February 11, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 19 Clabaugh Not to Be Candidate for Lieut. Governor Hinton G. Clabaugh of Winnetka, chairman of the Illinois pardon and parole board, will not be a candidate for lieutenant governor. He will con- tinue his work as head of the parole board, for some months at least. The above is the substance of a statement made this week by Mr. Clabaugh. He gave as his reasons for withdrawing from the race as follows: "l1--When I announced I was assur- ed Fred Sterling, present lieutenant governor, would not run. He was ill at the time. He has apparently re- covered, I am delighted to know, and will make the race again. "2--Mr. Sterling has given me ex- cellent support in my work of reor- ganizing the pardon and parole board. He co-operated with me especially during the last session of the general assembly, I count him my friend. I wish him success. "3--I have contended, all along, that the Illinois pardon and parole board ought to be kept out of politics, I want to continue that work. If I ran for office some, not understanding, might figure that I was mixing politics with the board. "Aside from the above I feel that after a few months more work with the pardon and parole board I must, for business reasons, resign and re- turn to my private affairs which have been much neglected due to pressure of public work. I have a duty to my family and it is difficult to assure their future safety while giving my time to public work as I have done for sixteen years in federal work and for the last twenty months in my present work." "International Propaganda" Subject at Uptown Forum "International Propaganda" will be the subject for discussion at the meet- ing of the Uptown Forum Sunday evening, February 12, under the leader- ship of Prof, Harold D. Lasswell, of the department of Political Science, at the University of Chicago. This lec- ture embodies unusually valuable and interesting information on both war- time and peace-time propaganda by various nations, including some by our own country. Maude Royden, the famous English woman preacher, will speak at the Uptown Forum Sunday evening, Feb- ruary 19, on "America and England-- Can They Really Be Friends?" The Uptown Forum meets in the auditorium of the People's church, 941 Lawrence avenue, just east of Sheridan road, Chicago, at 8 P. M. BAHA'I LECTURE Dr. Albert Vail will address the meeting at the studio of Louis Bour- geois, 536 Sheridan road, Sunday, February 12th, at 3 p.m., on the sub- ject "A New Path to Religious Unity." Note the change of hour for this talk for the convenience of a University class who will attend. A study class for the investigation of the Realities of Religion is now meeting every Tuesday, at 2 P.M, at 112 Linden avenue, at which all religious truth seekers are most cordially invited. ON Y. W. C. A. BOARD Miss Catherine Bickham of 429 Ninth street, Wilmette, is one of the students chosen on the Freshman com- mission of the Ohio Wesleyan univer- sity Y.W.C.A. Membership require- ments are based on scholarship, relia- bility, interest in the organization, re- sourcefulness, potential leadership and congenial personality. RBBB bH HHH HpEDELEIREEDS | A Word of Explanation and an apology PETER H PTE O GREAT was the response to the first announce- S ment of our Annual February Footwear Sale, that many of our popular lines for this event were sold out, within the first few days, leaving so little selection that it was necessary to cancel our scheduled sale advertising. 3 0} CE EC EI FEE CE EH CH PEI BEI BE Not to disappoint the many who still desire to take advantage of this well-known February selling, we are offering a discount on all regular lines in the store. Selections are excellent--but, we are obliged to limit the time to Saturday, the eighteenth, in- stead of February 29, in anticipation of continued demand. We especially urge you to come in at your first opportunity. Store Hours--8 to 6 PaoL & PIPER INC ° CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS 1608 Chicago Avenue Evanston EE PPE ERT TR KEEP YOUR COAL BIN FILLED You can safeguard the health, comfort and happiness of yourself and family by keeping your bins well filled with the right kind of coal or coke. Don't wait for the blizzard. If your supply is running low, re-order now. Many hundreds of homes on the North Shore are heated with Consumers Guaranteed Coal and Coke. It is the safest, most dependable and economical fuel. "Every ton must satisfy or we remove it and refund your money." EVANSTON OFFICE 1015 Church St. Phone University 4500 DELIVERY YARDS BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL @nsumers @mpany COAL -- COKE -- ICE -- BUILDING MATERIAL THROUGHOUT "THE GLENCOE OFFICE - 712 Glencoe Road Phone Glencoe 75 NORTH DISTRICT SHORE