tp Please call Winn. 2128. 31TN35-1tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR P WA dressmaking and remodeling. Phone 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE Winnetka 2022. 10T31-tfe A Toul opportunity MISS KINGSROD. DO REMODELING. Presents itself Make gowns. $7 a day. Univ. 7929. 10LTN5-2tp HB GARDENING JOHN OSTROWSKY NURSERY Real bargains in trees, evergreens, shrubs, and perennials. Phone Highland Park 2098-Y-1. West Park Ave. Highland Park. 10BLTN2-tfc 16 LOANS MONEY ANY AMOUNT YOU MAY NEED ON first or second Mortgages on Real Rs n- \ reasonable and all quiries held confidential. McKendry Realty Co. 1614 Orrington Ave. Evanston Un. 8383 REALTO! 16LTN4-4tp 13 INSTRUCTION to the girl looking to establish herself in a profession where advancement is limited only by personal ability Become a Telephone operator Full salary is paid during training Increases are regular Girls over 16 with at least grammar school education are asked to come in for a personal interview 2nd floor--614 Davis Street--Evanston or Winnetka Exchange---710 Elm Streot 32T134-tre WHITE WOMAN, EXPERIENCED IN caring for babies, for 2 afternoons week. Ref. Phone Winn. 2671 32TN5-1tn YOUNG WHITE GTRL, PROTESTANT. for gen. hswk.; good wages. 994 Bluff Rd., Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 678. 32TN35-1t WANTED -- INSTRUCTOR FOR SPAN- ish and English; for individual; to give evening lessons. Talk B-488. 13LTN6-1tc TUTORING BY COLLEGE GRADUATE, GIRL, WHITE. PROTEST. ; GENERAT, housework ; like children; family of 4. Winn. 492. 32LTN6-1tp WANTED -- WHITE GIRL OR CAP- able woman for gen. hswk. from 9-6 an experienced teacher. Tel. Glencoe five days per week ; near YL". Tel. Wil. 236. 13LTNé6-1tc 2547. 32LTNG6-1tc 21 PAINTING & DECORATING MAID FOR GEN. HSWK.; GOOD YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Winnetka 185. 21TN31-tfe 22 PETS 5 QUALITY BOSTON TERRIER. UN- usual pal, healthy. Rare bargain. Tel. Winn. 698-W. 688 Center St. 22LTNG-1tc 23 RADIOS RADIO SPECIALIST Day and night service. Repair service and construction. 962 Pine St. Winn. 1892. 23LTNG6-1tp 28 WINDOW SHADES SHADES CLEANED. NEW SHADES made to order. Skokie Shade and Awn- ing shop. Winn. 1994--14 Prouty Ct. 28L.TN2-tfc 30 PERSONAL GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY All hand work. Call for and deliver. Tel. Glen. 106. 30TN35-2te SS 31 LOST AND FOUND LOST--LARGE, 8 MONTHS, and tan, male police dog; reward; answers to name of "Dutch." 625 Oak St. Tel. Winn. 1130. 31TN35-1te LOST- N HORACE MANN SCHOOL grounds a leather lumber-jacket, 8-10 yr. old size. If found, please call Winn. 879. 31T35-1te LOST--BOY'S EXCELSIOR BICYCLE, red and white. Reward for return in BLACK > Food cond. to 773 Prospect Ave. Winn. 1661. 31T35-1te cook ; no washing. Call Winn, 345. 32LT6-1te COMPETENT WHITE GIRL OR WOM an for general housework. Call Winn 1268. 32T35-1t¢ WANTED -- WHITE NURSE-MAID care of 2 children: also upstairs work - ref. Tel. Winn. 1854. 32TN35-1tc WANTED--WHITE NURSE, 35 YRS. or over. for baby, age 1 year. Tel. Glen. 991. 32TN35-1te WHITE GIRIL: GEN. HOUSEWORK. 420 Maple. Winn. 1888. 32LTN6-1tp EXP. WHITE COOK. $20.00. PHONE Wilmette 176. 32LTN6-1tc [4 EE ---------------------------- 33 HELP WTD.--MALE BOYS WANTED----MORNING ROTTES row onen in Hubbard Woods. Phone Winnetka 765. 