Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 28 Jan 1928, p. 55

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January 28, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 53 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE © FOR RENT--GARAGES BOY 15 YRS. WOULD LIKE WORK OF any kind. Has bicycle and can run errands. Ph. Wil. 2623. 61LTN17-2tc 62 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE FOR RENT--GARAGE, 1040 PINE ST. Phone Winnetka 752. T2T47-1tc GARAGE FOR RENT NEAR INDIAN Hill Station. Winnetka 1543. 72T47-1tc Immediately Available --Office Placement-- ; Secretary with 4 years' legal and varied experience. Capable, very pleasing personality. 23-25 yrs. Ixperienced pookkeepers -- correspondent typists-- Reception room attendants--sales and executive ability. Initiative, good per- sonalities. 1 --Club-Hotel-Home Service-- Companions -- Practical nurses -- second nurses -- children's nurses -- supervising housekeepers. NORTH SHORE PERSONNEL SERVICE ST H. UNIV. 740 YOUNG COUPLE WANTS SIT. AS chauffeur and to do housework. Refs, Tel. Highland Park 2525. 62T47-1tp EXP, MAN OR COUPLE DESIRE housework by the week. Refs. Green- leaf 529. 621 TN18-1tp 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS a ROOMS IN THE NORTH SHORE Montessori School. 761 Cherry St, Winnetka. Suitable for classes or eve- ning entertainments. Apply to Miss Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil. 163. 66T46-tfc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 3% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfe CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66LT8-tfe ATTRACTIVE WARM ROOM. TRIPLE east window. 2 closets. Near stations. Winn. 415. 66LTN18-1tc NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN NEW apt., 1 block from transpor. Reasonable to right party. Winn. 2304. 66T47-1tc 2 LIGHTHOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, available Feb. 15. Tel. Winn. 1662. 66T46-2tp ROOM FOR RENT--969 ELM ST. TEL. Winnetka 2399. 66T47-tfc LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ALSO rooms for 1 or 2. Winnetka 1920. 66TN47-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. Wilmette 4023. EVANSTON IS ist DAY P 62LT18-1tc PH. 661LT18-1tp ROOM FOR RENT WITH BOARD. Winn. 2103. 66 TN18-1tp 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS New Apartments Now Ready 2 ROOMS--LIVING ROOM WITH ROLL- away bed, kitchenette, bedroom and bath with shower, $77.50. rooms--living rooms with roll-away bed, dinette and kitchenette, bedroom and bath, $87.50 and $90.00. rooms--$125.00. All have large light rooms, good closet space, elec. refrigera- tion furnished. SMITH & BROWN 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 67T18-tfe FOR RENT--MAY IST OR BEFORE-- on quiet street in Hubbard Woods, 4- rm. apt, 2nd fl, glazed heated sun porch, glazed slp. pch., large yard. $75 per month. Phone Winnetka 2480. oo ot 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES LARGE OFFICE SUITABLE FOR physician or other professional man. Situated in Winnetka's central busi- ness sec. Reas. rent. Write Wilmette Life B-549. 73LTN18-1tc 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES 99 ANTIQUES Don't Fail to Cee THIS NINE ROOM HOUSE--3 BATHS-- hot water heat--beautiful lot with 75 feet of frontage in central East side lo- cation. Owner moved--house vacant-- a real buy at $25,000. P. W. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 788 Elm St. Phone Win. 162 TTT47-1tc FOR RENT--SHOPS AND OFFICES. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62, 731 IN8-tfc 76 FOR SALE--GARAGES FOR SALE--PORTABLE GAR. 10%x181% ft. No reas. offer refused. Wilmette 2157. T6LTN18-1tc 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES EAST SIDE HOME WE OFFER LOVELY AND DIS- tinguished home with every comfort and convenience, situated one block from the lake, on large corner lot, 150 x 150 ft. 5 spacious sunny rooms on 1st floor - with 2 screened porches and 2 open fireplaces. Convenient pantries and Kitchen. Cream enamel woodwork throughout. