3 March 10, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 61 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -- GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates 30 cents a line in all three papers. Average of five words to the line. : : Classified advertisements Deadline for Insertions--gassied, 33vet , dnesd: 5 1 7 an riday o'clock for the GLENCOE e Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 2 iu ; Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or on all cash with order adverti Ne Vp fore ro rde ertisemen when brought to our Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Sty bilite fat 1082 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 10% discount will be ac- Thursday 5 o'clock for the 39 PETS 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE Sacrifice for Quick Sale IMPORTED POLICE DOG, SIRE Junker Von Nassau, genuine German pedigree, good watchdog, companion, has sired fine puppies. Ph. Winnetka 1915. 39TN1-1te FOR SALE--ONE PEDIGREED 3 months' old cocker spaniel puppy. Male. Red and white. Price $50. Telephone Glencoe 1487. 39LTN24-1tc 42 RADIOS B. T. COUNTERPHASE POWER 6 fully equipped, very selective and beau- tiful tone. Will demonstrate. $85. Ph. Wilmette 1482. 421 TN24-1tc RADIO SPECIALIST Day and night service. Repair service 4 FOR SALE--ATUTOS 17 DRESSMAKING Don't Buy UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THESE CARS PRICE REDUCTIONS FOR CLEAN-UP! 1927 Master Six Buick Sedan, cost $1,720 New, reduced to $1,175. 1927 Standard Country Club Coupe, rumble seat, cost $1,500 new, reduced to $975. 1926 Standard Buick Sedan, cost $1,495 New, reduced to $850. Has new-car appearance. ABOVE CARS CARRY A 90-DAY GOLD SEAL GUARANTEE TERMS AND TRADES! North Shore Buick Company 1030 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5961 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4LTN24-1tc $200 CREDIT ON ANY NEW MODEL Oldsmobile car. For sale very reason- able. Ph. Wilmette 1482. 4LTN24-1tc 9 BOOKS BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Davis St. A.M. 528 Ph. Greenleaf 3734 before 9LTN24-1tp 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING HARRIS BROTHERS CO. NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH "Cellu-Seal" Lined Garages COTTAGES--HOMES RALPH WATTS, Mgr. 2047 HOWARD AVE. CHICAGO Between Clark and Ridge EVANSTON CHICAGO UNIVERSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 5126 11LTN23-tfc CARPENTER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR F. J. Hacker Screens--Storm Sash Garages--Porches--Additions Expert Cabinet Work. 1752 Highland Ave.,, Wil. Ph. Wil. 1176. 11LTN24-tfc DRESSMAKING BY EXPERT WORK- er. Dress made in a day. University 2637. 17LT24-1tc WILL DO HEMSTITCHING AT HOME. Mrs. Trudell, Winn. 1662. 17LTN24-2tp 20 GARDENING FOR SALE--EXCEPTIONALLY FINE hedge plants and flowering shrubs, roses and peonies. Cheap. F. C. BRODERICK 1020 Spruce St. Winn. 2235 20LTN23-2tc LANDSCAPE GARDENING, SEEDING, planting, trimming, black dirt, manure, hauling. Frank W. Kares, Winnetka ave. Tel. Wilmette 891-Y-1. 20L.TN23-5tp GARDENING OR LANDSCAPING, reasonable prices by contract or day work. Tel. Highland Park 2757. 20LTN24-1tc GARDENER WANTS WORK BY DAY or hour. Tel. Winn. 3019. 20T1-1te 25 INSTRUCTION AUCTION OR CONTRACT BRIDGE-- beginners or advanced pupils. Ph. Greenleaf 3894. 25LTN23-4tc : 30 LOANS LOANS ON VACANT LET US HELP YOU FINANCE YOUR vacant property or let us help you buy a lot for cash and get you a good loan on it at the same time. We have an unusual source for loans from private individuals at moderate rates. Here is your opportunity. Also regular loans on improved property. Heinsen Realty Co. 720 Elm St. Winnetka 254 30LTN24-1tc MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECURED MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. McKendry Realty Co. