WINNETKA TALK February 11, 1928 General Notice -- GLENCOE NEWS. Rates-- Average of five words to the line. the WILMETTE WINNETKA TALK and Friday CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or 15 cents a line in one paper. 30 cents a line in all three papers. No black face type used. on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions-- Gases, 1avgtisements will be ac LIFE or all three papers; 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or ness 2000-2001. be charged only 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 109% discount will be ac- Thursday 5 o'clock for the NEW! S. Increases are regular Girls over 16 with at least Grammar school education are asked to come in for a personal interview 2nd floor--614 Davis Street--Evanston or Winnetka Exchange--740 Elm Street 56T46-tfc 2. No. Century years are not leap years unless the first two figures 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE A real opportunity AMERICAN LADY, EXPERIENCED IN presents itself interior decoration, will make drapery to the girl looking to establish and curtains of all kinds in your home. herself in a profession where Best ref. P. O. Box 117, Evanston. advancement is limited only 60T49-1tp by personal ability POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG NOR- Become a Telephone Operator wegian girl as 2nd maid or housework. Full salary is paid during training Winn. 1264. 60T49-1tc WASHING TO TAKE HOME. ALSO' bundle work. By exper. laundress. Call Winn. 1867. 60T49-1tc WANTED--CLEANING HALF DAYS BY week or by the day. Colored. Phone University 2799. 60T49-1tp HOUSEWORK BY THE DAY. WHITE, Excellent work. University 5652. 60TN49-1tc GEN. HSWK., EXP., COLORED, GOOD are numbers divisible by four. refs. Call Normal 8976. 60TN49-2tc MAID, GEN. HOUSEWORK. ASSIST EP rpRIENoED $ ona vans S 2 © with child. Small bungalow. No laun- day's work. Refer. encoe 791 2 ARTISY i GARDENING ary. Must furnish A-1 ref. Glencoe 60TN49-1tp 615. 56 LTN20-1tc PLAN NOW! NTED-- i | PARCHMENT SHADES GARDEN WORK DONE EARLY BY NY asHINgS To TAs MADE TO ORDER WITH OLD PRINTS Large collections of Godey's, Flower Prints, Coaching, Hunting, Early Amer- ican and English Views, Etchings. Vases wired. Shades painted to match. GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St., Evanston Ph. Gr. 816 3TN49-1te 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 't Bu Don't Buy UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THESE CARS PRICE REDUCTIONS FOR CLEAN-UP! 1927 Master Six Buick Sedan, cost $1,725 New, reduced to $1,175. 1926 Buick Master Six 7-pass. Sedan. Cost $2,500 now reduced to $1,250. 1926 Standard Buick Sedan, cost $1,495 New, reduced to $850. New motor, good paint job. ABOVE CARS CARRY A 90-DAY GOLD SEAL GUARANTEE TERMS AND TRADES! North Shore Buick Company 1031 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5961 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4LTN20-1tc FOR SALE -- STUDEBAKER COACH like new; driven four thousand miles, must be seen to be appreciated. Ph. Wilmette 1709 between 6 and 41, TN20-1tp FOR SALE--1927 FORD TRUCK, screen body. Cheap. R. Hymanson, 462 Winnetka Ave., Winnetka. 41, TN20-1tc FOR SALE -- 1925 CHEVROLET Coach. Excellent condition, $185. Glencoe 1330. 4LTN20-1te Packard Six Sedan IN VERY GOOD CONDITION; FOR sale $500, 195 Greenbay Rd., Hub- bard Woods. Phone Glencoe 244. 4 TN20-1tc FOR SALE--CADILLAC T7-PASSENGER sedan. Late model 1926. Fisher custom- built body. Fully equipped. Good rub- _ ber. Mechanically perfect. Bargain. Call Stein, Winn. 1669. 