12 WINNETKA TALK March 10, 1928 2 Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Bederman will T = 5 | | move in about two weeks from their M a Tr 1 n (7 1 1 O Bone a sss ome Essex roads. Beauty Shop For Appointment i ~ mon - r --_0-- Mrs. Harry Barnum and Mrs. How- ard Hoyt are spending the month of March in Gulfport, Miss, and New Orleans. --O0-- Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Loco of 1040 Cherry street returned this week from the Edgewater Gulf hotel at Biloxi. They were there for two weeks. PHONE WINNETKA 822 Fg" : = ~ Oscar Deis Music Studio | | "Winnetka's Opportunity" ! PIANO VIOLIN VOICE ORGAN HARMONY | Sincere Personal Service Telephones: Wilmette 3963 Wabash 7120 1137 CENTRAL AVE. Rockhold Building Wilmette, Illinois To Hold Four Day Camp During Spring Vacation The announcement of a four day Spring Camp at the Cabin in the Woods, to be held on Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday of Spring Vacation week has been enthusiastic- ally received by Scouts and leaders. The camp will be in charge of Scout Executive Walter McPeek and Field Executive W. Ted Grant. The importance of rugged outdoor experience in the life of modern boys cannot be overestimated. Outdoor life teaches us self-reliance. It brings to us experiences that help us to be brave in the presence of the noises of the night. Hikes and trips with the troop bring to each scout experiences that develop self-reliance, initiative and cre- ative power. The OUT in the Scout- ing is there for a purpose. That pur- pose is to help Boyhood grow into Manhood. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor, who have been in Europe for the past three months, are returning this week-end to their home in Kenilworth. --_O-- The Northwestern university chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta held its formal initiation Saturday, March 3. This is our regular monthly Sale. list. : | 3: Economy Sale Days Thurs. Fri. & Sat. March 15, 16, 17 We want every housewife in the com- munity to know about it. If you do not receive one of our folders through the mail--phone us and we'll see to it that you're placed on our mailing Don't forget the days--Be sure to pay us a visit. 4ft. Step Ladder Sturdily constructed, selected yellow pine, each step rodded and bolted Bath Stool 16 inches high, white enameled wood, with heavy shaped legs, crutch rubber feet. 11 inch seat. $1.75 ee es ees ee. dL VAIUC 0 000 0 00000 0 12 Qt. Water Pails Galvanized steel, double seamed, leak proof. 19¢ 735 Elm Street Winnetka Just a few of our Sales Offerings 2 qt. Percolator Sauce Pan FREE. $1 A two quart aluminum Percolator of excep- tional quality; this alone is a bargain in itself. Each. .$1; then we give FREE with each Percolator a 2 qt. Aluminum Sauce Pan. Read Your Circular for Complete Items Eckart Hardware Co. Balloon Wheel Skates All steel ball bearing with new balloon wheels. Smooth running, very latest. Fastest, strongest and best looking skates made 12 Items each $1 Included in this Sale are 12 items very specially priced at $1 each. Phones 843-44 Crime Conditions in Cook County to Be Discussed at Banquet C. C. Carnahan of Wilmette, chair- man of the general committee on ar- rangements for the dinner to be given at Shawnee Country club in Wilmette, Friday evening, March 9, at which time will be discussed the crime con- ditions in Cook county, says he cannot say too forcefully that this meeting is to be in no sense of the word a political meeting. On the other hand, he says, it is planned solely to give the people of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe an opportunity to hear and to discuss crime conditions in Cook county. The speakers will be Judge William V. Brothers and Hon. Robert E. Crowe. These men a short time ago, he says, gave a similar talk at a noon day meeting in Evanston, sponsored by the Evanston. Chamber of Commerce. The members of the committee ar- ranging for the Wilmette meeting are C. C. Carnahan, Harry Fowler, Wil- liam Edwards, Oscar Schmidt and William H. Gruber. This dinner, it is announced, will be free to those who hold invitations. SINGS OWN SONGS Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, of Kenilworth was the guest of honor one evening last week at the Poetry circle in Washington, where she sang a group of songs for which she wrote both words and music. Miss Margaret Fessler of the Hearthstone Tea shop left last Tues- day for Texas where she will visit her brother. Before returning to Winnet- ka she may go to New York City. Miss Fessler is uncertain about the length of her trip. 409, Off on "A" and "B" Eliminators If-- you are using batteries on your radio--now is the time for you to purchase an "A and B" Eliminator at a 409) Reduction This is one of the leading ECE RN units; each one is brand new and fully guaranteed. Buy Now! (Open evenings 7:00 to 9:00) THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 18 Prouty Annex Winnetka, IIL Ph. Winn. 1840