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. sleep- ing porch on 2nd floor. Servants' rooms and bath on 3rd floor. 2 car garage with attractive apartment above. Love- ly view of the lake. University lease- hold Mrs. Fuller, Homes 522 Davis St. Ph. Univ. 8240 Res. Ph. Univ. 5746 T7T47-1tc Picturesque and Unique MOST UNUSUAL NORMANDY BRICK home with attached garage. TOWER entrance with circular stairs. Beauti- ful STUDIO living room 16x30 feet. Tiled floor dining room. 2 baths. A real home you will enthuse over. Price just reduced to $29,000. Quinlan Tyson 746 Elm Street Winnetka 2198 TTT47-1tc $2,500 Cash MODERN STUCCO AND FRAME, 6 rooms, glazed and screened front porch, deep wooded lot, desirable location, owner building larger home. Price $14,000 HILI, & STONE 543 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 1544 : T7LT18-1te Kenilworth 9 RM. 3 BATH RESID. ON BEAUT. wooded lot in choice central east lo- cation. Must be sold at once. TUn- equalled value for $30,000. Hokanson & Jenks 513 Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 $2,500 Cash WILL HANDLE 6 RM. DUTCH CO- lonial in S. E. Winnetka, nr. all schools and trans. 3 bedrooms. sun- room, 2 extra lavatories, wooded lot, garage. Price $16,000. E.E.StultsRealty Co 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Winn. 1800 T7LTN18-1te HUBBARD WOODS New English Brick, nearing completion, having 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Frigi- daire, garage, on a beautiful wooded lot. You can select the interior dec- orations. Offered under its value at $24,000. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St., Winnetka, Ph. Winn. 7032 TTLTN18-1te FOR SALE--7 RM. HOUSE, GLAZED heated slp. and brk. rms. Excep. high class and well built. Many unusual features. Built by owner 5 yrs. ago for a home, not for speculation. Beautiful- ly landscaped grounds. 300 ft. from lake. Nr. school and transp. Unusual opp. Owner must sell. Ph. Winnetka 1919. TTLTN16-tfe FOR SALE--ONE OF WINNETKA'S finest homes in exclusive neighborhood. 4 master bedrooms, 3 master baths, servant's room and bath. No agents. Write Winnetka Talk B-572. TTTN47-1te COZY 6-RM. HOUSE, FINE LOT EAST Side, Winnetka. For quick cash sale $12,600. Call Winnetka 1689. T7TLTN18-1tp FOR SALE--7 ROOM HOUSE, TO BE moved at once from 434 Adams, Glen- coe. $500 for quick sale. Tel. Glencoe 265. TTTN47-1te kh} FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE--$95 PER FT. OR BEST cash offer buys very choice building sight in beautiful N. W. Evanston; fac- ing Lincolnwood Forest Preserve; cor- ner Ewing and Grant; must sacrifice; phone Wilmette 1415. T8LTN18-1tc 84 REAL ESTATE Homes, Homesites and Insurance '| HOPE THE PUBLIC, WHEN DEAL- ing with any or all of these, will avail themselves of the services of Dudley Bradstreet REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 522 Center St. Phone Winnetka 806-875 84T47-1te 87TL/TN1T-tEp 77LT18-1tc | g7 WTD. TO RENT--APTS. FOR RE oa hpi RM. AY ° RED coup WANTS TO RENT 1062 Gage St., Hubbard Woods. 2n . W Tk Hi iving quarters over garage. Best ref. 'Will decorate to suit, $75 per mo. Frank innet a ome Call Glencoe 1244. STTN47-1te A. Reid, 954 Linden Ave., Hubbard - Woods, 67TN47-1te $22,000 $9 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE 5 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS ) y Zi apartment, steam heat, janitor service, | 3 blocks to lake, 4 blocks to school, vil- id Lil E NY HOUSE IN we near transportation. Call Wilmette lage, and main elec. and steam depots. Sobol an a transportation Rensonais 1800. 6TLTN2-tfc| Hot water heat with oil burner. rent. Ph. Winn. S17. S$9T46-4te 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. HAVIEAND REALLY COS om iis oe ieooh rs i 5 9 . r i CU- 2 ROOM FURN., APT, WITH HOT 747 Elm §St., Winnetka. Ph. Winn. 577 house or bungalow. Immediate occu water heat. Wilmette 3082. 68L.T18-1te OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY TTLTNI18-1te pancy or May 1st. Wilmette Life B-566. 89T47-1tp FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--MODERN STUCCO HSE. 6 rms., sun parlor, sleeping porch and breakfast rm., hot water heat, 2 car garage, 2 blocks N. W, & N. S. Con- cession. Tel. Wilmette 2488. 