34 WINNETKA TALK February 11, 1928 FOR FUEL--USE OIL "A Correct Grade for Each Burner" Two Bulk Plants--Eight Trucks operated ON the north shore to assure PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE Braun Bros. On Co. 723 Oak Street, Winnetka Winnetka 3020 -- Telephones -- Highland Park 3296 SUFFERS ACCIDENT Claude Burnham of Roslyn road, Kenilworth had a very severe accident last week while coming down the steps of the apartment of a business friend on Lake Shore drive. He fell back- wards as he reached the bottom of the stairs and struck the back of his head with terrific force and the chauf- feur carried him into the Drake hotel where two doctors were summoned and he was taken to the Presbyterian hos- pital. It is considered quite a miracle that his skull was not fractured. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT "Soul" will be the subject at the services of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Winnetka, Sunday morn- ing, February 12, at 11 o'clock. The Mothers' club of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority will meet with Mrs. William Gale, 2424 Elm avenue, Ev- anston, next Monday afternoon. NASH Leads the World in Moior Car Value Reduces Prices! Effective Feb. 1st SUBURBAN NASH SALES Phone Winnetka 2707 547 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA Hundred Fine Prints Placed on Display by University Guild One hundred fine prints from the international collection assembled by the Chicago Society of Etchers, brought to Evanston by the University guild, are now on display in the ball- room of the Orrington hotel. There are prints and etchings from all parts of the world, the value of the collection nearly $2,000. Seventy-two artists are represented, 22 of them now living abroad. Pictures have come from Japan, France, Wales, England, Belgium and other foreign countries, and from all parts of the United States, including Evanston. Evanston: Jean Myall--"Chancel of St. Luke's;" Thomas Tallmadge--' Early Morning," "Top of the Dunes;' Earl Reed--*'Port Chester Sands," "Requiem of Leaves." Paris: Achner--"Porte Soubeyean;" Scott--""Rio del Mendicanti," 'Beauvais,' "Pont Marie." Prague: Vondrous--"Preservation: of 'Works of Art," "The Zeppelin." Belgium : Baksteen--"IL'Arbe at La Grange ;" Sherwood--"Pecheurs de Cre- vettes." Japan: Luthmann--*"Temple Hall." Venice: Mauroner--*"Canalazze." China: Douglass--'Temple, Mak Peau, Angkor." Florence: Zarini~--'La, Collina di Fiesole." England : Beaumont--*"Tapping the Furnace ;"" Bush--The Towers ;"' Cross-- "Van der Geest after Van Dyke ;" Dobson --"Speen Pond ;" Harvey--*"Boat Builder's Shed ;" Kimball--"The Barque;" Marples --"On the Feed," "Jester of Lincoln Cathe- dral;" Robins--"Monnickendam ;"' Skinner --*"Hot Wells ;"' Chamberlain--*"Side Street in Beayvais," "Cathedral Spires, Angers;"" Tapp--*'Lacock," 'Tudor Fireplace." Honolulu: LuQuiens--*"Elena," 'The Little Cove." South Wales: Burchell-- "The Five Sisters, York." Toronto: Haines--'"The Village." Chicago: Crossman -- "Fine Arts Building ;"' Jacques--"Anemones," 'Mag- nolias," '"Thornapple;" Kirkbride, V.-- "Spellbound," "Autumn;"' Kirkbride, E.-- "Milady's Kerchief;" Levy--'"The Beach," "Little Hills in April;" Seymour--"Old Courtyard," "Rothenberg Turn; Schnei- der -- "Lincoln ;" Sturges -- 'Blackfeet Glacier," "St. Mary's Lake;" Telling-- "Patricia." Oak Park: Dahlgreen-- 'Out West," "Wisconsin Woodland." Fairfield, (Conn.): Arms--"Il Sacro Monte, Varese," "Via Facchini, Pisa." Los Angeles: Botke--*"Pont Louis Phil- lippe." Pasadena: Doolittle--'California Red- woods," "Desert Clouds." Mills College: Partridge-- Live Oak and Orange," "Willow Pool." Boston: Gallagher -- "Fishing Boats," "Rio de Cassiano"; Woodbury -- "The Whirl Pool." $ Philadelphia: Bishop -- "Sprig," "Salt Marshes." Trenton: Bradshaw-- Wrexham Tower, Yale," "77 Gate, Harvard." Bellerica (Mass.): Smith--"After the Collision." New Milford (Conn.); Young -- "Bull Moose," "Golden Age." Ridgewood, N. J.: Swell -- "Christening." £ Newport (R. I): Waite--"In Washing- ton," "Newport Villa." New York: Buzenbenz--'Prize Chows" ; Christensen--*"Chasse du Pharoah," "Sum- "Truant," mer Evening"; Coughlin -- "Ipswich Green"; Damianakes-- Mazurka"; Gid- dens -- "Mosque St. Sophia," "Chicago Tribune Tower"; Kappel -- 'Homeward Bound"; Lewis -- "Rain," "Trees at Gotemba"; Merrill -- "Tower Town"; Petersen -- "Morning News"; Roth -- "Sienna," "Street in Sienna," "Founda- mento Rialo"; Ryder -- "Farmyard in Winter" ; Thorne--'"The Hero," "Edge of Winder"; Thomson -- "Doe and Fawn," "Lion Roaring"; Verrees -- "Scene in Flanders." Nashiville (Ind.): Griffith -- "The Alamo." Howard (Kans.) :Hall--'La Rue Sainte Luce, Venice," "Entrance to Rue de Alpine (Tex.) :Haines--"The Village." Salem (Mass.): Little--"When Spain was great upon the seas." GIVES LUNCHEON Mrs. Percy Eckhart, Cumberland road, Kenilworth, entertained at luncheon for twelve on Tuesday, pre- ceding the lecture at the Neighbors. Dr. Burgess Johnson who spoke on "Getting Educated Quickly" had been an instructor at Vassar college when Eleanor Echkart was a student there and he was very much beloved by his classes and admired by all who knew him,