Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 19 Nov 1927, p. 63

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a November 19, 1927 Re ----- WINNETKA TALK 63 ---- 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS 7 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent ground floor location at 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142. 48LTN2-tfc FOR RENT--SHOPS AND OFFICES. G. F. GONSALVES. Winnetka 62. 48L.TNS8-tfc FOR RENT -- IN BEST SHOPPING center of Winnetka. Office space or store at 788 Elm St. 48T373tc 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES An Intimate Cozy Home WHITE CLAPBOARD COLONIAL with dark green shutters. An immense living room with French doors off open porch. View of several gardens. Well planned kitchen with many windows. 4 airy bedrooms. Attached garage. Price $18,500 only $2,000 cash. Near New Trier High. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St. Winnetka 2198 52T37-1te ONLY $11,500 FIVE ROOM STUCCO WITH ENCLOS- ed front porch; one-car garage. A dur- able home for only $2,000 cash. Bal- ance $100 per month, including interest at 6% or will rent at $80 per month, Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Phone Winn. 2032 52TN37-1tc Northbrook Bargain ALMOST NEW, 6 RM. BRICK HOUSE; with gar. fireplace, bath, h. w. heat; lot 66x3600. On paved road. Very conv, to schools and transp. $10,000. Terms. Write Wilmette Life B-560. 52LTNS8-1tc FOR SALE BY OWNER -- 6 ROOM white colonial; cory arrangement, no waste space; large living room; two open porches. Fifty ft. frontage on Highland ave. Shown by appointment. Phone Wilmette 3012. 52LTNS8-1tp ENGLISH COLONTAL HOUSE; 5 RMS. and sun porch; newly decorated; hot water heat; in chofce loca. Poss. when desired. Owner, Winn. 1878. 52TN37-1te -- 100 BY 200 FT. LOT, WITH 9 ROOM house; 3 baths; all modern conven- iences ; lot improved with trees, bushes. Kenil. 1499. 52L TNS8-2tc FOR SALE OR RENT--6 RMS.; 2 baths; garage. Inquire 554 Arbor Vitae Rd., Winnetka. 52LTNS-tfe 53 FOR SALE--VACANT BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF PROPERTY for sale. 100x200 ft. deep. Kenil. 1499. 53LTNS-2tc 56 REAL ESTATE . Smart & Golee 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE, EVANSTON are increasing their sales territory to include North Shore properties. We will welcome your listing with us real estate that you may have for sale or for rent. Telephone University 285 Direct Chicago wire--Rogers Park 0272 56LTN5-tfc FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Son Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 56T37-1tc CALIFORNIA IF YOU WANT AN HONEST OPINION of values and future possibilities in Southern California by one whose real- estate reputation has been established for years on the North Shore, write Arthur E. Hill, 511 Rodeo Drive, Bev- erly Hills, California. (Formerly with Hill and Wheeler). 56 LTN5-tfc -- ------------------ r---- 67 WTD. TO BUY--VACANT BUSINESS PROPERTY IN WINNET- ka: vacant or improved. No agents. Write Wilmette Life B-499. 67TLTN?-1te 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS MILBURN ELECTRIC -- BATTERIES and tires in perfect condition; complete with charging machine. Cheap for im- mediate sale. Univ. 8870. 6SLTNS-1tc CHEVROLET COACH, LATE 1926 model; good tires; in excellent cond. ; very reasonable. Winn. 2624. : 68TN37-1tp FOR SALE--FORD TOURING CAR, Aug. 1924 model; self starter; good tires and in geod running condition. $36.60. 1023 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1647. 6°LTNT7-1tp Whippet Car $400 MUST SELL AT ONCE WHIPPET Coach ; excell. cond. thruout. 786 Fox- dale Ave., Winnetka. 68TN37-1tp FOR SALE--1923 DODGE WITH AL- most new Calif. top; excell. mech. cond. $250. Phone Winn. 1470. 68TN37-1te 70 ANTIQUES ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! Beginning today Mrs. Dicke stages an- other great selling of rare antiques and Early American furniture. We call your attention to solid walnut chests all ready to be finished and priced as low as $8--others to $20. A maple and cherry slant-top Winthrop desk, wing chair, curly maple drop- leaf table, cherry high boy made in 1720, button-foot tavern tables, beds, picture frames and mirrors. Early shoppers secure choicest pieces and best values. MRS. MARY ANN DICKE 808 Washington St., 1 bl. So. Main St. Near Sherman Phone University 9890 Evanston TOLTNS-1te HAVE SOLD GLENCOE HOME, GIV- ing possession by Dec. 10. We shall never again have so large a house and while all my furnishings are not to be sold, there are many choice articles I shall dispose of. As all our house- hold furnishings are antiques, this change offers an unusual opportunity to collectors. Prices will be such as to move these goods quickly. Mrs. Ira Jones, 457 Grove St., Glencoe. Phone Glen. 83. T0LTNS-1te FOR SALE--UNUSUAL SET, 6 HITCH- cock chairs, stencilling original state, new rush seats. Fine old pine blanket- chest. Old American curly maple fire- wood box. Tel. Winn. 462. T0LTNS-1te EXCELLENT VALUES IN ANTIQUE hooked rugs. Dated coverlet. Four- slat maple rocker, very old. 849 Michi- gan Ave., Wilmette. TOLTNS8-1tp 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS HAVE SOLD HOME. MUST SELL AT once entire contents of 8 rm. house ; incl. mah. din. rm. set; library table; book- case; chairs; tables; bedsteads; porch furniture ; other odd pes. Open for in- spection 9-5. 