Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 3 Mar 1928, p. 97

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04 WINNETKA TALK March 3, 1928 General Notice -- GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates 30 cents a line in all three Average of five words to the line. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or No black face type used. 25 cents a line in any two papers. papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 109% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Deadline for Insertions--Classified advertisements Ave., Winnetka. will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE 3 Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. $ co News 4 FOR SALE--ATUTOS | 25 INSTRUCTION Don't Buy UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THESE CARS PRICE REDUCTIONS FOR CLEAN-UP! 1927 Master Six Buick Sedan, cost $1,725 New, reduced to $1,175. 1927 Standard Country Club rumble seat, cost $1,500 new, to $975. 1926 Standard Buick Sedan, cost $1,495 New, reduced to $850. Has new-car appearance. : ABOVE CARS CARRY A 90-DAY GOLD SEAL GUARANTEE TERMS AND TRADES! North Shore Buick Company 1030 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5961 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4L/TN23-1tc Coupe, reduced OLDSMOBILE LATEST 6-30 SPORT tour. Good cond. Tires like new. Glass winter enclo. new last year, cost $105. Will take $100 cash. Tel. Winn. 2300 or 1430. 4TNL52-1tc AUCTION OR CONTRACT BRIDGE-- beginners or advanced pupils. Ph. Greenleaf 3894. 25LLTN23-4te 30 LOANS MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. McKendry Realty Co. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Univ. 8383 30LTN16-8tp PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO loan. First and second mortgages. Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 Ridge Terr.,, Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf 1592. 30LTN23-1tc MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES. Evanston Motor Acceptance Co., Inc. 1829 Benson Aveé., Evanston, IIL 30LTN21-3tc 42 RADIOS RADIO SPECIALIST Day and night service. Repair service and construction. 962 Pine St., Winn. 1892. 42T49-tfc 49 TREATMENTS 1923 FORD TOURING. GOOD CONDI- tion. 548 Cherry st. Winn. 945. 4LTN23-1tp * FOR SALE--STUDEBAKER TOURING, good condition, reas. Phone Wilmette 46. 41. TN23-1tc 11 BUILDING & CONTRACTING HARRIS BROTHERS CO. NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH "Cellu-Seal" ILlned Garages COTTAGES -- HOMES RALPH WATTS, Mgr. 2047 HOWARD AVE. CHICAGO Between Clark and Ridge EVANSTON CHICAGO UNIVERSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 5126 : 11LTN23-tfc TREATMENTS GIVEN FOR ACUTE and chronic ailments by graduate Mechanotherapist. Hours by appoint- ment. Ph. Wilmette 652. 49LTN21-tfc 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE LEARN NURSING. PRACTICAL CHILD and Infant. Come to Chi. where there is a big field for practical nurses. Our 3 mo. course with afternoon and eve- ning classes enables you to earn big money. If you have had some practical exp. we can place you within a wk. Write Miss Hupfeld, Winthrop School, 6208 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. 56N8-1tc WANTED RELIABLE, COMPETENT cook, about 30 yrs. old, for a house- keeper, to take full charge of a new 6-rm, bungalow at Racine. Wages $25 to $30. Refs. req. One in family, no washing. Write Wilmette Life B-620. 56T52-1tp WANTED---EXP. PROTESTANT WHITE girl for gen. hswk. in small family with or without washing, wages according. Refs. req. Ph. Glencoe 1218 between 6 and 8 P. M. 56 L'TN23-1tc WANTED--WOMAN TO GIVE 2 DAYS' sewing for room and board, private bath. Must be good seamstress. 501 Laurel Ave., Wil 56LT23-1te WANTED--EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR general housework in small family. Must be fond of children. Good wages. Phone Glencoe 50 Sunday. 