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Univ. 8383 30LTN24-8tp PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO loan. First and second mortgages. Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 Ridge Terr., Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf 1592. 30LTN24-tfc 17 DRESSMAKING CHILDREN'S AND PLAIN SEWING. Mrs. Larson. Wilmette 4211. 17TLTN24-1tc DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING by the day. University 10096. 17LT24-1tp AND CHILDREN'S day. Call Winn. 230, 17T51-tfe PLAIN SEWING clothes. $4 a Miss Siebert. MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES. Evanston Motor Acceptance Co., Inc. 1829 Benson Ave., Evanston, III 30LTN24-3tc 38 PAINTING & DECORATING Painting--Decorating PAPER HANGING, WOOD FINISHING, floor scraping and general remodeling. C. FRANKEL Phone Wilmette 3104 38LTN24-tfc and construction. 962 Pine St., Winn. 42'T49-tfc 44 SERVICE BUREAU MARCH 15TH DEADLINE FOR INCOME TAX RETURNS! FOR THOSE STORE-OWNERS WHO have neglected to make up their income tax schedule, we offer the finest book- keeping and auditing service available. Work will be taken care of by experts, and, of course, all information will be treated as confidential. Call today and make appointments -- work done at your store or our office. "Your Troubles Are Our Business" FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4417-5055 44LTN24-1tc THIS CATERER SPECIALIZES in cake and sandwiches. All kinds of fancy sandwiches, 85¢ a dozen. Caviar, $1.00. CAKES--Sunshine (to serve 18) $2.50--Angel Food, $2.50--Lady Balti- more, $3.25 -- Fruit Cake, $1.25 Ib. Made in our model kitchen by expert cateresses to your individual order and delivered on time. Phone Greenleaf 4417 or 5055. Residence phone, Green- leaf 5370 evenings. 441. TN24-1te 49 TREATMENTS TREATMENTS GIVEN FOR ACUTE A real opportunity presents itself to the girl looking to establish herself in a profession where advancement is limited only by personal ability Become a Telephone Operator Full salary is paid during training Increases are regular Girls over 16 with at least Grammar school education are asked to come in for a personal interview 2nd floor--614 or Winnetka Exchange--T740 Elm Street 56T46-tfc Davis Street--Evanston WHITE WOMAN, GERMAN OR SWED- ish preferred. General cleaning every Friday, 8-5. Call after 12 Sunday, Winn. 1783. 56 LTN24-1tc WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSE- work. Small family. Good home. Ger- man preferred. Tel. Winn. 2325. 56T1-1tc GEN. HSWK., WHITE, PROTESTANT, between 25 and 30 yrs. 3 in family, 7 rooms. Refs. req. Ph. Glencoe 613. 56TNL1-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED STENOG- rapher and bookkeeper. Call Winn. 62 or 1011. 56LTN24-1tc WANTED--NEAT YOUNG, WHITE girl for second work. Ph. Kenilworth 2532. 56LTN24-1tc WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HSE.- work, white. Ph. Kenilworth 1212. 56 LTN24-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. NO WASH- ing, 3 in family. Wil. 3010. 56TN-1tc 57 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED YOUNG MAN PREFERABLY with selling experience to handle specialty appliance which sells on sight. Phone Winnetka 170 5TLTN24-1tc 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE and chronic ailments by graduate | WANTED--COUPLE--EXP. COOK AND Mechanotherapist. Hours by appoint-| combination houseman, chauffeur and ment. Ph. Wilmette 652. gardener. Ref. 716 Greenwood Ave., Ph. 49LTN21-tfc Wilmette 1510. 