March 3, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 35 BEGIN "Y" IN APRIL Architect Makes But Slight Changes in Exterior Plans for New Building Construction of the Evanston Y. M. C. A's new central building at Maple avenue and Grove street will probably start during April, states Edwin Sher- man, chairman of the building com- mittee in reporting progress on the plans. Only minor changes on the or- iginal exterior plans for the building have been made, and working drawings are now being completed by Chester H. Walcott, architect. Two more weeks, it is expected, will be required to finish these drawings and then the specifications will have to be prepared. The obtaining of bids and letting contracts will put off the start of construction until late in April. Plans call for a seven-story collegiate Gothic structure made of stone with a 140-foot front on Grove street and 175 feet on Maple avenue. The main en- trance will open on Grove. Incorpor- ated in the plans have been the recom- mendations of the national building committee of the Y. M. C. A. and the studies of members of the local build- ing committee into the needs of a Y. M. C. A. building. J. W. Bixby, gen- eral secretary, visited the Y. M. C. A. in Muskegon last week and noted fea- tures of its new building. ATTEND N. E. A. Miss M. Frances McElroy, registrar of the National Kindergarten and Ele- mentary college, and Miss Frances Kern of the Supervision department, are attending the meeting of the Na- tional Education association which is being held in Boston this week. Miss Carol Salinger of 265 Poplar street will be one of the guests of Miss Judith Lehman, 2623 Ridge avenue, Evanston, at an informal dance for a group of her friends at the North Shore hotel tonight. Christian Science Churches "Christ Jesus" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, February 26. The Golden Text was from Isaiah 55:1, "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Among the citations which com- prised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wis- dom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowl- edge and ot the fear of the Lord . . . and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: But with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth" (Isaiah 11:1-4). The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passages from the Chris- tian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Kddy: "The advent of Jesus of Nazareth marked the first century of the Christian era, but the Christ is without beginning of years or end of days" (p. 333). PLANS COLONIAL HOME James A. Huffman of Chicago re- cently sold to Andrew M. Nelson, Chi- cago, the vacant property on Central Park avenue north of Park place, Ev- anston. Mr. Nelson will break ground within the next few weeks for a 6- room Colonial residence. George A. Nordberg of the E. E. Stults Realty company was the broker. LANG FI oh o£ ad A Selling of Notewo ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELRY REDUCED! Previous to our moving on April 1st to our beautiful shop in the new Hahn Building. An opportunity of a lifetime to save substantially on jewelry, flatware and hollow- ware. Those who anticipate future gift occasions by making immediate selection secure outstanding values. LEE NELSON, 624 DAVIS STREET WILTON VELVET CARPETS popular shades; suitable REMOVAL SALE The fine integrity of this concern, built up in seven years on the North Shore, guarantees the tre- mendous bargains quoted in this advertisement. Very durable carpets in all Stairs, Halls or covering solid. $1.35 to $3.00 per yd. HEAVY, SEAMLESS, AXMINSTER RUGS Newest designs. These Rugs have a rich high pile sur- face, which assures excellent wear. 8-37x10-6, $32.50 9x12, $35.00 CHINESE Fine quality Chinese Rugs. Size. 9x12, hin bh P.O. 0 AE BOS ARS 0NH®E PHBE. BEE NEW HOME, MAY IRST, 806-810 GROVE ST. SSE gS Gv oy HIGH GRADE WILTON Ne VELVETS Seamless fringed quality. Rugs in an unusual assortment of artistic patterns and colorings. Marked far below their real value. 8-37x10-6, $42.50 9x12, $45.00 for = Ro OAT ye Se TEE vm mo J Ir ST] SPARTAS These Rugs are in Blue, Rose and Taupe colorings. Size, 9x12, $250 SAROUK Finest quality Sarouk Rugs, Rose colorings, small all- over pattern. Evervthing for the Floor Size, 11-107x18-5", $1,000 Cleaning J Estimating and Cutting . Layi . » 514 Davis Street Belang B A RR Syme University 5712 and NORTH SHORE'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE Stair Pads Carpets CARPET, RUG and LINOLEUM STORE and Linings