34 WINNETKA TALK December 17, 1927 hid 3 $AN VITA OWED OU want to make a different gift --one of character. Something that really expresses more than words can say. Hereit is. Taking movies with a Filmo Cam- era is easier than taking snapshots. Only two simple operations. Press the button, and what you see through the spy-glass viewfinder you get, in movies. Showing the pictures with Filmo Projector is just as easy. Filmo is the world's highest quality personal movie equipment. In its beautiful, plush-lined leather case it makes an ideal Christmas gift. Come in and see it. Eastman, Bell and Howell and DeVry Motion Picture Cameras and Projectors ............c.ociiiiiiiiiiins $70.00 to $370.00 Accessories for Motion Picture Cameras and Projectors, make an ideal GIFT for your friend, who has an outfit. ..... $1.00 to $90.00 BIDS: vss «0 nidinluien vee wove dnnneuiesione $1.00 up to $5.50 Parker and Sheaffer Pens and Pencils ........ 50c to $5.00 and Up Desk Sets .............ccivvtunrvennncncnnns $7.50 and Up War Cinegraph . oo coco ec cvenvsnnnens $15.00 up to $150.00 SANTA CLAUS M/M Library Films, can be had for your Projector. FOR CHILDREN---Kodaks, $5.00 and Up. Brownies, $2.00 Up. Hattstrom & Sanders Scientific and Manufacturing Opticians 702 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON Phone University 1848 Opposite Orrington Hotel Tr TPP I ILI LIRR ZZ 2 2d ld At the annual meeting of the Wil- mette Boy Scout association held last Thursday night, Frank Wilson was chosen chairman, Ralph Rice, vice- chairman, Henry Fowler, treasurer, J. G. Seyfried, secretary, and D. C. Leach commissioner. The association reports steady prog- ress during the past year and promis- ing conditions among the troops at present. Nine troops in Wilmette are serv- It gives you everything The New Automatic Electrola-Radiola "There is no other musical instcument like this!" R THOSE discriminating people whom Fortune has endowed with exquisite exact- ing tastes, this instrument has been created. In it is embodied the amaz- ing Electrola, developed and re- fined to a degree of perfection that is almost beyond belief. The Automatic enables you to choose your program, touch a button, and forget everything but the music itself. The Radiola brings the events of the moment to you--with a perfection that will delight you. May we play it for you? Victrola With Radiola CONVENIENT TERMS North Shore Talking Machine Co. 712 Church Street University 4523 Open . Evenings A NP rr rrr III III a a ©) ing approximately two hundred Scouts. A tenth troop is now in progress of formation. Coming Events The "Talk of the Troops," pub- lished monthly by the Scouts of the North Shore Area council, lists com- ing events in the Scout calendar as follows : December 17. Christmas party. December 17, Saturday--North End Junior Officers' Conference at Lake Forest. December 20, Tuesday--Glencoe Court of Award. December 26, Mondoy--Leave for Wil- derness winter camp. December 27, Tuesday--Leave for "Cabin in the Woods" winter camp. January 1, Sunday--HAPPY NEW YEAR! January 3, Tuesday--Kenilworth Court of Award. January 13, Friday--Highland Park Father and Son banquet. January 14, Saturday--South End and Junior Leaders conference at "Cab- in the Woods." January 11, Wednesday--Wilmette Board of Review. January 21, Saturday--Wilmette rally. January 17, Tuesday--Glencoe Court of Award. January 28, Friday--Council First Aid Rally. Saturday--Wilmette Anniversary Week Eighteen years old! Scouting in America celebrates its eighteenth birth- day during Anniversary week, Febru- ary 6 to 12, 1928. Every troop will plan to make this week the biggest week of the scouting year. Many Father and Son banquets, parents' nights, window displays and things of an interesting public nature are being planned. Of course, every Scout will want to wear his uniform during the entire week and will want to have a part in making Scout Week an out- standing event in the new year. It is our chance to bring scouting to the attention of every person in our com- munity. Plan All Day Conference It is going to be a great day, filled with games and eats and fun of all kinds. Bob Townley of the famous Troop 13, will be present to help engineer the program and to head up the game periods. Every junior assist- ant scout master, senior patrol leader, scribe leader and assistant patrol leader of troops in and south of Glen- coe, are planning to be present. Get your registration if now. Winter Camps Program What is the general thrill in scout- ing? Camping, of course! What is the most adventurous kind of camp- ing? The answer naturally is "Win- ter camping." There is a great thrill when the snow is piled high outside and the logs are crackling on the fireplace and a fine gang of good scouts are gathered around you and someone is telling a story--Perhaps you are roasting apples as the wind blows around the corners of the logs outside--That's winter camp ! A group of fifteen Northshore Scouts will leave on Monday after- noon, December 26 with Mr. McPeek, headed for winter camp at Wilderness, Michigan.