January 7, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Eastern Star to Install Officers Monday, Jan. 9 Winnetka Chapter. No. 942, Order of the Eastern Star, announces that the public installation of officers will be held on Monday night at 8:30 o'clock at the Winnetka Masonic Temple, 708 Elm street. The officers for 1928 are: Christine Wolter, worthy matron; Thomas N. Wheatley, worthy patron; Leo Orr Belote, associate. matron; Jennie M. Stevens, secretary; Marie Eckart, treasurer; Emily C. Mullen, conductress; Emily Wissman, asso- ciate conductress : Sadie E. Frye, chap- lain; Nellie Morse, marshal; Edna Killian, organist; Asa MacIntyre, Adah; Besse B. Ross, Ruth; Minnie Hillinger, Esther; Louise FEckart, Martha; Bessie Smith, Electra; Estelle Kus, warder ; Thomas G. Kus, sen- tinel; Louise a, Replogle, instructress; Mary B. Prouty, correspondent : Evelyn Matthieson, soloist. The retiring officers are Mabel A. 'Whipple, worthy matron, and William F. Kentnor, acting retiring worthy patron. Nellie R. Meyers, past worthy grand matron, will be the installing officer. Alice E. Williams, associate grand conductress, will be grand marshal. Louise G. Replogle, grand lecturer, will be grand chaplain. Fredericl: W. Sharpe will be grand organist and Emma Kreicker, soloist. Escorts named are J. Franklin Nel- son, worshipful master, Winnetka lodge; Arne Mauland, senior warden, Winnetka lodge; Ferdinand Wolter, Jr, Winnetka lodge, and Jacob E. Replogle, flag bearer. At the stated meeting at 7:30 o'clock the Sir Knights of Evanston Com- mandery, No. 58, will act as escort. Sir Knight Hugh Orr is commander. Mrs. Charles Sommer, 425 Provi- dent avenue, is leaving for Florida January 14. From there she will go on to Havana, where she wil spend ten days. Mrs. Sommer plans to be away about six weeks. $tops Coughs In Five Minutes TEE first spoonful brings relief. Breaks up Chest Colds, relieves Hoarseness, Hacking and Sore Throats. Creo-Lyptus Palatable combination of Creosote and Eucalyptus. recomended for children and adults by physcians everywhere. For Sale By #8 What's more fun than a COMMUNITY PHARMACY 750 Elm St. Winnetka 33 Mary W. Andrew Assumes Glengables Management Residents of the north shore will be pleased to learn that the management of the Glengables Tea room at 376 Park avenue, Glencoe, has been taken over by Mary W. Andrew, a resident of that village for 29 years. Glengables has become know to residents throughout the north shore as a dining place of distinction, its quiet refinement and excellent cuisine constantly attracting a large patron- age from the surrounding community. Under the new management, patrons have the assurance of the continuance of this highly satisfactory service. TO GIVE ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Mrs. Harold Ickes, 900 South Pri- vate road, will give an illustrated lec- ture on '"The Indians of the South- west" at the open meeting of the Grand Council Fire of American In- dians at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Capitol building. Babe Begay. Navajo, will sing. Fred Leighton of the Indian Trading post, 58 E. Dela- ware place, will have an interesting exhibit. CONGREGATIONAL SERVICES The sermon topic. :at. the 'serv- ice Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at 'the Winnetka Congregational church, will be "Sight for the Blind." The sermon will be by Rev. James Austin Richards. At the Vesper service at 5 o'clock, Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin will preach on the subject, "Is Reli- gion Practical?" Mrs. Ada W. Eiseman and her son, Erwin, of Toledo, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sommer, 425 Provident avenue. Sleighing Parties sleigh-ride party? Get your party up now--and then Phone Winnetka 201 for the sleigh B. W. Blow 545 Lincoln Ave. Teachers in charge: Main School: A School for: Ambitious Amateur, OLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC WINNETKA BRANCH Kathleen Air, Valona Brewer, Katherine Hedglin, Laura Coupland, Phyllis Kellogg White, Mary Esther Winslow. WALTER SPRY distinguished Artist and Pedagogue will accept a limited number of advanced and intermediate students. 27TH YEAR NOW OPEN Private and class lessons. Piano, Keyboard Harmony, Sight Reading, Violin, Ensemble Playing, Ear Training. 509 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago The Mature Musician, The Teacher of Music, The The Young Artist, The Public School Teacher, The Talented Child. EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC Send for complete catalog. COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC 509 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Phone Winn. 974 "Q-u-arlei-t-y=-*° --the reason for our success POULTRY Including the well-known UALITY-- bei Q cing our first 4 pSIE VALLEY CHICKEN consideration, has built up, in less than two years' time, a business that has become the largest of its kind on the north shore. We know the people of this community want the "best" there is to be had . . . our products are the best, all of a superior quality . . . and are sold at the lowest possible price. EGGS Guaranteed, all white, selected. BUTTER 100% Pure, Sweet Cream COTTAGE CHEESE Fresh from Wisconsin YESTERLAID EGG CO. Combined with the North Shore Poultry Market Gordon Rogers Perry Lieber 384 CENTER STREET, WINNETKA (on the new road between Willow and Ash) Telephones: 3080 and 122 Winnetka Largest Quality Poultry Market on the North Shore Sm On They're Going Fast SKATES Alfred Johnson's "Ice King" and "Flash" Shoe Skates All the boys and girls of Winnetka like to skate. It's very probable that they all have skates, but have they what they want? In addition to the regular clamp skates, we have been selling great numbers of Alfred Johnson's Shoe Skates . . . . . they're the kind all chil- dren want. SKIS On the many slopes in and around Winnetka, your boy will have the time of his young life on a pair of skiis. Skiing has become a very popular out- of-doors sport and we sell skiis. SLEDS Then, too, there's sleds for hitching and coasting. Sleds and skiis and skates will give your boy or girl all the exercise he or she needs....... and this is the store to make the pur- chase. Popular prices prevail. Eckart Haroware Co. 735 Elm Street Winnetka Telephones 843-844 SS i ------