March 3, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 17 Capacity Audience Hears MacDowell Group Musicale On February 28, the second north shore studio was opened to the Mac-| Dowell society, the first meeting of the season having been held at the Benjamin Marshall studio. Last Tues- day evening a musical program was presented and owing to the society's growth, the members filled the large studio of Elizabeth Heath in Highland Park. After a short talk by the president, Frank W. Ambler, on the north shore society's aims and progress in assist- ing the MacDowell colony at Peter- borough, N. H., Miss Priscilla Carver and Mrs. Heath gave a number of compositions written for two pianos: "Andante and Variations" by Schu- mann, "Gavotte," by Raff, and "Ro- mance" and "Waltz" from Rachmani- noff"s second suite. Between these groups, Dr. Davies Lazear of Win- netka, assisted by Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt of Glencoe, sang "The Dedica- tion of Franz," an aria from "Manon" by Massenet, "My Desire," by Cad- man, and "The Tally-Ho" by Leoni. DANCE FOR JUNIOR SCHOOL The North End branch, Friends of Chicago Junior school, is giving a din- ner dance at the Edgewater Beach hotel Tuesday evening, March 6, for the benefit of the school for boys which is near Elgin. Sings at Georgian Mrs. Clementine Schaeffer Waldron, soprano, will be one of the artists in the first of a series of spring musicales to be given at the Georgian hotel, Ev- anston, Sunday evening, March 4, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Waldron is well known fo north shore music patrons. Pan-Hellenic Luncheon to Be Held on March 17 The annual Chicago Pan-Hellenic luncheon will be held Saturday, March 17, at 12:30 o'clock, at the Lake Shore Athletic club, 850 Lake Shore drive. Dr. Francis W. Shepardson, national president of Beta Theta Pi, author of "Baird's Manual," and an editor of "Banta's Greek Exchange," will deliver a lecture of interest to all. Miss Lillian Thompson, a Gamma Phi Beta, will give a report of the 1928 National Pan-Hellenic congress. Music will be furnished by the Chicago Treble Cleff quartet. Those wishing to attend are asked to make reservations through their local groups. Winnetka Woman to Talk at Indian Council Fire Mrs. Edward G. Trowbridge, 1111 Oak street, will speak in the Capitol building Sunday at 3, at the Grand Council Fire of American Indians. She will tell what the American School of Research at Santa Fe, N. M. has ac- complished and is doing for the de- velopment of native art. George Peaks (Little Moose), Mamie Wiggins (O-Me-Me), Antoine Starr, and Lucille Begay are included on the program. An interesting Indian Ex- hibit will be shown. Seven of the 18 air mail routes now operated terminate in Chicago. Clothes buyers in this day and age demand style, beenty, all-weel fabrics and guality teiloring--at a low peice. Here is your oppor- tunity! Weights. Smart Blues-- Smart Greys. All Smart Shades Patterns Galore--Various - SATURDAY - fast Day/ ROYAL TIGER SALE ON 1641 ORRINGTON AVENUE Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings If you're look- ing for a North Shore home for spring oc- cupancy-- Look over the Classified Ads in this paper right now-- And have no last minute regrets. A stitch in times. .. . WILMETTE LIFE WINNETKA TALK GLENCOE NEWS WILMETTE 4300 WINNETKA 2000 GREENLEAF 4300 For the convenience of adver- tisers wishing to cover the Evanston territory we will also accept Want Ads for THE EVANSTON REVIEW.