33T35-4te ---------------------------------------------- 34 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE EXPERIENCED MAN OR WOMAN FOR grocery store. Also extra for Fri. and Sat. Address P. O. box 364, Glencoe. 341. T6-1tc 36 SITUATION WTD.--~FEMALE 11 FOR RENT--ROOMS COMPETENT, NEAT, LIGHT COL- ored girl wants place in small family ; no laundry; stay nights; good plain cook; serves nicely; willing: best of ref. Call Winn. 431. 36T35-1te TRAINED BABY NURSE situation Wed. and Thurs. nings. Mending. Winn. 2022. 36T35-1tp WANTS also eve- TWO SCOTCH WOMEN DESIRE work ; and dinners. DAY cleaning, and serving luncheons Best refs. Tel. Wil. 1913. 36T35-1tp EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, SEW- ing by the day at $5. Also taking care of children at night. Phone Winn. 2431. 36T35-1te CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT2-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM; 1ST class; near transp. and restaurants. Winn. 2022. 41T35-1tp 2 ROOMS AT 458 RIDGE AVE. WILL rent single or double. Opposite Elm St. depot. 41TN35-1tp ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS, 3rd floor; 14, block from transp., restaurants, 722 Elm St. Winn. 2487. 41LTN6-1tp FURN. pref. ; MARRIED COUPLE Glencoe 976. 41LTN6-1tc ROOM ; near transp. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS WORK after school and evenings. Glencoe 17%. 36TN35-1tp COLORED WOMAN WANTS GENERAL housework and cooking. Univ. 8163. 36T35-1tp WASHING, TRONING AND CLEANING by the day; Swedish woman. Tel. Wil. 1987. 36T35-1tp LARGE, WELL HEATED ROOM ; NEAR transp. ; priv. bath. Winn. 1543. 41LTN6-1tc ROOM FOR 2 OR 3. $3 A WEEK. Near transpor. Winn. 1468. 41TN35-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM; H. W. heat; private entrance; cheap; near transp. Tel. Winn. 2889. 41T35-1te WASHING, IRONING OR CLEANING by day; ref. Tel. Greenleaf 1142, FOR RENT---ROOM; NEAR TRANS- portation. Tel. Winn. 2144, 36LTN6-1te 41T35-1tc HOUSEKEEPER, CLEANING AND| WARM, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM serving. Winn. 2256 36LTN6-1tp for gentleman; conv. to trans. 858 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 2864. 41T35-1te WOMAN -- GOOD AT CLEANING: refs. Winn. 2767. 36T35-1tc | ROOMS FOR RENT. PHONE WINN. ere-- 2478. 41T35-1tc 37 SITUATION WTD.--MALE - FOR RENT--ROOM. 552 BIRCH ST. IS THERE ANY SMALL JOR AROUND Tel. Winn. 2306. 41TN35-1tc a home that needs immediate atten- tion? Painting, carpenter work, elec- | FOR RENT--ROOM .AT .969 ELM ST. tric or furnace repairing. Call Winn, Tel. Winn, 2399. 41T36-1tc omil. 3 5-1tp " 226, ak pp rw : "| FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM: 1 BLK. CHAUFFEUR, ENGLISH, 14 YRS. EX- to transp. Tel. Wil. 3466. 41LTNS§-1tp per., wants pos. as chauffeur and - houseman with private family. Have own living quarters. Winn, 3051. 37TN35-1tp CHAUFFEUR --15 YRS. EXP. ON high-geared cars; will do gardening and hswk.; best of ref. Tel. Winn. 637-W. 37TTN35-1te S11. WTD.--EXP. MAN; CLEANING by day: ref. Call Glen. 1244 37TN35-1tp TO TAKE CARE "OF FURNACES: take down trees; housework by the day or hour. Winn. 1813. 37T35-1te PAINTING: CEMENT WORK; PAPER, honse and window cleaning; odd jobs. Wil. 2428. 3TLT5-tfe FURNACES TAKEN CARE OF BY THE month. Housework by the day or hour. Winn. 2632. 