March 3, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Housewarming Edition | | | | | i | | ¥ "Deerfield Abounds in Natural Beauty" al Fe T= -- =F ---- = le ~~ -- f=, Why You Should Consider RESORT PROPERTIES In addition to local properties, we have listed in northern Wisconsin, choice buys in resort and estate sites. These prop- erties are at three different locations, all situated on beautiful lakes. And at Mayfair on Cape Cod, on the Atlantic coast, we have some wonderful re- sort values, with these our Mr. H. K. Snider is very familiar and will be only too glad to give full par- ticulars. \ NorTH SHORE Fes Estate, Deerfield Avenue DEERFIELD As the Place to Live Deerfield is one of the north shore towns that is enjoying a natural growth, which is certain to increase property values. Along with the growth of the community have come excellent schools and churches, and a community spirit has been developed, this alone is a big inducement to prospective home owners. The residence and business area is improved with pavement, etc. 100%. With excel- lent transportation and a shopping center that is not excelled, Deetfield is growing by leaps and bounds. Business properties are now ripe for investments. The territory immediately surrounding Deerfield lends itself to the building of estates. Acreage properties should be considered at this time. Prices are rapidly increasing. We Offer Deerfield Properties A typical Deerfield lot three blocks from the R. R. station is 62x140. All improvements are in and paid for, including concrete roads, sewer and water, and sewer and water service. The price is only $2,150. In the business district. 50 ft. frontage, $200 per ft. On Lake Zurick. 320 acres at $800 per acre. CHARLES C. KAPSCHULL Realtor Tels. Deerfield '80-133 Adjacent to Post Office | | | | | | Ra mn ERED (NLL Rey RAR