4 WINNETKA TALK February 18, 1928 CITES ACHIEVEMENTS OF WINNETKA C. OF C. (Continued from page 12) sand dollars. Do you think such an act would have been possible between strangers? 'These are the big things in life and I believe the Chamber of r---- Get Your Tickets Early for the Bs Egyptian Follies Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial Hall SKOKIE SCHOOL, Feb. 24 and 25, 8:00 P. M. Presented by Square Club of Masonic Temple Tickets from members or Adams Drug Store Commerce has helped to promote that spirit in the Winnetka business man. "There are still a few merchants who can't see the benefit in belonging to our Chamber of Commerce and there are others, [ presume, who, when they write that $10 check for annual dues, believe it is just another useless expense. But I believe that each and every one of us receive that $10 back, plus a good profit, each year from one source alone and that is, home-trading. I know I have talked to my wife and I know others of you have done likewise about trad- ing in Winnetka, and I know from my own personal experience the mere fact that I have given it some thought has changed my own habits of buying many things in Chicago that can just Rl lle le DoroTHY K. GOTTLIEB MARION A. BACHRACH Expert Stenography Part Time Office Work Manuscripts Revised Service on Monthly Bills Do Your Brakes Hold? Raybestos "The Silver Lining" is durable and long lasting and makes the car STOP! RAYBESTOS BRAKE-LINING SERVICE STATION HANSON MOTOR CO. Authorized HUPMOBILE Agency Complete Garage Service 555 Chestnut St. WINNETKA SECRETARIAL SERVICE 722 Elm Street If you are writing a paper, making a club report, talking over the radio, or publishing an article--Ilet us help you organize -your material and present it in an interesting form. All the Services of a Competent Private Secretary. Telephone Winn. 2090 Household Clerical Work Club Reports Shopping Announcements and Invitations Ph. Winnetka 330 as well and better be purchased right here in Winnetka. The accumulative effect of each Winnetka merchant buying from the other his own family needs, is tremendous, and again I say, the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce has done a great good for us all. It has started the ball a-rolling--let it gain speed! Strength in Co-operation "Then, there is the matter of ad- vertising; advertising for which the merchant paid not because he wanted it, but because it was a form of un- fair taxation which he could not es- cape. I refer particularly to program advertising. Since the Chamber of Commerce has presented a solid front and explained to the public the thing that the individual was too fearful to say, i. e. advertising as such was use- less and that it should, in the first place, be called a contribution and not advertising, and in the second place, explain why the merchant should con- tribute to the cause anyway. Here, ladies and gentlemen, your Chamber of Commerce has again saved your dues, and then some. Another incident illustrative of what the Chamber has done for its members was the annul- ling of a proposed ordinance by the Village to tax garages, drug stores, real estate offices and certain other business establishments. Every con- sideration was given our committee by the council and as a result another mistaken idea was nipped in the bud. "So far we have been talking mostly about ourselves, but a Chamber of Commerce does not exist for that pur- pose alone. In fact, I believe its growth would be very unhealthy had it not some consideration for civic problems and improvements. Among these may be mentioned the follow- ing: The introduction of a bill in 1923 in Congress for a postoffice building which, as former Postmaster Adams stated, would have to be introduced SIT For Sale BARGAIN Six tube Apex in a beautiful console with a $35.00 Peer- less speaker built-in, light socket operated. This set sells for $135.00 without accessories. Will take $110.00 for this demonstrater com- plete ready to operate, this is easily a $200 value. HHH Hn ped (0): A €7:\€) 23 FOV. on Improved Property at Attractive Rates AVA 00): [0):0 00 81ND IE ILY, (0): 5 eTNei sl Oe) 1150 Wilmette Ave. Village Theatre Bldg. Ph. Wil. 2181 FZ "Here's where your dollar gets distance." (Open evinings 7:00 to 9:00) IEEE REECE EERE TEER THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 18 Prouty Annex Winnetka, IIL Ph. Winn. 1840 EEE EERE EEE TERE nm long before any action would result. Proper street lighting in the business district, at the instigation of the busi- ness men, selection of lamp posts, etc, in conjunction with the Village au- thorities and an agreement whereby the property owner paid for the in- stallation and the Village furnished the current. The Winnetka Chamber of Commerce band and open air con- certs during the year 1925. Plans and considerations of the widening and re-location of Center street, the re- location of the Village yard to Center street, and the opening of Chestnut court by certain concessions of adjoin- ing property owners. Questions per- taining to size and regulations of signs and billboards. Ways and means of handling the Skokie drainage and con- sideration of the Village proposal to purchase Skokie land for park pur- poses. Parking and traffic regulations, a safety-week campaign. A panorama painting of Winnetka for the Illinois Products Exhibition, Chicago 1925, afterwards placed in the Village hall Representation on the North Shore Relations committee, composed of representatives of the Chambers of Commerce from Evanston to Highland Park, an organization prepared to act in unison on matters affecting the north shore as a whole. Christmas tree lighting at Indian Hill, Elm street and Hubbard Woods, paid for by the merchants. Establishment of an an- nual Winnetka Day outing for Win- netka merchants, employes and others. Fosters Credit Bureau "One of the recent and very impor- tant events was the organization of the Winnetka Credit Men's association, an offspring of the Chamber of Com- merce and made possible only through its existence. The Winnetka Credit Men's association is now operating with a full time employe who also act- as an assistant to our secretary, Mr. Eberle. You may be interested to know that the Winnetka Credit Men's association has had turned over to it for collection to date $7,359 and of this amount it has collected to date $3,082.00 or almost half, and the only cost, aside from dues, of this col- lection is less than 4%. Where can you obtain such a service for so low a figure?" ~~ Vv Vv Vv oa donated indica Now in Bloom | Healthy, vigorous blooms in a large variety of colors and combinations of colors. ES ee ee a IE ee So oh oh oho Hyacinth Narcissus--T ulips Daffodils Flowers by Wire DESIGNS -- DECORATIONS Henry Ilg Florist Established 25 Years CENTER ST. AT PINE TEL. WINNETKA 313 POOP OOOO. Fv vv Vv vv vw" vv Vv vv vw I ii hai cmiae ibaa ols. scddtireimeie 3