4TN49-1tc 11 BUILDING & CONTRACTING NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH i HARRIS BROTHERS CO. RALPH WATTS, Mgr. 2047 HOWARD AVE. CHICAGO Between Clark and Ridge EVANSTON CHICAGO UNIVERSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 5126 "Cellu-Seal" Lined Garages COTTAGES--HOMES COMPETENT PEOPLE. PRODUCES RESULTS. GAGE & JORDAN 2016 CENTRAL ST. GREENLEAF 2930 20LTN20-1tc 30 LOANS MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. McKendry Realty Co. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evansion Univ. 8383 |. 30LTN16-8tp 39 PETS FOR SALE--PEDIGREED COCKER Spaniel Puppies. Male. Red and red and white. Telephone Glencoe 1487. 39LTN20-1te WANTED NURSE, YOUNG FRENCH girl, care of my daughter 5 yrs. old. 335 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka 2260. 56 LTN20-1tc home, will call for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 1391. Refs. 60T49-2tp 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk. Ref. req. Phone Glencoe 1231. 56LTN20-1tc WANTED--RELIABLE WHITE GIRL for general housework. Call Winn. 1402. 56TN49-1tc WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist with housework mornings. Phone Winn. 1224. 56T49-1tc WANTED--WATTRESS. APPLY WIN- netka Cafe, 730 Elm street. 56TN49-1tc CHAUFFEUR COLORED -- A-1 REFS, 5 yrs. last place. Expert on all high grade cars. Uniform. Call Frank, University 3029. 61LTN20-1tp YARD MAN, GENERAL HOUSEMAN, butler, chauffeur. Fine north shore references. Please call Sutton, Drexel 61LTN19-2tp CHAUFEEUR, 15 YRS. EXPERIENCE-- any make of car, do all my repairs, housework and garden. Best of refs. Winn. 637-W. 61LTN20-1tc WANTED-- YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hswk. Wilmette 3561. 56TN49-1tc 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE CLOSING OUT KENNELS ON AC- count of leaving town. Beautiful Rus- sian wolfhound puppies. 2 months old. Reg. in A. K. C. Choice, $25. Special prices quoted on grown dogs. Draudric Kennels, Watseka, Ill. C. D. Jenkins, owner. 39LTN20-1tc FOR SALE--CHOW AND COLLIE house-dog, 1% years old. Also dog house. Very reasonable. Glencoe 1036. 39TN49-1te 42 RADIOS Expert Radio Service OTR COMPLETE PORTABLE TEST- ing unit enables us to give you labora- tory service in your own home, thus eliminating all guess work. This ser- vice is reasonable and guaranteed. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. RADIO SERVICE & INSTALLATION Linden Avenue and 5th Street Phone Wilmette 4117 42LT20-1te RADIO SPECIALIST Day and night service. Repair service and construction. 962 Pine St., Winn. 1892. 42T49-tfc 1. Five: Medical, Taw, Dental, Commerce and Journalism. 44 SERVICE BUREAU MRS. FAUST'S CATERING SERVICE FOR FEBRUARY PARTIE Lincoln's Birthday Saint Valentine's Day 'Washington's Birthday Before you make your plans--come in and talk things over with Mrs. Faust. She will make your party a wonderful success, and relieve you of all worry TWO PHONES: GREENLEAF 4417- 5034 WHITE COUPLE IS THERE A WHITE COUPLE NOW employed in Evanston or on the North Shore who desire to make a change? We have a very desirable opening that must be filled at once. Man must be butler-houseman-chauffeur; woman must be Al cook. To such a couple we can make a mighty fine proposition. Call us today. FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE-BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4417-5055 58LTN20-1tc WANTED--SOLICITOR FOR HIGH- class photographic studio. Give full ex- perience and references in first letter. Write Wilmette Life B-591. 58T49-1tc COUPLE, WHITE. COOK, GENERAL housework. Man must be a good driver. Good references required. Phone Deerfield 232-M-2. 58LT20-1tc EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR AND houseman. A-1 ref. Univ. 2885. 61LTN20-1tp PAINTING, PAPER CLEANING AND gen. hswk.--also odd jobs. Wil. 3428. 