58LTN24-1tc 50 GENERAL REPAIRS 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE GENERAL REMODELING AND RE-|yopng GIRL 19 YRS. OLD. GOOD pairing. Estimate suggestions and|" fg ily wants position in Christian plans free for any job big or small | 'family' with children. Ph. Wilmette we go anywhere. 2520. 60LTN24-1tp Hendrickson Const. Co. State Bank Bldg. Park Ridge 6531-710 50LTN20-tfc 54 PERSONAL GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY All hand work. Call for and deliver. Tel. ELDERLY COL. WOMAN WISHES UP- stairs work, care of children and plain sewing. 10 per week. Ph. Michigan 9429. Bueflt p 60LTN24-1tp VISITING NURSERY GOVERNESS-- French, German, English. Teach or care for children by the hour Wa 9! Glen. 106. 54LLTN24-1tc 5 0TN1-1tp 5 YOUNG GERMAN GIRL WANTS PO- i LOST; A¥D FOUND sition for general housework. No LOST-_A BROWN LEATHER CASE English. Address 942 Spruce TOL containing house and car keys between 1219. D Hearthston Tea Room and Winnetka | goyySERKEEPER. COMPETENT. EX- 'Woman's Club. Finder please call Glen- coe 157. 55T1-1tc LLOST--BLACK AND BROWN AIRE- dale dog Mar. 6th. Wilmette license No. 204, last seen in Winnetka. Ph. Wilmette 2879. 55LTN24-1tc LOST--BUNCH KEYS NEAR NORTH Shore Congregation, Glencoe on Mar. 4th. Ph. Winnetka 1566. 55LTN24-1tc 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. NEAT AND good cook. $18, only frst class maid need apply. Call Tuesday after 3 P. M. 315 Leicester Rd., Kenilworth. 56 LTN24-1tp WANTED--STENOGRAPHER AND OF- fice assistant for Real Estate office. Knowledge of typewriting, short hand not necessary. Write Wilmette Life B-626. 56 LTN24-1tc A NEW CLASSIFIED SERVICE! Those of our patrons wishing to place an advertisement in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, in addition to Wilmette Life, Winnetka Talk or Glencoe News, can now do so by calling-- WILMETTE 4300 or WINNETKA 2000 Copy for THE EVANSTON REVIEW must be in by -- 5 P. M. on Tuesdays -- WANTED--LAUNDRESS, WHITE, thoroughly experienced. Washing ma- chine and mangle. Must have A-1 refs. for Mondays only, permanent. 56LT24-1tc WANTED--MAID, WHITE, PROTES- tant, 25 to 30 yrs. comp. gen hswk. and cooking. 2 adults, 2 small children. Near transp. Must furn. A-1 refs. 379 Ridge Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1379. 56LTN24-1tc GIRL WILLING TO LEARN FUR finishing. Pay from start. Okean Fur- riers, 567 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. 56 LTN24-1tp cellent cook. White woman with daugh- ter 10 yrs. N. S. references. Tel. Winn. 2967. 60T1-1tp EXP. LAUNDRESS, SWEDISH. WANTS work to do at home. Will call for and deliver. Ph. University 3844-R. 60T1-1tc YOUNG WHITE WOMAN WOULD LIKE to take care of children by hour or day. Call Glencoe 104. 60TN1-1tp WHITE WOMAN DESIRES DAY WORK washing, ironing and cleaning. Ph. Win- netka 1613. 60LT24-1tp REFINED GIRL DESIRES POS. AS nurse. Refers. Phone Mansfield 0384. 60LTN24-1tp WANTED--GERMAN GIRL - DESIRES cooking and housework. N. 8S. refs. Ph. Wilmette 3156. 60LT24-1tp EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK TO take home. Will call for and deliver. Wilmette 834-M. 60LTN24-1tp WANTED WASHING, IRONING AND cleaning by the day by Swedish Wom- an. Ph. Wilmette 1987. 60LT24-1tp SIT. WTD.--COMP. MAID DESIRES second work or gen. hswk. Ph. Uni- versity 2911. 60LTN24-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO TAKE home, will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 2627. 60T1-1tc WANTED--WORK BY THE DAY. PH. Wilmette 481. 60LT24-1tp