Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 28 Jan 1928, p. 54

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54 WINNETKA TALK . january 28, 1928 rss, re ---- General Notice -- GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 15 cents a line in one paper. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will be charged only o to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 109% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Ch Deadline for Insertions-- Classified advertisements will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENC EWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. OE N s 1 ACCOUNTING EXPERT INCOME TAX SERVICE Reports prepared by experienced party at very reasonable rates. Phone Kenilworth 726-J after 4 P. M. 1LTN18-1tp 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS LATE MODEL 1926 CADILLAC SE- dan, 7 passenger. Fisher Custom built body in perfect condition. $2000. Stein. Winnetka 1669. 41 TN18-1te PACKARD TWIN SIX, DELUXE TOUR- ing, 7 passenger, $400. Stein. Win- netka 1669. 4LTN18-1te LATE '25 REO SEDAN. A-1 CON- dition. Good balloon tires. Low mile- age. Very reasonable. Winn. 1027. 4LTN18-1te FOR SALE--CHRYSLER 1927--6 CYL- inder sedan, very reasonable. Win- netka 330. : 4T47-1tc FOR SALE--1925 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 29 LETTER SERVICE ARE YOU GETTING your share of new business? If not, consult us. We can help you. NORTH SHORE LETTER SERVICE (Miss I. V. Rosenberg) -Direct mail 2dvertismg N TYP. MULTIGRAPHING - MIMEOGRAPH'G Professional Stenography 634 Davis St. Univ. 740 EVANSTON over "WALGREEN'S" Room 7 & 8 29LT18-1tc 30 LOANS MONEY TO ILLOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service, McKendry Realty Co. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Univ. 8383 30LTN16-8tp --A-1 condition. Bargain. Phone Glen- |; coe 1132. 4TN47-1tc | 38 PAINTING AND DECORATING 16 CLUB MEMBERSHIP GOLF CLUB MEMBERSHIP FOR sale. Must sell my membership in one of the prominent North Shore Golf Clubs. Price reasonable or will trade for one on South Side. Address Wil- mette Life B-567. 16 LTN18-1tp Painting-Decorating PAPER HANGING, WOOD FINISHING, floor scraping and general remodeling. C. FRANKEL Phone Wilmette 3104 38LTN18-2tp 39 PETS 17 DRESSMAKING EXPERT DRESSMAKING, REMODEL- ing and repairing. Reasonable prices. Mrs. Barker, 4540 Hazel ave., Chicago, one block east of Sheridan, half block south of Wilson. Phone Edgewater 1375. 17LTN18-1tp DRESSMAKER, DESIGNER, $6.50 PER day. Miss Kingsrod, 521 Hinman Ave. Univ. 7929. 17LTN16-3tp CHILDREN'S ' AND PLAIN SEWING at home. Mrs. Larson. Phone Wil- mette 4211. 17LTN18-1te WILL DO HEMSTITCHING AT HOME. FOR SALE--FINE YOUNG MALE PO- lice dog. Reasonable, loves children. Ph. Wilmette 663. 39LTN18-1tc 12 RADIOS RT. FOR SALE--SEVERAL USED LOUD speakers, taken in trade on new and later type, as low as $3.00. Radio Service shop, 18 Prouty annex. 42ILTN18-1te RADIO SPECIALIST Day and night service. Repair service and construction. 962 Pine St., Winn. 1892. 42LTNT7-tfc RADIO EXPERT--SERVICE GUAR- antee to give satisfaction or no charge. Mrs. Trudell, 624 Willow rd. Winn. Phone between 6:30-7:30 Winnetka 172. 1662. 17T46-2tp 42TN46-3tp 25 INSTRUCTION 55 LOST AND FOUND FRENCH LESSONS BY EXP. TEACH- | LOST--SINCE JAN. 23RD A BLACK er. Grammar conversation in Win- and white dog, short haired, male, little netka $1.50 per hr. Write Winnetka larger than fox terrier about 8 mo. old. Talk B-571. 25T'47-2tp Had on an old narrow black collar. TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED teacher. Elementary and High School pupils breught up to grade. Tel. Kenil. 248. 