F December 3, 1927 WINNETKA TALK ROSENBERG'S Davis Street -- Downtown Evanston Che Christmas Store -- a ! A cigarette lighter for his desk, $12.50; "The Skyline of New York," an unusual jar, $12.95; Ash tray and cigarette holder, $3.50; Leather memo set of diary, dictionary and address books, $6.95; automatic cigarette holder of hammered silver, $3.95; silver pea- cock table ornament, $6.95. Glorious Toys from Santa Claus Land A speedy auto for young racers, 24.50. "Hulda" jumps the rope as Buddy pulls this toy, $1.00. TOYS-- THIRD FLOOR Inspiration from the Gift Shop T he new Dunhill vanity, in red enamel, $12.50; nickel, $5. A rare Majolica vase from Italy, $13.95; Pearls in the 60-inch length, $3.95. GIFT SHOP-- FIRST FLOOR The doll family; "Bubbles'"'--bub- bling all over with laughter, $11.95; French doll with golden blond hair, $3.95; "Sunny Boy" dressed in red chinchilla tam, coat and leggins, $11.95. "Dutchy Boy" from Holland, $2.59.