61LT14-tfc YOUNG MAN 33 YRS. OLD FOR GAR- den and hswk. Drives car, good refs. Tel. Winnetka 3015. 61T49-1tc SITUATION AS CHAUFFEUR. 6 YRS. driving exp. Swedish. Married. Good mech. Fine ref. Highland Park 2525. 61TN49-1tc TREE TRIMMING OR REMOVAL OR general day work. Winn. 1343. 61T49-1tp AND HOUSEMAN. part time. Thoroughly ex- Winn. ref. Call Winn. 1343. 61T49-1tp WINDOWS, POLISH FURN,, Drive, wash cars. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfc AS GARDENER Full or perienced. CLEAN ete. 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 62 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE COMPETENT WOMAN WITH BEST of refs.; good cook would like posi- tion as cook where 2nd maid is kept or for general housework in small family. C. S. preferred. Tel. Wilmette 663. 60LTN20-1tc ELDERLY WOMAN WISHES POS. taking care of children. Willing to do upstairs work. N. S. ref. Winn. 1020. 60LTN20-1tp LARGE WASHINGS TO BE DONE AT home. Will call for and deliver. Wil 3689. 60LTN20-1tc COMP. WHITE GIRL WISHES GEN. hswk. or cooking. Ph. Keystone 0372. 60LTN20-1tp WILL DO WASHING, ALSO WASHING Res. Phone, G leaf 5370 taken home, housecleaning. Good refs. Teenlear BT alte indie SUOULL 60LT20-1t0 5 Nv WORK BY THE DAY. PHONE WIL- 50 GENERAL REPAIRS Motte 43L 60L/T20~-1tp GENERAL REMODELING AND RE- pairing. Estimate suggestions and plans free for any job big or small, we go anywhere, Hendrickson Const. Co. State Bank Bldg. Park Ridge 6531-710 50LTN20-tfe A NEW CLASSIFIED SERVICE! Those of our patrons wishing to place an advertisement in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, in addition to Wilmette Life, or Glencoe News, ean now do so by calling-- WILMETTE 4300 or WINNETKA 2000 Copy for THE EVANSTON REVIEW must be In by -- 5 P. M. on Tuesdays -- Winnetka Talk A -------------- A ---- i -------------------- TWO EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMEN wish work together as 1st and 2nd maids. One is good cook; other, gen. work, care for children. Good refers. Kenwood 1589. 60L/TN20-1tp 2 WHITE GIRLS WANT HOUSEWORK together as 1st and 2nd maids. Call Glencoe 909. 60L'TN20-1tp DRESSMAKER, EXPERIENCED WITH dresses, suits, coats. $7 a day. Diversey 4071. 60LTN20-2tp LAUNDRY WORK BY DAY. VERY best of references. Winn. 2420. 60LT20-1te HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS WORK Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 3 on. Glencoe 218. 60TN49-1tp COLORED COUPLE DESIRE PRIVATE family work, thoroughly exp. Licensed chauffeur, good houseman and cook. Refs. Kenwood 2973. 62T49-1tp LICENSED CHAUFFEUR OR BUTLER. Experienced. 1st class competent couple for right family. Will work separately. Glencoe 791. 62TN49-1tp YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE WORK AS cook and houseman or chauffeur. First class refs. Beverley 3113. 62TNL48-1tp MAN AND WIFE MAID-COOK. Chauffeur refs. Packard Motor Car Co., Greenleaf 1200. Phone Drexel 0917. 62LTN20-1tp GOOD RELIABLE COL. COUPLE. Gen. housework, cooking, chauffeur. Kenwood 9555. 62LTN19-2tp 64 ROOM MATES LADY WISHES TO SHARE HER apartment with reliable young business woman. Convenient to all transp. Wil- mette 1606. 641. T20-1te WANTED--BOARD & ROOM WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR boy 12 yrs. old, for 4-6 weeks, begin- ning Feb. 26. Family having boy in Skokie school preferred. Mrs. C. H. Thomas, Winn. 1898. 65T49-1tp 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS by week or month. Phone Wilmette 2399 or 3345. 66 LTN20-tfe CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66LT8-tfc 65 NURSING WANTED BY EXP. NURSE. Phone Euclid 4090-W or write Wil- mette Life B-592. 60T49-1tp LARGE LIGHT WARM RM. NEAR transp. Private bath. Call Winnetka 1543. 661. TN20-1tc