69L/TN18-1tc MY FURN. HOUSE family until May 1st. Address B-561. Winnetka 69LTN18-1tp -- ~ WILL SHARE with small Reasonable. Talk. TO CLOSE ESTATE WINNETKA HOME 1034 Pine Street 5 bedrooms 2 baths Vapor heat--Good condition $19,000 $6,000 cash Bal. 1st Mtge. SMITH & BROWN exclusive agents 736 Elm St., Winnetka, Ph. 142 TTLTN18-1te 9 WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES PRIVATE PARTY WANTS 7 OR 8 room house, 2 or more baths. Modern. Convenient to transportation. $20,000- $25,000. Tel. Winn. 1941. 96TN47-1tp 99 ANTIQUES CHESTS, 4 POSTER BEDS, SECRE- tary, Very Old, Fine Condition. Reas- onable. Ph. Winn. 2572, 99 TN18-1te IMPORTANT NOTICE Must clear my house! Am selling every article of antiques at a sacrifice! If you need old pieces of furniture, now is the time to purchase. Spool, post & cottage beds as low as $25 a pr. Odd beds, $3 to $15. Teaster maple bed, $50. 6 slat-back hickory chairs ready to paint, $18 the set. Cherry high boys, blanket chests, curley maple table & 6 matching chairs. Sewing tilt-top and drop-leaf tables in all woods. West- ward Ho glass, Pink Lustre, Copper Kettles, Brasses and a new lot of cher- ry & walnut 3 and 4-drawer chests. MRS. ANN DICKE 808 Washington St., Evanston, 1 bl. So. Main St., near Sherman Ave. Ph. Univ. 9890 99LTN18-1tp 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS FOR SALE--OVAL MAHOGANY DIN- ing table, 6 chairs, mohair seats, about 3 yrs, old. Cane and mahog, liv rm. chair. Mahog. rocker with leather up- holstry. 3 piece enamelled and up- holstered sun rm. set. Heavy mahog. library table. All this furni. is in first class condition. Can be seen by appointment. Phone Winn. 1227. 100LTN18-1te ENTIRE FURNISHINGS OF 5 ROOM bungalow: 9 piece walnut din. rm. set. Walnut twin beds, dresser and chest. Mohair and frieze davenport and chair. Colonial secretary. Odd chairs, tables, mirrors, lamps, silk spreads, and draperies. Call evenings or Sat. and Sunday, 1018 Ash St, Winn, 2091. 100LTN18-1tc ROUND MAHOGANY DINING TABLE, $10. 6 mahog. dining chairs, $15. Mahog. tea cart, $5. Mahog. side- board, almost new, $40. One decora- tive mirror, 5x1 ft., $10. Phone Winn. A 100LTN18-1te ANXIOUS TO DISPOSE QUICKLY OF Clark Jewel stove, 4 burner. Bohn Syphon ice-box, 100 Ib. capacity. Kit- chen cabinet. All good condition. 1034 Pine St. Winn. 1418. 100LTN18-1te BARGAIN BIRCHWOOD SIDE- board, beveled-edge glass doors. Fine condition. Will sell cheap or trade for small chiffonier. Winn. 650-R. 100LTN18-1tp RADIATOR COVERS--REASONABLY priced, beautiful baked enamel finish. Artistically constructed with built-in humidifiers. 4225 W. Kedzie. Ph. Kedzie 3351. 100LTN18-5tc FOR SALE--MAH. DINING RM. SET. Adam Period. Table, 9 chairs, side board, china closet. Call at 234 Cen- tral Ave, Highland Park. Tel. High- land Park 2206. 100LTN18-1te FULL SIZED STEEL BED, WALNUT finish, double deck coil spring, excel- lent mattress in good condition. $18 complete. Winnetka 2185. 100T47-1te TWIN BRASS BEDS AND BOX springs. Dresser, chair, bookcase, and dishes. Phone Winn. 1932, 100LT18-1tc BRUNSWICK MAHOGANY CABINET phonograph and records, $25. Phone 'Winn. 1296. 100 TN18-1tc -- 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GDS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 101TN5-tfe 102 FOR SALE--MISC. Coal and Coke Phone 653 Winnetka THE NORTHSHORE CO. 16 Prouty Annex--Winnetka 102TN47-1tc FOR SALE--HARDING BURNER OUT- fit complete with boiler, practically new, being used only three months and in perfect condition. Will sell this out- fit at one-half its actual cost. For particulars telephone Lincoln 0148 and ask for Birchl 102LTN15-4tc FOR SALE CARACUL COAT, blended Fitch trim, reasonable. 384 Elder lane, Winnetka. 102LTN18-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL MINK FUR shawl scarf at less than half value. Phone Winnetka 1585. 102T47-1tc HUDSON SEAL COAT, SIZE 38, $40. Stroller, $7. Winn. Baby carriage, $5. 331. 102TN47-1tc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 56

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