January 7, 1928 SR WINNETK A TALK S-- A ANNOUNCES EXAMINERS FOR BOY SCOUT AWARDS Many North Shore People Give Services to Aid Scouts in Merit Badge Work Executive Walter McPeek of the North Shore Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, has announced the follow- ing list of Merit Badge Examiners who will aid north shore Scouts in their work on awards: Agriculture--J. Ix. Harper, public schools. Angling--R. D. Burtner, 810 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette. Archery--Dr. Eisenbrand. Wilmette Arts--High school or grade school supervisor. Astronomy -- Northwestern University Professor in Astronomy, Examiner Dr. Pardee, instructor. Athletics--Mr. Childs, High Daniel M. Davies, Mr. Todd, 'school. Automobiling--J. C. Slown or A. S. Van Deusen, Wilmette. school ; Grammar Aviation -- Scoutmaster Leach, Wil- imette. Bee-keeping--E. G. Sieber, 1118 Lake avenue; W. F. Babcock, 566 Ash street, 'Winnetka. Bird Study--Dorland Davis, Miss Wein- Yand, 706 Greenleaf avenue. Blacksmithing--R. L. ¥. Biesemeier, 804 Central avenue, Wilmette, or high school. Botany -- Professor Hildebrand, high school. Bugling--Professor Schumacher, gram- mar and high schools. Camping--Arthur L. Rice, 518 Central avenue. Carpentry--Mr. Knobel, 1416 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Chemistry--Mr. Harper or high school instructor. Civies--Daniel M. Mickey, 1423 Walnut avenue. Conservation--Dr. Pardee. Cooking--Frank Wilson (Scout to carve and serve correctly for one month). Craftsmanship -- School instructions in various subjects for this badge. Cycling--Scoutmaster or father. Electricity--C. A. Keller, 820 Green- wood avenue, or W. G. Beyrer. Firemanship--Walter Zibble, tion, Wilmette. First Aid--Any local doctor. First aid to animals--A. C. Madden, Drexel avenue, Glencoe. : Forestry--Thornhill, 415 Ridge avenue; C. L. May, 2339 Hartley avenue, Evans- ton; Dr. Pardee. Foundry--R. L. F. Biesemeier, high school. Gardening--T. F. Cook. Handicraft--Individual parents. Hiking--Scoutmaster or father. _ Horsemanship--Elmer Williams, 1229 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Insect Life--Professor Hildebrand, high school. Interpreting--High School teachers. Leatherworking---High School instrue- tor. Life saving--Scoutmaster Leach or high school and Y. M. C. A. instructors; Mr. Jackson, high school. Machinery--R. school. ~ Marksmanship--Samuel H. Vowell, 116 Sixth street, Wilmette. Music--Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, high school, Mrs. Maher, grammar school. Pathfinding--Individual Scoutmasters. Personal health--any local doctor. Photography--T. S. Gillette, 830 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Physical development--Athletic Instrue- tom ug school, grammar school, Y. fire sta- F. Biesemeier, high Pioneering--A. L. Rice, 518 Central ave- nue, Wilmette. Public Health--Dr. M. C. Hecht, Wil- mette, or Dr. E. E. Moore, Village Hall, Wilmette. Journalism and Printing--Iloyd Hollis- ter, Wilmette. Safety First--Judge D. M. Mickey or George Harbaugh, Wilmette. Scholarship--schools. Sculpture--Mrs, A. J. Coburn, 915 Lin- den avenue, Wilmette. BROWN'S FIRST SALE Commencing January 12th we will hold our first sale of Furniture and Rugs. Watch this paper next Saturday for genuine reductions. BROWN FURNITURE COMPANY 1567 Sherman Ave. Evanston | Seamanship--Sea. scout - Skipper, Shaw, Wilmette. Signalling--Scoutmasters. Stalking--Scoutmasters. Ba Surveying--A. L. Rice, 518 Central ave- nue, Wilmette or Keith Roberts, Glencoe. Swimming--Scoutmaster Leach, C. A., or high school instructors. - Mr. gr: ¥ Visiting Pastors Preach at St. John's Church Visiting pastors will occupy the pul- pit of St. John's Lutheran church dur- ing January while the pastor, Rev. Herman W. Meyer, is engaged on a iecture tour through the South in the interest of the Walther League for Young People of the Lutheran denom- ination, of which he is one of the out- standing sponsors in the Chicago area. Rev. E. Zapf, prominent in Chicago Lutheran mission work, and former pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church at Melrose Park, will have charge of the services at St. John's on January, 8 and 15. The sermon on January 22 will be preached by the Rev. Erwin Umback, junior secretary of the Wal- ther league. The preacher for the services on January 29 will be announced later, it is explained. Miss Pauline Spiegel, Melrose ave- nue, Kenilworth, gave a "slumber" party for ten girls on New Year's eve. Mr: and Mrs. William Sherman Hay of 645 Sheridan road sail January 21, on the Carinthia, for a three months' cruise of the Mediterranean. Mrs. M. | Hay, who is president of the Woman's Athletic club, was the guest of honor at a luncheon given Thursday by the members of the club board. 5%% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- proved North Shore Suburban res- idence property at 5% % interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 Appointments 1177 Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE Ph. 2766 dvisable PURCHASE FROM INCOME Are you trying, unsuccessfully, to satisfy yourself with a less worthy car than La Salle? Have you a feeling that you want a La Salle now? Then investigate the plan that gives you immediately the car of your choice and permits you to pay easily and conveniently from income. Qur fair valuation of your present car will materially reduce your first payment. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO. Evanston Branch 1810 RIDGE AVENUE, EVANSTON LASALLE