3TLTN5-2te AS A HOUSEMAN, FURNACE, AND garden work. Tel. Winn. 1552. 3TLTN2-tfe 38 SIT. WTITD.--MALE & FEMALE MAN AND WIFE; EXPERIENCED housework and chauffeur. E. Miller. Phone Wil. 1058. 38LTNG6-1tp COLORED COUPLE: A-1 COOK: BUT- ler or chauffeur; best ref. Cah Wil 3140. 38TN35-1te 1 FOR RENT--ROOMS ROOMS IN THE NORTH SHORE Montessori School, 761 Cherry St. Winnetka. Suitable for classes, chil- dren's parties or for afternoon or eve- ning entertainments. Apply to Miss Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil. 163, 41T35-4tc Ra LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM with good closet: twin heds: centrally located; one blk. to Lake; 2 blks. to transp.: ladies or couple. Breakfast and late dinner if desired. Call Glen- coe 1160. 41TN35-tfe WRLT, APPOINTED LIGHT HOT SE- keeping and sleeping room. 3% hlock ta all trowenortation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN31-tfe 6 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE EXP. LAUNDRESS; WHITE: TUES. and Wed. : ref. Mrs. Taylor, 908 Sheri- dan Rd., Chgo. Buckingham 8786. 36LTNG6-1tp WANTED -- WHITE GIRL; GENERAL housework ; no experience necessary. Tel. Winn. 2325. 36LT6-1tp CLEANING OR TAKING CARE OF children by hour or day. Wil. 23285, 261.T6-1te FITRNISHED ROOM WITH TWIN hede: for 2 gentlemen: with board; half hlack from franspor. $12 ner week, Phone Winn. 2420. 41LTN6-1te T.ARGE. SUNNY. SOUTH FRONT RM. in nrivate familv, for 1 or 2 neonle. 3 hocks to stations. Phone Winn 415. 41LTN6-1te FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT- helno ar donhle w»aam for sleening. Wil. 3429 or call 1138 Oakwood Ave H1LT6-1te | 42 FO RRENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- BRIGHT SUNSHINY § rm. apt. at 1064 Gage St., Hubbard 'Woods ; 3A anms; h. w. heat. Until FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods : 42L.TNG6-1tc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN2-tfe FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42LTN2-tfc 3 ROOM FLAT; NEAR TRANS. ; STOVE heat. 1109 Gage St., Hubbard Ss. 42TN35-1te 4 RM. HTD. APT. 1088 GAGE ST. TEL. Winn. 445. 42TN35-1te NEW 5 RM. APT. FOR RENT. $75. Winn. 1055. 42LTN6-1tc 13 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS FURN. 2 RM. KITCHENETTE APT.: private entrance and porch; central east side location. Call Wil. R01. 43LTNG6-1tp "4 FOR RENT--HOUSES 7 Rm. Wilmette Residence 1126 FOREST AVE. BEST RESID. SEC- tion; conv. to transp., stores. Garage. Attr. lot. Paved alley. $150. Wil. 1192. 44LLTNG6-1tc SMALL FURN. ATTRACTIVE MOD- ern bung.: choice loca.; htd. garage. For winter. Poss. Dec. 1. Winn, 1221. 44TN35-1tp AND BATH FOR LIGHT ing ; heat furnished. Garage ne Winn. 2359. 44T35-1tp 4 ROOMS housekee . space. 17 FOR RENT--GARAGES NEW GARAGE ON ELM ST.: 3 BLKS. from station and untown district. $10 ner month, 1036 Oak St. Call Winnet- ka 2435. 47T356-1te #8 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice =nace, about 10x10 ft. Excellent ground floor location at 736 Flim St Phone Winn. 142. 487, TN2-tfc = FOR SATF--HOVSES ENGLISH COLONIAL HOUSE; FIVE 'rooms and sun porch; newly decorated ; h. w. heat; in choice location. Posses- jon whe esired. Owner, Winn. 1878 Cd ™ a 52TN35-1te } 4 i §

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