771 Grove St., Glencoe. 7T1ILTNS-1tp SOLID WALNUT ENGLISH DINING room table; chairs, buffet, server; wal- nut twin bed suite; mahog. poster bed, dresser, dressing table; taupe mohair daven. and chair, with reversible frieze cushions. Occasional tables, lamps, mirrors; solid mahog. secretary. 1018 Ash st., Winn. 2091. 71LTNS-1tc CHARMING EARLY AMERICAN MA- ple vanity, bench, night-table, and bu- reau, with fine large attached mirrors. Only 1 yr. old and in perfect condition. Will sell at about half the original price to move quickly. Glencoe 1130. . 71LTNS-1te HANDSOME ITALIAN CUTWORK lace tablecloth, napkins, wholesale. Si- mon etchings. Used victrola. Glen. 1191. TILTNS-1tp FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL, NEW, hand-painted, gray-blue screen. Phone Wilmette 3617 from 5-7 p. m. T1ILTNS-1tp GURNEY REFRIGERATOR, SPLENDID cond., medium size, porcelain lined, 75 1b. capacity, bargain. Oak library or study table. Winn. 1657. 71TN37-1te FOR SALE--LARGE CHINESE RUG, cream and - blue, like new. Bargain. Phone Winn. 1686. T1TN37-1te LARGE, HEAVY, KURDISTAN ORIEN- tal rug, 10x13, rose and ivory, perfect condition. $300. Winn. 717. T71LTNS-1te THOR ELECTRIC WASHER ; REASON- able. Tel. Winn. 1920. T1ITN37-1te 72 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. T2LTN5-tfe I ------ -- 73 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS 482 Linden St. Dolls, toys and games and small inter- esting things for the children's stock- ings. 73T37-1tc BABY BED, $1.00; BABY BUGGY, $3.00; Baby tub, 50c; 3 piece duofold $15.00, delivered ; also steam table with 2 con- tainers, $2.00; scale, automatic match- bex, plate glass gum case all for $16.60. Kenilworth 1381. T3LTNS8-1tp FOR SALE--BELLEVUE MODEL LUD- wig tener banjo, perf. cend., $105; also regenerative radio receiving set, com- plete or parts; upright oak desk; reas- onable. Wilmette 67. T3LTNS-1te FOR SALE--VERY GOOD, FRESHMAN, 5-tube radio with storage battery, loud speaker, ear phones. $25. Winn. 1919. T3LTNS-1te MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, UNDER- wear, size 40; shirts, size 15; shoes, size 8. Some never worn. Winn. 297. 73TN37-1tp 3% BED, BOX SPRINGS; OAK DIN. table and chairs; boy's wool macki- naw, size 14-16; women's dresses, size 38. Winn. 1611. 73T37-1te 50 GAL. BASEMENT OIL TANK WITH stand and hand pump, almost new, will sacrifice. Winn. 2259. 73TN37-1tc IMPORTED FUR-TRIMMED VELVET evening wrap. $120. Phone Wilmette 987-R. 73TN37-1tc 74 WANTED TO BUY--MISC, WANTED TO BUY--2 SECOND-HAND Junglegyms; also reed doll carriage. Phone Winn. 2560. 74T37-1tc 76 MISCELLANEOUS FREE DIRT--GIVEN AWAY. 992 PINE St., Winnetka. 76T37-1te NOTICE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 463,984 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, VS. MARY EVERETT KOHLER, 1 AND ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. § THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, by order duly en- tered in the above entitled procgedings, having directed that as to such defend- ants as are shown by the affidavit filed in said proceedings, to be non-residents of the State of Illinois, or whose resi- dences are shown thereby to be unknown, and the defendants designated as "All whom it may concern," the Clerk of said Court cause publication to be made in the Winnetka Talk, a secular newspaper published in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, con- taining notice of the following matters: Notice is hereby given of the pendency of the above entitled proceedings insti- tuted by the petition of the Village of Winnetka, heretofore filed in the Superiof Court of Cook County, Illinois, designated General Number 463,984 in said Court, praying for the ascertainment of the just compensation to be made for the private property to be taken or damaged for the making of the improvement hereinafter described, and for the ascertainment of what property will be benefited by the making of said improvement, and the amount of such benefit. The Commissioners duly appointed by the said Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, to investigate and report the just compensation to be made for the private property to be taken or damaged for said improvement, and also what real estate will be benefited by said improvement, and the amount of such. benefit to each parcel of land assessed, duly made a spe- cial assessment to raise the cost of such improvement, and filed their said report and assessment 'roll in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Cook County, on the eighteenth day of No- vember, A. D. 1927. Thereupon a summons issued out of said Court against the defendants above named, and the defendants described as "All whom it may concern," returnable in said Court at the County Court House in the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the nineteenth day of December, A. D. 1927, as is -by law required, which proceeding is now pending. . The total cost of said improvement, as shown by the estimate of.the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the said Village of Winnetka and the re- port and assessment roll of said Com- missioners, is the sum of Six Thousand, Five Hundred Eighty-three Dollars and ninety-six