WINNETKA TALK February 25, 1928 General Notice -- Glencoe inclusive whose names appear GLENCOE NEWS. Average of five words to the line. Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln . : CL ified Deadline for Inser tions-- ented Se to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will to residents of the regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or | R f 15 cents a line in one paper. ates 30 cents a line in all three papers. No black face type used. on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 be charged only district from Evanston to in the telephone directory, or who are 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 109% discount Ave., Winnetka. advertisements will be ac- papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 55 LOST AND FOUND 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE AN ORANGE PIN, LOST TUESDAY. Reward. Winn. 1691. 55T51-1te 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE A real opportunity presents itself to the girl looking to establish herself in a profession where advancement is limited only by personal ability Become a Telephone Operator Full salary is paid during training Increases are regular Girls over 16 with at least Grammar school education are asked to come in for a personal interview 2nd floor--614 Davis Street--Evanston or Winnetka Exchange--740 Elm Street 56T46-tfc GIRL WISHES POSITION TAKING care of children in exchange for room. Wilmette 463. 60LTN22-1tp GERMAN WOMAN WANTS POSITION, good plain cooking and housework or children's nurse. Last place 2% yrs. Ph. Winnetka 2235. 60LT22-1tc EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS TUES, 'Wed., and Sat. Understands all wash- ing machines and mangle. Evanston refs. Douglas 5988. 60LTN22-1tp DAY WORK, CLEANING AND LAUN- dry, Thursdays and Fridays. N. S. refs. Kenwood 2489. 60LTN22-1tc COMP., EXP. COL. MAID FOR GEN. housework. Best N. S. ref. Tel. Glen- coe 758, ask for Gertrude. 60LTN22-1tp 61 SITUATION WTD.--MALE 3 ARTIST ] 30 LOANS PARCHMENT SHADES MADE TO ORDER WITH OLD PRINTS Large collections of Godey's, Flower Prints, Coaching, Hunting, Early Amer- jcan and English Views, Etchings. Vases wired. Shades painted to match. GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St., Evanston Ph. Gr. 816 3TN50-2tc 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS - Don't Buy UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THESE CARS PRICE REDUCTIONS FOR CLEAN-UP! 1927 Master Six Buick Sedan, cost $1,725 New, reduced to $1,175. 1926 Buick Master Six T7-pass. Sedan. Cost $2,500, now reduced to $1,250. 1926 Standard Buick Sedan, cost $1,495 New, reduced to $850. Has new-car appearance. ABOVE CARS CARRY A 90-DAY GOLD SEAL GUARANTEE TERMS AND TRADES! North Shore Buick Company .031 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5961! OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4LTN22-1tc FOR SALE--ESSEX TOURING CAR, motor no. 107985, serial no. 624688, to be sold for charges. Johnson Motor serv- ice, 806 Oak st. Tel. Winn. 2048. TNb51-1te 1926 OVERLAND LIGHT DELIVERY. Closed cab. Motor in good condition. Bargain at $100. 1131 Greenbay road, Phone Glencoe 514. 4TN51-1tp NEW STUDEBAKER SEDAN -- RUN 2,000 miles. Will sell or take used car in trade. Winn. 2973. 4LTN22-1tc 11 BUILDING & CONTRACTING NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH HARRIS BROTHERS CO. RALPH WATTS, Mgr. 2047 HOWARD AVE, CHICAGO Between Clark and Ridge EVANSTON CHICAGO UNIVERSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 5126 "CE11.U - SEAL" LINED GARAGES COTTAGES--HOMES 11LTN22-tfc MONEY TO 1,OAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. McKendry Realty Co. