SR March 10, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 49 "Racketty Packetty House" Is Addition to College Laurels By Observer Capacity houses greeted the morning and afternoon performances of "Racketty Packetty House" at the Na- tional Kindergarten and Elementary college on Saturday, which was at- tended by 1,500 or 1,600 children--and their mothers, fathers, aunts, and uncles--from Glencoe and Highland Park to Chicage... : The play was unquestionably the most artistic and successful of the plays for children which have been given by the college, and added to the laurels of both the student players and the alumnae organizers. A hush of wonder greeted the ap- pearance of the silvery winged fairy and her little green elves as the cur- tains swung back for the first time. and the stillness was unbroken until fairy and elves disappeared at the en- trance of the little girl and her nurse. But when the nurse and little girl left the stage and the dolls came to life the spell was broken and the hall echoed with delighted laughter and en- thusiastic applause and now and then a word of advice from some child who knew the story and wanted to help set things right. And as the play ended with the happy dance of the dolls the children would gladly have joined hands and danced with them for sheer joy if they could have been given the opportunity. The intermissions, which are apt to be trying times for children, were made interesting by Miss Willmina Townes, director of the Senior Kinder- garten of the Children's school, who led the children in rhythms and simple games and gave them an opportunity for movement and change of position. Between the morning and afternoon performances, luncheon was served in the rooms of the Children's school, which had been attractively decorated with spring flowers. The sale of candy HEN book your cabin early. For European travel promises to break all records this year. Even our 15 great ships -- in- cluding 3 palatial Empresses and 2 new Duchesses, regal Cabin ships--can scarcely carry all who want Canadian Pacific hospitality and short scenic water-boulevard route. Secure the cabin you want, now. A moment's study of ship plans, rates, dates, settles this vital detail happily. Take time today. R. 8S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent, 71 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Telephone Wabash 1904, or any local Steamship Agent. For Freight apply W. A. Kittermaster, 209 8. LaSalle St., Chicago. @ World's | pinoy Pacifi Travel C System ---- and homemade cookies at the close of the performance also added to the children's enjoyment and to the pro- ceeds, which will carry the alumnae well over their annual budget pledge to the College Building fund. Formulate Plans for New Golf Year at Northwestern Plans are now being formulated by officials of the Northwestern Golf club for making the coming season the most successful in the history of the club. Reconstruction work on the links is well under way under the supervision of the county commissioners and many improvements are being made. It is rumored that the National Public Links championship will be held at Northwestern in 1929. Those interest- ed in joining the club may procure in- formation from Julian Tiffany of the City National bank of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Breit of Kenil- worth and Miami Beach have enter- tained a number of their north shore friends at their home at 227 Espanola Way. Wilmette and Kenilworth have been well represented. Betty Jane and Geraldine Breit took part in the an- nual party at the Flamingo hotel given by Carl Fisher, both doing solo dances and modeling. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Steele of 385 Sheridan road announce the mar- riage on March 4 of their daughter, Susan Shirley, to Carl G. Meyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers of Tulare, S. D. A Fence for the Small Estate These snug little suburban homesteads of two or three acres can well mark their legal limits with the fence that "fits in" admirably with artistic and comfortable surroundings. RUSTICRAFT'S hand-split timbers of tough young chestnut are as good to look at as they are sturdy and durable. Their natural rustic appearance actually improves with age and requires no paint or care. RUSTICRAFT is easily erected and just as easily taken down for removal. Illustrated Booklet and prices on request ESIRUSTICRAFT £5 POSTOFFICE BOX 271 EVANSTON, ILL. . Tonight a glorious evening in UPTOWN CHICAGO Business Men -- Uptown Chicago welcomes new businesses, and is doing more than any other Chicago community to assure the success of every enterprise within the Up- town Chicago area. We urge you to investigate the possibilities here for substantial success. vr rer rhe Cr --,-----------a--_ russ a lf S a special treat, tonight enjoy one of those famous Uptown Chicago dinners. Well cooked, perfectly served, in some interesting and beautiful restaurant. Afterwards a theatre... or dance to a superb orchestra. Walk through gayly lighted streets thronging with smart people. Pass shop windows dis- playing the newest of smart Spring styles. Uptown Chicago offers you many such glorious evenings, each one presenting a city full of different places to go. You'll find nowhere else comparable to Uptown Chicago. Drive, ride on car, bus or "L". When you plan to travel, use the Railroad Union Ticket Office--buy yourticket, reserve your Pullman and check your baggage at the Uptown Station. Phone Longbeach 7454. UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a Million People ARGYLE CLARK AMV aHL MONTROSE One of a series of advertisements for Uptown Chicago, sponsored by the Central Uptown Chicago Association, and paid for co-operatively by Uptown Chicago's business men.