March 17, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 19 COMMITTEEMEN BACK EMMERSON CANDIDACY Local Men Participate in Recom- mendations Endorsing Anti- Small State Ticket Republican Precinct Committeemen (now serving) of the Third Commit- teemen's district of Cook county, which includes New Trier Township. this week adopted resolutions endors- ing the candidacy of Louis L. Emmer- son for Governor in the Republican Primaries to be held Tuesday, Apri! 10. The resolutions also endorse other anti-Small candidates including Oscar E. Carlstrom, for Attorney General, and Otis F. Glenn, for United States Senator. This group also endorses the can- didacy of Robert E. Crowe for State's Attorney. cal Men in Group New Trier Precinct Committeemen participating in the endorsements are William B. Edwards, George H. Miller, William H. Grover, of Glencoe; San- born Hale, Kenneth F. McLain, Wil- liam J. Carey, John J. Spear, Peter I. Johansen, Carlton Prouty, of Win- netka; C. A. Thorsen, Kenilworth: George R. Harbaugh, Ralph W. Fau- pel, Oscar W. Schmidt, Louis S. Becker, John J. Peters, Henry Fowler, Frank Forrester, Joseph M. Schneider, Anton Engels, of Wilmette. The resolutions follow: Resolutions "Be it resolved, by the Republican Precinct Committeemen of the Third Committeeman's District of Cook county, Illinois, comprising the Town- ships of Leyden, Maine, New Trier, Niles, Northfield and Norwood Park. in meeting assembled this 12th day of March, 1928, that the following Re- publican candidates for nomination at the primaries to be held on April 10 next be, and they are hereby en- dorsed : "Louis L. Emmerson, for Governor: Oscar E. Carlstrom, for Attorney Gen- eral; Otis F. Glenn, for United States Senator; Robert E. Crowe, for State's Attorney of Cook county, Illinois: and the entire Regular Republican ticket for County offices in Cook County, being the ticket sponsored by the Ga 1 p in-Crowe-Barrett-Brundage or- ganization; and we urge all Republi- can electors of said Third Committee- man's District to support said candi- dates at the coming primaries. "Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent by the secro- tary of this meeting to each of the candidates above specifically men- tioned, a copy to the secretary of the Regular Republican organization of Cook county, and that a copy thereof be furnished to the press of Cook county." Wilmette Girl Runner to Compete in A. A. U. Meet Miss Dorothy Smith, 1437 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette, will compete in the Central A. A. U. Championship meet to be held in Patten gym, Evanston, Tues- dav evening. March 20. Miss Smith defeated Miss Helen Filkey iast March in the 40-yard dash event, establishing a new world's record for women. She will meet Miss TFilkey again next Tuesday in the 50-yard dash. Miss Smith is a student in the Mallinckrodt High school on Ridge avenue and runs under the colors of the Illinois Athletic club of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brammer of Wilmette announce the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn Ann. to John Franklin Reddick of Evanston. on Tuesday, March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Red- dick are now at home at 1822 Juneway terrace, Chicago. Johnny's Golf Hints The greatest number of strokes are thrown away in a round of golf, when it comes to the short pitch shots with- in 100 yards of the flag. Very notice- able on the links each day are the in- correct swings that are made when mashie niblic is being used. The mashie niblic is a golf club and should be used as such. Avoid all chopping, pushing, swaying, etc. the club and prevent scooping, as thr latter is the source of a great deal of trouble. The mashie niblic swing is practically the same as the mashie, which I described last' week. The greatest fault is looking up too soon, and by so doing it is impossible to get under the ball, for when you raise your head, your shoulders also raise, thus causing a topped shot. Keep your gaze on the spot where the ball was until your stroke is completed, as following the ball after it has been hit won't straighten its flight anyway. Before playing your shots, look them over, figure your distance and direc- tion, take 'your stance, hit the ball, and keep your head down until you have completed the swing. If you will keep this in mind, your score will improve without a doubt. The Gamma Phi Beta sorority gave a subscription dance last Saturdav evening. 25% Discount Before Our Rush Season We will give a special 259% off on all cleaning of Oriental Rugs and Carpets for the month of March. We do this to keep our force of expert help together. Why not take advantage of our offer? Call us up for an estimate. estifan rother 511 MAIN STREET» WILMETTE 4 "Wilmette 1949 "University 5050 Correct Bigger Value Better Clothes Low Cost SUIT or TOPCOAT MADE TO YOUR ORDER 1641 ORRINGTON AVENUE Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Style y Astonishing achievements are featured in 1928 Royal Clothes. You can be ele- gantly dressed at a low cost and never feel out of place in the company of men patronizing tailors who charge $150 and more for Suits and Topcoats. MORRIS VEHON, President. Quality--First, Last, and Always All the Earmarks of $150 Clothes VARY A