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Univ. 8383 30LTN16-8tp PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO loan. First and second mortgages. Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 Ridge Terr., Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf 1592. 30LTN22-1te MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES. Evanston Motor Acceptance Co., Inc. 1829 Benson Ave., Evanston, ITIL 30LTN21-3tc WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, who wishes a good home more than big wages. Only two in family-- father and daughter. Talk B-607. 56 LTN22-1te GIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK, must be clean and willing. Private room and bath. Call Wilmette 126. 56LTN22-1tc WANTED--GIRL, WHITE, FOR GEN. housework. 4 in family. No washing. References required. Winn. 2421. 56T51-1tc GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. No washing. Good, plain cook. 166 Abingdon, Kenilworth. Tel. Kenil. 2740. 56TN51-1te es ron COMP. WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk. Good cook, small house, 4 in family, no washing. Ph. Winnetka 2981. 56TN51-1tc 39 PETS PONY--WELL BRED, VERY GENTLE, cart, harness, saddle and all stable equipments, $125. Ph. Wilmette 1063. 39TN51-1te FOR SALE--BELGIAN SHEPHERD police puppies. Reas. Ph. Winnetka 1492. 39T51-1tc 42 RADIOS Expert Radio Service OUR COMPLETE PORTABLE TESTING unit enables us to give you laboratory service in your own home, thus elim- inating all guess work. This service is reasonable and guaranteed. Open evenings until 9 o'clock RADIO SERVICE & INSTALLATION Linden Avenue and 5th Street Phone Wilmette 4117 421.T22-1tc RADIO SPECIALIST Day and night service. Repair service and construction. 962 Pine St., Winn. 1892. 42T49-tfc 49 TREATMENTS TREATMENTS GIVEN FOR ACUTE and chronic ailments by graduate Mechanotherapist. Hours by appoint- ment. Ph. Wilmette 652. 49LTN21-tfc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE cook and second maid. Glencoe 994. 56LTN22-1tc WILL DO WASHING, ALSO WASHING taken home, housecleaning. Good refs. Wilmette 3600Y4. 56L/T22-1tc WHITE NURSE TO CARE FOR 2 CHIL- dren, Refs. req. 435 Willow rd. Winn. 2345. 56LTN22-1tc GTRI. FOR GEN. HOUSEWORK. 3 IN family. Tel. Winn. 627-M. 56LTN22-1tc 59 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SALESMAN PARTNER WANTED A one-half interest in an automobile agency handling the largest seller in the General Motors line is available to a man with sales ability. Investment of $1.500 required. Write Wilmette Life B-615. 59T51-1te 60 SITUATION WTD.-- FEMALE DAY WORK AND MOTHER'S HELPER. Glencoe 758. 60TN51-1tc DO YOU NEED An excellent chauffeur with years of the best training, and with good refer- ences? Or maybe you need a butler, or houseman, maid, eouple, or nurse. 'We have all these, good, competent, reliable help. Call us at any time. Your troubles are our business. Green- leaf 4417 or 5055. FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Evanston 61LTN22-1tc HOUSEMAN OR CHAUFFEUR, WILL- ing worker. Good refs. Call week days after 7 p. m. Normal 4416. 61T51-1tp EXP. CHAUFFEUR AND YARD MAN desires permanent position. Best refs. 10 yrs. last pos. wife willing to help. Ph. Calumet 6543. 61TNb51-1tc CHAUFFEUR--COL. SING. MECH. 15 yrs.' exp. LeRoy, Kenwood 6671. 61TN51-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN,, ete. Drive, wash cars. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfc SIT. WTD. BY EXP. WHITE MAN, « furnace and hswk. Wilmette 3233. 61TL50-1tp 62 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE FIRST - CLASS EXPERI- enced cook and butler, full charge. German. Best lo- cal references. Talk B-606. 