March 3, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 15 OUTLINE OBJECTIVES North Shore Area Scout Council Plans Schedule of Work to Be Accom- plished During 1928 The following objectives have been listed for accomplishment by the North Shore Area Scout Council for this year: Advancement and Court of Honor: To create adequate Boards of Review and Courts of Award; to encourage advancement in rank by every Scout in every troop. Effective Troop Organization: cooperate with parent institutions sponsoring troops in securing troop permanency and effectiveness through functioning troop committees; to ex- tend the use of the Scouting program through more institutions to more boys. Camping and Outdoor Activities: To aid and encourage every troop in keep- ing the "OUT" uppermost in its pro- gram; to secure adequate facilities for over-night and week-end hikes; to es- tablish and supervise a permanent summer scout camp. Good Reading Program: To aid in the enrichment of the recreational reading of boys; to promote "Boys' Life" and other helpful boys' maga- zines; to cooperate with schools and libraries. Educational Publicity: To keep the public informed on Scouting purposes and plans through reports, newspaper material and Speakers' bureau. Finance and Budget: To give leader- ship to securing and disbursing of Council funds in ways that will result in the most effective Scouting in our troops. Civic Relationships and Service: To encourage troops in cooperating with civic, service, and community or- ganizations; to secure opportunities for civic and community service for Scouts, patrols and troops. Character through Sea Scouting: To extend and enrich the Sea Scouting Program for Older Boys so as to pro- vide opportunities for continued growth in character and leadership. Leadership Personnel and Training: To promote opportunities for Scout Leader growth through training cours- es, conferences, bulletins, etc, and monthly Round Table. To ORDER OF ARROW MEETS The Order of the Arrow, a camp honorary society, a local chapter which operates in the north shore Troops, held its semi-annual meeting on Monday evening, Feb. 27, at the Glencoe Union church. ] The entire cast of "Tust Fancy" took tea at the Cradle Maisonette at 612 Church street. Evanston. Mondav afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Wiffen, well known actress, poured. The antique tea table this week was set by Man- del's. The Blue Parrot and Field's will have their display soon. -- Miss Helen Maloney and Miss Had- den of the Orrington hotel entertained the senior women advisers of New Trier High school Saturday, February 25, at an afternoon of bridge and a dinner, after which they all went to the New Trier-Stivers basketball game. -- Oe Mrs. E. Y. Whitsett, with her small twin daughters, Phyllis and Katherine, of Eagle River, Wis., former residents of Wilmette, are visiting the R. C. Whitsetts of 830 Oakwood avenue, and friends on the north shore. ee Oe Mrs. Donald Simmons entertained at bridge Tuesday afternoon at her home in Evanston. --0-- Illinois ranks second of the states in the number of monthly periodicals published. University Guild to Open Exhibit Monday of Chicago Paintings Monday will be important in Evans- ton University guild activities. It will see the opening of the ex- hibition of paintings by artists of Chi- cago and vicinity at the Orrington ho- tel. In the afternoon "Campus Day" will be observed at Annie May Swift hall on Northwestern university campus. Appearing on the program of the latter will be the Northwestern uni- versity women's glee club, directed by Prof. Glenn Cliffe Bainum; Prof. James Lawrence Lardner will read Browning's "Andrea del Sarto" and various students will give reports of women's activities on the campus. The next Early American Art sem- inar will be held March 26 at the home of Mrs. Albert H. Ullrich, 925 Lake avenue, Wilmette, and will be devoted to "art needlework." Tuesday, Feb. 20, the seminar had an especially in- teresting meeting with Mrs. Emma B. Dodge of Deming place, Chicago, de- voted to the study of her collection of early Americana. This includes the first Valentines made in America, those made for Queen Victoria; the first Marseilles bedspread made in this country, samplers from many coun- tries and silhouettes of wonderful variety and rarety. HOME FROM TRIP Mrs. Charles V. Sommer of 425 Provident avenue, who sailed from Baltimore, Md., on January 11, for Miami, Havana, St. Petersburg, and New Orleans, returned home last week with many interesting accounts of her travels. Mrs. Sommer spent a week in Havana, and visited several of the surrounding native villages, and was especially interested in the native homes with their thatched roofs and the use of policemen to keep beggars away. She was in New Orleans dur- ing the Mardi Gras. Mrs. Arthur F. Marquette of 62 Warwick avenue, Winnetka, enter- tained her bridge club of Evanston friends at luncheon at her home Fri- day. vVvVvvvVvy CHOICE CUT FLOWERS In selecting cut flowers for any purpose it is desirable to have them last as long as possible. To get the best results we sug- gest that you come to our green- houses where we will cut such blooms as you select and you will know that they will endure. We make a specialty of cut flowers of all kinds. We deliver them everywhere. VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VY YY YVYVY VY Flowers by Wire DESIGNS -- DECORATIONS Iig's Florist Established 25 Years CENTER ST. AT PINE TEL, WINNETKA 313 VV VV ce tiuatcacenesditis' atacategcetibumtiradeaiiautinaaesdbasedbsiiioe dabei First Scandinavian Ev. Church 886 Elm St. R. A. Thompson, pastor 809 Chestnut court, (Winn. 2304) Sunday, March 4 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 5:00 p. m. Young People's Meeting. 7:45 p. m. Gospel Service. Rev. Hjalmar Ekblad, speaker Monday, March 5 7:45 p. m. Classes in English Immigrants. Thursday, March 8 8:00 p. m. Midweek Prayer Bible Study Meeting. "And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that be- lieveth on Me shall never thirst." John 135. for and JOHANNA GROUP MEETING The next meeting of the North Shore Johanna committee will be held at the home of Mrs. Jack Blumenstock, 495 Willow road, Winnetka, March 8. Luncheon will be served at 12. Mr. and Mrs. George Gonsalves of 919 Hill road and Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Roach of 292 Sheridan road re- turned the first of last week from a stay of several weeks at the Edgewater Gulf hotel, Biloxi, Miss. The Mother's club of the Vista del Lago Cubs is being entertained by the boys next Saturday, March 3, in the Teatro del Lago. The troop, which, it is announced, has 150 members, is sponsored by the Club Vista del Lago. Medals will be awarded at that time. Upright in every transaction Downright Dependable Winn. 304 uP?) ers and Dyérs Your home town cleaning plant. "The Days of the Horse and Buggy are Gone" Wonderful results today are being obtained with Swift 8 Co.'s scientifically prepared Plant Food. V/IGORC Private growers, Florists and the leading Landscape men recommend the use of VIGORO and many are using VIGORO exclusively. A few advantages of VIGORO are, ease of applica- tion, no disagreeable odor, entire freedom from weed- seeds, more food value for less money, and a balanced plant food containing all the necessary elements in their proper proportions. Insure having your supply on hand . . . . Phone us today for Your Spring Requirements. E. B. TAYLOR CO. HARDWARE 546 Center St. Phone Winn. 999