hy December 24, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 17 ref ; CAR HITS TREE Dr. B. M. Conley Is Christian F ellowship Woman Hurt When Strack Flv copringof fait ceekien fhe Chosen President of Fen ALG "Honrbach, pastor, 2688." By Auto on Linden St. teen old James Newman, of 696 Oak Staff at St. Francis Dr. B. M. Conley of Wilmette is the new president of the staff of St. Fran- cis hospital, elected by the doctors at their last meeting of the year held Wednesday, Dec. 14. Other officers named at the same time are Dr. Her- man Reinsch as vice president and Dr. Ernest McGill of Evanston, sec- retary-treasurer. "Hospital Ethics" was the subject discussed at the meeting by Fr. James F. Walsh, speaker of the evening, who is a lecturer on ethics in the downtown branch of Loyola university. The Rev. Fr. Walsh spoke of St. Francis' position as a Catholic institution and stated that it operates on a rational basis, rather than a particularly reli- gious one. Year of Progress With the election of the new officers the hospital is completing a year of great expansion, states Dr. Conley. Retiring officers are Dr. Rudolph Sint- zel, president, and Dr. Benjamin Fillis, secretary-treasurer. Dr. Conley was vice president during the past year. To care for the large number of emergency cases which come to St. Francis a new emergency room was opened last Thursday. It is outfitted completely to care for all kinds of cases, immediately as they come into the hospital. Hrspital attention is pro- vided for the cases by two doctors, a surgeon and a medical man, who have been appointed to the handling of all cases before the patient's own physi- cian can be informed, or in event the patient does not have his own physi- cian. A nurse is in constant duty in the emergency room and an interne who sleeps in the room is available at all hours of the night. "Bugs" Have Their Inning in New Trier Basketball Now that the hockey and soccer seasons are over, the more athletically inclined of the New Trier High school girls are going out for basketball, A great many girls seem so inclined, and for this reason a unique system has been established. All girls wishing to try out for teams signed up Decem- ber 5. They were then divided into class teams, termed "Bugs." The seniors are more specifically called "Lady Bugs," the juniors, "Beetle Bugs," the sophomores, "Doodle Bugs," and the freshmen, "Tumble Bugs." This system has been adopted because of insufficient space for the simultan- eous practice of such a large number of girls. Each team has a captain who is responsible for getting the team assembled in practice days. Winnetkans Assistants at Debut Reception in City A group of Winnetka and north shore women and girls assisted at the debut early this week of Miss Myra Colburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Colburn of Evanston. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. Col- burn at the reception, which was given at the Fortnightly, were Mrs. Whea- ton Augur, Mrs. Morris Wilson, Mrs. Oliver Wilson, Mrs. Fletcher Marsh, Mrs. Phillip W. Moore, Mrs. Marcus Richards, Mrs. Edgar Rowe, Mrs. Charles Conrad, and Mrs. Robert Pettit. Miss Louise Lackner of Win- netka received with Miss Colburn. Following the tea, Mr. and Mrs. Colburn gave a dinner at the Lake Shore hotel and a theater party for the assistants. Mrs. Frank R. Alexander of 1275 Scott avenue entertained twelve guests at bridge Monday evening for her sister, Mrs. C. O. Simmons of New York® City, who is spending about two weeks with her. S iiasbv haste £23 a . 2 Hours of Worship: Mrs. Emily H. Dorchester, of 2329 street, Winnetka, turned his car from Christmas Morning Service, Julotta, Eastwood avenue, Chicago, was struck Oak street' into 'Glendale avenue; he y Swedish by a car driven by John Kriesant, re- | isjudged his speed and distance and Solos by Mrs. Burton Atwood siding at Lake and Harvard avenues, |ran into a tree on the right side of Wednesday : Sunday Sc hool Xmas Wilmette, Thursday evening of last the street, according to the police. The program 7:00 p. tea | week. The accident occurred at Lin- |steering apparatus and front of the > . re ~~ re Oo Patents and, Trends heartily invite den and Oak streets, Winnetka, as |car were damaged. ' -- | Kriesant turned east into Oak street, GA GN : to Goa oiled the Christ a of Bternity according to the report of Police Ser- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lutz and their calls us out of time into Eternity, and |geant J. G. Boyd. Mrs. Dorchester | daughter, Mary, of 460 Hawthorn lane, gives to us, the sons of God, an immortal | was severly cut about the head. She |are leaving Monday for Hot Springs, body, AN out faitn js grounasd, upon the | los attended by Dr. Gilbert M. Loewe. | Ark., to be gone over New Year's. Ahristmas Dinner at The Georgian Served from 12 to 8 i Candles W co in the frosty darkness; Cold, clear chimes of the Christmas bells; Christmas cheer and gifts about a tree; then, the greatest of all joys --Gay families gathered about a festive board; Joyous anticipa- tion of a turkey about to be carved-- and the most at- tractive of all set- tings -- The Georgian Dining Room! This year The Georgian Dining Room will be given over to Christmas. Tables, large and small, are being reserved for family par- ties and a gorgeous Christmas dinner is be- ing planned. Make your reservations now with the Maitre d'Hotel. He will arrange your decorations or you may have the pleasure of dec- orating your own table. Plan Your Christmas Dinner the (Georgian Davis at Hinman, Greenleaf 4100 FET FFF FFF FFF TIFF YF FFF FF FFY)