62TN50-2tp REL. COL. COUPLE WITH N. S. REFS. wish pos. as yard man, butler, chauf- feur, and good cook. Kenwood 9555. 62LTN21-2tp RELIABLE COUPLE WISHES WORK in private family, or man as chauffeur. University 9410. 62LTN22-1tp CAPABLE WHITE WOMAN WANTS position as cook and 1st floor work, or cooking alone, in private family. Best of ref. Winn. 898. 60TN51-1tc NEAT. WHITE WOMAN WANTS cleaning and laundry by day. Winn. 2973. 60TN51-1tp 50 GENERAL REPAIRS GENERAL REMODELING AND RE- pairing. Estimate suggestions and plans free for any job big or small, FIRST CLASS WHITE COOK WHERE several servants are kept. Local ref- erences. Winnetka P. O. Box 222. 60TN51-1tp BOARD AND ROOM WILMETTE CLUB HOME FOR BUSINESS WOMEN Exceptional opp. for a limited number of young women of good character to se- cure very pleasant rms. where home priv. may be enjoyed. Large liv. rm. piano, vie. Ideal location close to transp. Breakfast served. References exchanged. Write Wil. Life B-611. 63LTN22-1tc 63 17 DRESSMAKING PLAIN SEWING AND CHILDREN'S clothes. $4 a day. Call Winn. 230, BOY'S SHEEPSKIN COAT LOST BE- tween Center and Lincoln avenues Miss Siebert. 17T51-tfe Thursday. Tel. Winn. 586. 55T51-1tc we go anywhere. EP ERIENOED LAUNDRESS. IRON a Te shirts nicely. Will clean windows. Hendrickson Const. Co. Douglas 2033. 60TNL51-1tp State Bank Bldg. Park Ridge 6531-710 50LTN20-tfc {| SCOTCH HOUSEKEEPER, TAKING full charge in family of adults. Talk 54 PERSONAL B-612. 60TN51-1tp GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD All hand work. Call for and deliver. cook. exper., good references. White. Tel. Glen. 106. 54TN50-3tc | Tel. Wil. 3233. 60TN51-1tp 55 LOST AND FOUND WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK TO take home, . will call for and deliver. LOST--GLASSES AND FOUNTAIN Phone Wilmette 2627. 60LTN22-1tc pen in leather case. Return 608 Wil- low or call Winn. 1671. Reward. EXP. GIRL FOR DAYS, HALF DAYS 55T51-1tp or work by the week. Wilmette 3884. 60LTN22-1tp YOUNG WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK. Phone University 4915. 60 TN22-1tp or Glencoe News, can now do so b Copy for THE EVANSTON -- 5 P. M. on A NEW CLASSIFIED SERVICE! Those of our patrons wishing to place an advertisement in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, in addition to Wilmette Life, Winnetka Talk WILMETTE 4300 or WINNETKA 2000 y calling-- REVIEW must be in by Tuesdays -- DAY WORK --LAUNDRY OR CLEAN- ing. Refs. Call evenings. Ph. TTniver- sity 2882. 60LTN22-1tp EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WIORK TO take home. Will call for and deliver. Wilmette 834M. 60LTN22-1tp 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED FRONT ROOM with private bath. Phone Winn. 2435, 66T51-1te 1 SINGLE AND 1 DOUBLE ROOM with twin beds. Phone Winn. 1582. 66T51-1te NICELY FURN. ROOM. 1 BLOCK from trans. Reas. Phone Winn. 2304. 66T51-1tp ROOMS IN THE NORTH SHORE Montessori School. 761 Cherry St., Win- netka. Suitable for classes or eve- ning entertainments. Apply to Miss Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil. 163. 66T46-tfc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66LT8-tfc COMPETENT LAUNDRESS, IRONING or cleaning, good refs. Greenleaf 1142. 60LT22-1tc LARGE, LIGHT, WARM RM. NEAR transp. Private bath. Call Winnetka 1543. 66LTN22-1tc GIRL: WITH 6 YRS. GENERAL OF- fice exp. wishes position on No. Shore. Ref. furn. Wilmette 463. 60LTN22-1tp FOR RENT--2 NICELY FURN. ROOMS, double and single. People employed. Breakfast optional. 602 Maple Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3587. 661.T22-3tc