November 19, 1927 WINNETKA TALK rd Better Class Homes Shop More Thriftily, Says Lord's Expert Some interesting facts were recent- ly disclosed by Lord's, of Evanston, in an investigation to determine what Mrs. Penoyer L. Sherman Honored at Club Luncheon Mrs. Penoyer 1. Sherman was the guest of honor at a birthday luncheon given Tuesday at the Chicago Woman's club by the historical research com- mittee of the art and literature depart- of the American Revolution at one time. Mrs. Francis Case was toastmistress, and Mrs. Melville C. Chatten was one of the speakers. Mrs. George B. Carpenter of Chicago, Mrs. Arthur S. Chamberlin of Chicago, Mrs. Farson of St. Charles, Mrs. John F. Gilchrist of Chicago, and Mrs. Louis F. Hopkins of Clarence Weil of 1040 Pine street and Henry Hart, Jr., of 485 Sheridan road, Glencoe, entertained a number of their friends at a dinner party given at the Edgewater Beach hotel on Fri day evening last. Telephone Wilmette 3347 ( type of buying personality is produced DR FRANK B ERWIN by the various classes of society. . i VETERINARIAN speelall, oc. su ihe lreatmeng of Your hest friends the "Dog and Cat" All ealls recelve my personal attention 1000 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Xi. ment of the club. Mrs. Sherman, who | Chicago were other speakers. People with small incomes, it was just celebrated her ninety-third birth- sma s, a: : : ; : Z > ir found, frequently buy more "by inspi- | day, lives with her son, Roger Sher- Miss Kathryne Kennedy of 791 i ration." They see something that|man, at 213 Linden avenue, Winnetka. | Rosewood avenue has been elected to appeals to them particularly, and they Mrs. Sherman was president of the|serve on the entertainment committee | buy on the spur of the moment, |club for two terms, from 1898 to 1900. | of the Dramatic club at National | whether it is needed or not. She was also a regent of the Daughters ' Kindergarten college in Evanston. People with less limited incomes have a far greater tendency to buy " with forethought. An example to prove this was cited by S. K. Jorjorian, manager of Lord's Oriental Rug department. He says that, while many people do not realize it, practically everybody can afford Oriental rugs. Their prices are some- times very little higher than domestic ones that serve the same purpose. But people from better-class homes on the north shore make up a large share of response received from the advertising of Oriental rug sales. "People of this class realize," says Mr. Jorjorian, "that an Oriental rug bought once, and bought well, will serve a lifetime. They take into ac- count what this means in the way of > economy over a spread of years. The people who insist on having Oriental rugs in their homes because they real- ize their advantages, are, in the best of sense, thrifty shoppers. And, as I said before, those are usually people with more substantial incomes." There is a good lesson in this obser- § vation which may well be applied to all buying--buy only what you need-- but buy it with care and forethought, and with consideration for its probable length of service. ATTENDS U. OF W. Morris Hirsh, son of Mrs. Rosetta Hirsh, formerly of Winnetka, now of the Pierson hotel, Chicago, is attend- ing the Wisconsin university, where he is a sophomore. Mr. Hirsh is pledged Zeta Beta Tau. i y. ffees--h vy coffe All Children Smile for Bernie -- h 1NY coriecs €avy coirees | less diffi kind -countless diiferent Kinds | o£ ~~ { « INY," acid coffee from Arabia-- syrupy, rich coffee from the East F Indies--hundreds of kinds and grades of Tune in every Thursday coffee from over forty tropical countries! Weekly Radio Programs featuring noted singers, Uncounted natural flavors to choose from WMS THO. ow OA for our breakfast cup! Yet one after KSD,WDAF, KYOO WBAP, KPRC,W IR, another each, alone, has failed. ec Lr Zn VBE It is a special shade of richness--a min- WJAX. Tune in every Thursday from 8 to 9 gling of many flavors, created years ago in P. M., Contnal Ces for the Harwell Hodse the South--that has now for the first time ¢ . pleased the critical men and women "Good to throughout the entire United States. the last drop" Known to the South alone a few years ) ' ago, this blend--Maxwell House--is now : 3 by far the largest selling coffee in the entire Your Child's Portrait befarsie inpet sing --By-- A new experience awaits you and your family in that shade of difference, in that B E R N I E special blended richness of Maxwell House Coffee. will make a lovely Christmas Gift. Make your appointment now BERNIE'S 1623 Orrington Ave. Phone Univ. 8998 MaxweLL House CorrFEE It is pleasing more people than any other coffee ever offered for sale