56TN52-1tc YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Must go home nights. Phone Glencoe 732 before 10:30 a. m. or after 8:30 p. m. 56TN52-1tp COMP. WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk. Good cook, small house, 4 in family, no washing.. Ph. Winnetka 2981. 56 TN52-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED LAUND- ress for Mon. and Tues. Refs. required. 45 Lakewood Rd. Glencoe. Tel. Gl. 268. 56TN52-1te WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR housework. Ph. Winnetka 245. 56 LTN23-1tc WHITE, COMPETENT, FOR 4 in family. No 56TH52-1tc MAID, general housework. laundry. Winn. 2277. MAID, WHITE, GEN. HSWK. MUST be good cook, no laundry. Winnetka 2768. 56 TN52-1tc WHITE MAID OF MATURE YEARS for general housework, no children. Ph. Winnetka 1675. 56T52-1tc WHITE GIRL, ALL OR PART TIME, by the week. Small house and family. Winn, 2572. 56 LTN23-1tc 58 HELP WTID.--MALE & FEMALE 50 GENERAL REPAIRS GENERAL REMODELING AND RE- pairing. Estimate suggestions and plans free for any job big or small, we go anywhere. Hendrickson Const. Co. State Bank Bldg. Park Ridge 6531-710 50LTN20-tfe 54 PERSONAL GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY All hand work. Call for and deliver. Tel. Glen. 106. 54TN50-3te CAN YOU SPEND FULL OR PART time selling nicely-known necessities to the North Shore Homes. We offar large excl. terr. north of Evanston to Lake Forest incl. Our rep. average $45 per wk. and up. Write full par- ticulars. J. R. Watkins & Co., 2600 N. 'Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. : 58L/TN23-1tc EXP. WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY OR day work. Will help out with cook- ing and stay with children evenings. Good refs. Wilmette 1606. 60T52-1tp YOUNG WHITE GIRL WILL TAKE care of children mornings or after- noons. Call Winn. 2070. 60T52-1tp WANTED--HOUSEWORK MON, Thur., white, excellent work. TUniver- sity 5652. REFINED GIRL, BEST REFS, DE- sires position as nurse. Winn. 2260. 60LTN23-1tp WANTED--FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRY by the day, white, can give first-class refs. Wellington 6755. 60LT23-1tc EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS. IRON shirts nicely. Will clean windows. Douglas 2038. 60LT23-1tp WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING. Will call for and deliver. Ph. Wil- mette 210. 60LLTN23-1tc EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK TO take home. Will call for and deliver. Wilmette 834-M. 60LTN23-1tp 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE DO YOU NEED AN EXPERIENCED butler? Do you need a first-class houseman who can serve? Do you need a valet who can furnish exceptional references? If you do call us at once. FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave, Greenleaf 4417-5055 61LTN23-1tc YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS chauffeur, gardener, houseman. Address A. Gehrig, 2466 Lakeview, Chicago. 61TNL52-1tp FILIPINO AS CHAUFFEUR AND ALL- around work. Excellent butler. Tel. Glencoe 1491. 61TN52-1te GARDENER, HOUSEMAN, OR CHAUF- feur, familiar with all cars. Phone 2089. 61TN52-1tp YOUNG MAN WANTS PART OR FULL time chauffeur job. Call Wilmette 2675. 61LTN23-1tc EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND houseman. Care of car. Winnetka ref. Call Winn. 1343. 61T52-1tp 62 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE FOUR FIRST-CLASS COUPLES Available immediately---North Shore po- sitions preferreda--will go out of town if necessary. In each case the man is thoroughly familiar with duties of houseman--chauffeur---gardener; and woman is Al cook. These people are very anxious to be placed, and begin- ning salary is of secondary importance. FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4417-5055 62LTN23-1tc 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS WAITRESS WORK BY HIGHLY EXP. cateress, neatly in uniform, dishes properly cared for, cook and serve din- ners by hr. 4 8:30 P. M. Reas. A-1 refs. A. DeGroot, Wilmette 4074. id 60LT23-1tp WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 4 block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfc NEWLY DECORATED FRONT ROOM 55 LOST AND FOUND i i i 5 with private bath. Phone Winn. 2435. nn DRESSMAKING LOST TLE Aw YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL EMPLOYED 66T52-1tc SEWING TO DO AT HOME. ALSO! haired 1 Ss HITE WIRE-| desires care of children or light house- 3 A a; J ox terrier. Answers to the| work evenings in exchange for room | NICELY FURN. ROOM H. W. HEAT. quilted bags. Wilmette 3154. Dorothy | name of Mike. Reward. Call Glen-| and board. Greenleaf 4322. : Near transpor. 