25LTN15-4tp 27 INTERIOR DECORATING FURNITURE REFINISHER Man with years of experience will take refinishing work. Also small decorat- Reward. Call Winn. 920 during day; after 5 eall Winn. 1867. 55T47-1tc LOST -- STUB TAIL. COLLIE AND Shepherd dog .on Sunday. Reward. Tel. Wilmette 4127. 55LT18-1te BROWN SEAL HANDBAG LOST MON- day. Reward. Call at Talk office. . 55T47-1tc FIELD GLASSES FOUND--PAIR OF ing obs. Ray Dobbins. Deerfield on beach near Ash st, Jan. 25. Call 121-W. S7LTN1S-1tp | Winn. 1652. 55T47-1tc 35 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--MARTIN CORNET AND Martin trumpet. Phone Winnetka 1884. 35LTN18-1tp EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. References required. Winn. 56T47-1tp -- 5 P. M. on A NEW CLASSIFIED SERVICE! Those of our patrons wishing to place an advertisement in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, in addition to Wilmette Life, Winnetka Talk or Glencoe News, can now do so by calling-- WILMETTE 4300 or WINNETKA 2000 Copy for THE EVANSTON REVIEW must be in by Tuesdays -- | | i -- HELP WANTED--FEMALE 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE A real opportunity presents itself . to the girl looking to establish herself in a profession where advancement is limited only by personal ability Become a Telephone Operator Full salary is paid during training Increases are regular Girls over 16 with at least Grammar school education are asked to come in for a personal interview 2nd floor--614 Davis Street--Evanston or Winnetka Exchange--740 Elm Street 56T46-tfc WHITE GIRL, 18 YRS. OR OVER, TO assist with care of 2 children after- noons. Refs. req. Winn. 3064. 56TN47-1tc EXPER. WHITE GIRL TO TAKE CARE of 2 yr. old baby and assist with hswk. Refs. req. Winn. 2172. 56TN47-1tp HELP WTD.--GIRL TO DO HSWK. mornings for few weeks. Small apt. Tel. Winn. 1817. 56T47-1tp WANTED--COMP. WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hswk. Small house, 3 in family, no washing. Phone Winnetka 1403. 56TN47-1tc COMPETENT WHITE MAID. MUST be exper. cook. Small family, highest wages. 271 Linden ave. Phone Winn. 1254. 56T47-1tc GIRL FOR HALF DAY WORK, 2-8 p. m. References. Winn. 6 56TN47-1tc WANTED--COMP. WHITE MAID FOR gen. hswk. No laundry, best of wages, refs. Phone Glencoe 907. 56TN47-1tc STENOGRAPHER TO WORK FOR Public Utility company. Permanent position. Address Winnetka Talk. B-545. 56LT18-1tp COMPETENT WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. Refs. Call Winn. 1402. 56 LTN18-1tc EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Small house. 3 in fam- ily. Must be good cook and willing to help with baby. Winn. 2674. 56LTN18-1tc 57 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- LIVE, AMBI- tious man having Real Es- tate experience to take charge of old established North Shore office. A real opportunity and fine future for the right man. Write Wilmette Life, B-569. 5TLTN18-1tc AMBITIOUS MEN WHO WANT TO MAKE MONEY EASY TO LEARN. WE MANUFAC- ture and sell our own products. Rated over a million in Duns and Bradstreets. 70% of men that started to work for us four years ago in Chicago still with us--happy--prosperous. Our work is steady and permanent the year round. We want men from 25 to 45 years of age. Call for private interview at our Evanston Division office--room 201--1621 Sherman Ave. Church St. Bide. 9A. M.to4 P. M. 5TLTN18-2tc REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED! Firm of high standing has opening for experienced salesman who is willing to work hard and faithfully for a real future. Better proposition than usual to right man. Resident of Kenilworth. Winnetka or Glencoe preferred. Box 191 Winnetka. 5TLTN18-1tp 60 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE WANTED BY CAPABLE WHITE WOM- an hswk. by the day or hour. Cater- ing done and children cared for. Refs. furn. Wilmette 2919. 