cents ($6,583.96), Now unless you, such defendants as are shown by the affidavit filed in said pro- ceedings to be non-residents of the State of Illinois, or whose residences are shown thereby to be unknown, and the defendants . designated as "All whom it may concern," shall be and appear before the said Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, at the County Court House, in the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the nineteenth day of December, A. D. 1927, and plead, an- swer or demur to the petitioner's peti- tion or object to the report and assess- ment roll of the Commissioners afore- said, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a judgment en- tered in accordance with the said report and assessment roll and the prayer of said petition. The following is a description of the said improvement, and includes a de- scriptich of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land sought to be taken for the said improvement. That Tower Road and Green Bay Road be widened by condemning therefor that part of lot or block twelve (12) in Hub- bard Estate Subdivision in the northeast fractional quarter of section seventeen (17) in township forty-two (42) north, range thirteen (13) east of the third principal meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the re- corder of Cook County, Illinois, on the Seven day of June, A. D. 1895, in Book 69 of Plats at Pages 22 to 28, as Docu- ment Number 2232780, that is described as follows: Beginning at a point two hundred "twenty-four and five tenths (224.5) feet west of the southeast corner of said lot or block twelve (12) as meas- ured along the north line of Tower Road ; thente northwesterly along a curved line, convex southwesterly, having a radius of two hundred seventy-seven and five tenths (277.5) feet to an intersection with the northeasterly line of said Green Bay Road at a point ninety-five (95) feet northwest of the intersection of said north line of said Tower Road with the aforesaid northeasterly line of said Green Bay Road; thence southeasterly along the aforesaid northeasterly line of sald Green Bay Road, to said inter- section of aforesaid northeasterly line of Green Bay Road and said north line of said Tower Road; thence east along said north line of said Tower Road, eightly-nine (89) feet to the point of beginning, all within the Village of Win- netka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, and that when so widened, said Tower Road and said Green Bay Road be improved by clearing, grubbing, ex- cavating, draining, grading, raking the parkways, preparing the subgrade to re- ceive the concrete pavement, and com- bined curb and gutter, adjusting valve vault covers, adjusting macadam pave- ment in Green Bay Road and Tower Road, moving an electric light pole, fur- nishing one (1) new catch basin cover, removal of trees, constructing "one (1) new catch basin with cover, constructing and relocating sidewalks and sidewalk approaches, adjusting existing walks, constructing concrete combined curb and gutter, constructing a concrete island twenty-two (22) feet wide at the west end, five (5) feet wide at the east end, and forty-two (42) feet long, constructing a reinforced concrete pavement, includ- ing curbing, protecting, cleaning said pro- posed concrete pavement and combined curb and gutter, removal of all surplus excavated materials, and cost of en- gineering services, all within the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Jiinois. ated at the City of Chica, 0, Count of Cook and State of Illinois, this pd teenth day of November, A. D. 1927. SAMUEL E. ERICKSON, Clerk of the Superior Court of Cook County, FREDERICK DICKINSON. Tiinois, Village Attorney. T37-4te + VILLAGE OF WINNETKA Node a of Contract nnetka, Illinois, Nov. 19, 1927 NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the contract for the construction of Portland cement concrete walk approaches at Oak Street and Glendale Avenue; Oak Street and Berkeley Avenue; Oak Street and Hibbard Road; Cherry Street and Glen- dale Avenue; Cherry Street and Berkeley Avenue ; Cherry Street and Hibbard Road ; Ash Street and Glendale Avenue; Ash Street and Berkeley Avenue; Ash Street and Hibbard Road; Willow and Glendale Avenue, and Willow Road and Berkeley Avenue, by excavating, filling, preparing the subgrade, placing a founda- tion of boiler cinders six (6) inches thick after being thoroughly compacted in place upon said subgrade, constructing a Port- land cement concrete walk, five feet four inches in width, and four and one-half inches thick upon said foundation of cinders, including protecting and cleaning said walks, and removing all surplus materials, cost of engineering services, all Tabor and materials, and all other expenses necessary to construct said local improvement, all within the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, said improvement and assessment being otherwise known as Winnetka Special Assessment No. 464, 232, was awarded on November 15th, 1927, to PAUL RESCHKE, of 1149 Cherry Street, Winnetka, Illinois, for the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred fifty-two and 80 /100 Dollars ($1,252.80). HENRY F. TENNEY, President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney.

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