839 Ash. Tel. Winn. Coake. 17LT23-1te coe 1235. 55L TN 23-1tc 60LT23-1tp 2213. 66TN52-1te PLAIN - SEWING AND CHILDREN'S | 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE FIRST-CLASS HAND LAUNDRESS D) \g 3 : - NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH clothes. $4 a day. Call Winn. 230, would like family washing to take private lavatory. Near transpor. Tel. Miss Siebert. 17T51-tfe CHILDREN'S PLAIN SEWING. MRS. - Larson, Ph. Wilmette 4211. 17TLTN23-1te 20 GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENING, SEEDING, planting, trimming, black dirt, manure, hauling. Frank W. Kares, Winnetka ave. Tel. Wilmette 891-Y-1. 20LTN23-5tp FOR SALE--EXCEPTIONALLY FINE hedge plants and flowering shrubs, roses and peonies. Cheap. F. C. BRODERICK 1020 Spruce St. Winn. 2235 20LTN23-2tc A real opportunity presents itself to the girl looking to establish herself in a profession where advancement is limited only by personal ability Become a Telephone Operator Full salary is paid during training Increases are regular Girls over 16 with at least Grammar school education are asked to come in for a personal interview 2nd floor--614 Davis Street--Evanston or Winnetka Exchange--740 Elm Street 56T46-tfc A NEW CLASSIFIED SERVICE! Those of our patrons wishing to place an advertisement in THE _EVANSTON_REVIEW, in addition to Wilmette Life, Winnetka Talk or Glencoe News, can now do so by calling-- WILMETTE 4300 or WINNETKA 2000 Copy for THE EVANSTON REVIEW must be in by -- 5 P. M. on Tuesdays -- home, will call for and deliver. Best refs. University 3774. 60LT23-1tc WANTED--LAUNDRY TO DO AT home, also bundle washing by ex- perienced laundress. Ph. Wilmette 2623. 60LT23-1tc WANTED--BY COMPETENT WHITE woman--hswk. by day or hour, catering done, children cared for. Ref. furn. Ph. Wilmette 2919. 60LT23-1tp WANTED--POS. AS HOUSEKEEPER for employed persons, by refined middle- aged woman. Write Wilmette Life B-619. 60LTN23-1tp YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES HOUSE- work or take care of children after- noons. Ref. Ph. Winnetka 1224. 60T52-1tc HOUSEKEEPER OR GEN. HSWK. IN small family. First class refs. Write Winnetka Talk B-621. 60T52-1tp WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK TO take home, will call for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 2627. 60TN52-1tc DAY WORK AND MOTHER'S HELPER. Glencoe 758. 60TN52-1tp WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. TEL. Winn, 3019. 60TN52-1tp 'Winn. 2791 66T52-tfc FOR RENT--ROOM FOR 2--$4 EACH. Gentlemen preferred, near transp. Ph. 'Winnetka 1468. 66TN52-1tc COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM for rent for 1 or 2. Convenient to transp. Winnetka 1769. 66T52-1tc NICELY FURNISHED RMS. FOR rent, also use of kitchen. Also gar. 1014 Greenleaf. Ph. Wilmette 3123. 66LT23-1tc FOR RENT--2 NICELY FURN. ROOMS, double and single. People employed. Breakfast optional. 602 Maple Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3587. 66L/T22-3tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66LT8-tfe 2 WELL-FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, convenient location, E. side. Wilmette 66LT23-1tc LARGE, LIGHT, WARM RM. NEAR transp. Private bath. Call Winnetka 1543, 66LTN23-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS BY week or month. Phone Wilmette 2399 or 3345. 66LTN20-tfe

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