60LT18-1tc LIGHT COMPLEXIONED COL. WOM- an, north shore vef., wants place cook- Tel. Drexel 0491 Sunday from 5-7. ing. 60TN47-1tp NURSING WANTED BY EXPERI- enced nurse. $35 wk. Ref. Euclid 4090-W. 60TN47-1tp BY MIDDLE-AGED SCOTCH WOMAN as mother's helper and care of chil- dren. Very good references. Talk B-573. 60TN47-1tp HONEST AND RELIABLE GIRL AS laundress, cleaning and window wash- ing by the day. Call Oakland 3101. 60 TN18-1tp EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL. WANTS general housework. Good Winnetka references. Good cook. Winn. 75. 60T47-1tp COLORED MAID WANTS GENERAL housework. Fine local references. Al- so day's work--ecleaning, laundry. Glencoe 758. 60LTN18-1tp FIRST CLASS COOK. STAY ON place. Good ref. Kenwood 2707. 60LTN18-1tp WHITE WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY or gen. hswk. for Thurs. and Fri. Ph. Wil. 389 between 6 and 7 P. M. 60LTN18-1tc WHITE STRONG GIRL WISHES washing, Jroning and cleaning by the day. Phone Lakeview y 4 2 GOLT18-1tp WILL DO WASHING, ALSO WASHING taken home, housecleaning. Good refs. Wilmette 3600Y4. 60T47-1tc YOUNG WOMAN WOULD LIKE SERV- ing of lunches or dinners or taking care of children by the hour. Tel. Winnetka 2235. 60T47-1tc TXPERIENCED MARRIED WOMAN wishes to take care of children by the hour afternoons or evenings. Winn. 2183. 60T47-1tc WHITE WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRY work Tues. and Wed. Tel. Winn. 2978. 60TN47-1te SOUTHERN COLORED WOMAN wishes position as cook and 1st floor work. Winn, 2472. 60TN47-1tc SIT. WANTED--EXP. INFANTS nurse, best North Shore refs. Sheldrake 5018. 60T47-1tp WANTED--HSWK. TUES. AND WED. also do serving and taking care of children. Winnetka 2134. 60T47-1tc 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE CHAUFFEURS WE HAVE SEVERAL EXCELLENT chauffeurs, with several years experi- ence. Can furnish the best of refer- ences. We also have one driver that is an excellent A-1 mechanic. Serv- ices available immediately. NORTH SHORE PERSONNEL SERVICE 134 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON 61LT18-1tc PH. UNIV. 740 YOUNG COLORED MAN WISHES hswk. or any kind of work. Good refs. Alonzo. Ph. Wil. 1058. 61T47-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN,, etc. Drive, wash cars. Winn. 1552. 61T47-tfc POSITION FOR MAN. ANY KIND OF work by day or hour. Single, best refs. Phone Highland Park 2081. 61T47-1te MIDDLE-AGED MAN COMPETENT and reliable as care taker for Winter months. House or janitor work. 882 Pine St. Winn. 1549. 61T46-tfe PAPER CLEANING AND also odd jobs. Wil. 3428. 61LT14-tfc PAINTING. gen. hswk. ENGLISH MATD WANTS PERMANENT pos., cooking and 1st floor work. 1st class refs. Winn. 2889. 60TN47-1tp DAY WORK LAUNDERING OR cleaning. Tue. and Thur. Call Uni- versity 2882. 60LTN18-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO DO at home. Reas. prices, exp. laundress. Wilmette 2623. S0LTN18-1te WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO DO at home. Reas. prices, exp. laundress. Winnetka 1867. 60LLTN18-1tc 1ST CLASS LAUNDRESS DESIRES work by the day. Good refs. Tel Greenleaf 1142. 60T.T18-1te Hsewk.. Furnaces. Trees TRIMMED, TAKEN DOWN, WINN. 2639 61LTN15-tfc CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN., etc. Drive, wash cars. Winn. 1552, 61LTN11-tfe CHAUFFEUR, 15 YRS. EXPERIENCE-- any make of car, do all my repairs, housework and garden. Best. of refs. Winn. 637TW. 61LTN18-1tp DAY'S WORK, HOUSECLEANING, window washing, driving. Or perman- ent chauffeur-butler pos. 15 yrs. exper. N. 8S. refs. Wm. Gamble, Glencoe 1523 or 565. 61 TN18-1tp

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