March 31, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 15 PREPARE EARLY START IN MOSQUITO WARFARE Appoint William Edwards Su- perintendent of North Shore Abatement Area The North Shore Mosquito Abate- ment district is preparing for an early campaign in the organized warfare against the little pest which it is " planned to drive from the Skokie val- ley and north shore area, for which scientific and detailed methods are being formulated. A large map of the area comprising the district has been ordered and smaller sectional maps will be prepared for the guidance of the workers in carrying out the detailed plan. En- gineer Don E. Marsh, of the firm of Windes & Marsh, met with the trus- tees, Wednesday evening and advised them relative to the map equipment, orders for which were placed with this firg. Bids were received for the necessary motorized equipment to carry on the work, but these bids were all rejected, because, it was said, they were too high. Other bids will be obtained at once, it is said, that there may be no delay in getting to work at an early date. Edwards Superintendent William Edwards, of Glencoe, has been appointed superintendent of the district at a salary of $5000 a year. He has withdrawn from the firm of William Edwards & Son, and has turned the business in all its details over to his son and others who have been active in its management, that he may devote his entire time to the Mosquito Abatement district work. Marvin E. Nevins, member of the village board of trustees, of Glencoe, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Ed- wards as member of the Mosquito Abatement district board. Arthur Stringer, of Evanston, one of the origi- nal five members of the district trus- tees, has been elected president of the board, the office held by Mr. Edwards, prior to his appointment as superin- tendent. The other board members are F. L. Streed, of Kenilworth; Paul A. Hoff- man, of Wilmette and H. C. Phillips, of Winnetka. Major E. M. Skinner is the engineer and Miss Bertha L. Mann of Glencoe is secretary, Miss Mann having recently resigned her position as secretary in the Glencoe village office, to accept the position with the Mosquito Abatement district board, at a salary of $200 per month. In making announcement of Mr. Ed- wards' apointment as superintendent and manager of the North Shore Mos- quito Abatement district, Mr. String- er said: "The committee which 'has been charged with the duty of securing a competent superintendent and manager, followed the advice of J. A. LePrince, senior sanitary engineer of the United States Public Health service. He point- ed out that it was essential to have a man of absolute dependability, who would conscientiously perform the multitude of details connected with eradication methods. "Mr. Edwards has been identified with the movement to free the North Shore of mosquitoes since 1925. Dur- ing those three years he has given his time unstintingly, and as a volunteer worker actually directed the field work in the Glencoe district. He was executive chairman of the Glencoe Mosquito Abatement association; pre- sident of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement association; first president of the board of trustees of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district; worked for the proper legislation for the formation of the districts and or- ganized and put over the campaign to create this district of four townships which polled a vote of aproximately nine to one in favor of this proposi- tion. "His ability as an organizer and an executive is well known on the north shore and he is thoroughly familiar with the work under the Gorgas plan of eradication and has the confidence of the Sanitary district board and the County Board of Commissioners in this work. "When the subject of his appoint- ment was broached to him some time ago, he agreed to consider the matter in the event that certain arrange- ments could be mage, whereby he could accede to the committee's wishes to devote his full time to the project. "This he did, and the Board was quick to recommend his appointment, and the committee has confidence that WILSON BROTHERS HABERDASHERY STETSON HATS HART SCHAFFNER © MARX CLOTHES To the ladies You are particularly welcome at Fell's. Our second store, just opened at 786 Elm Street, is convenient to your shopping district. You will find it comfortably small; the attention, courteous; the service, helpful when select- ing things for men. The nation-wide perference for Wilson Brothers haber- dashery assures you that your purchases from here will be favorably received. The Wilson Bros.-sponsored ensemble idea leaves not a shadow of doubt that the furnishings you select will harmonize with any suit fabric, will become any com- plexion and shade of hair. Won't you come in soon? S. FELL 786 Elm Street Winnetka Phones 307 Highland Park | the work will be carried on to the satisfaction of the residents of the district." TO SAIL FOR EUROPE Mrs. Walter E. Webb and daugh- ter, Helen, of 334 Hawthorne avenue, Glencoe, are sailing on the Ille de France Saturday, April 7, for a trip of several months. En route to New York, they will visit Walter Webb, Jr., at Lawrenceville, N. J., where he is attending the preparatory school for Princeton. While abroad, Mrs. and Miss Webb will visit Italy, Switzer- land, France and England. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey H. Atkin of 12 Indian Hill road returned home last week, somewhat earlier than originally planned. They arrived to learn that their daughter had undergone an emergency operation. She is progress- ing nicely and has returned from the hospital. Healthy Boys and Girls--from ten years up may get Regular Life Insurance Poli- cies in the New York Life. Rates very low at these young ages. Phone Wil- mette 37, or write J. E. Swift Teal, 1017 Central Ave.. Wilmette. you want to. Hammond, Indiana. results shown by Vigoro. planting!" bery and trees. remarkably low! IGORO Specially prepared plant food 735 Elm St. ¢D EPLACE NO DIVOTS" is the rule for backyard golf. - Do all the digging The more you do, the bettet for your garden and your health. GARDEN and LAWN TOOLS-- of all description "1 have tried other plant foods in mak- ing new lawns and rehabilitating old lawns,"' writes Mr. Floyd R. Murray, of "No other plant food has given the "Grass was up within nine days after You can have equal success with Vig- oro for lawns, flowers, gardens, shrub- Clean, odorless, easy to apply, it is not to be compared with any other plant food you have ever known. Its cost is A Swift & Company product Eckart Hardware Co. WINNETKA arden golf Grass Seed PARKWAY PALACE GREEN SHADY PLACE SEED WHITE CLOVER Fertiluvia the natural fertilizer aged in the woods. Flower & Vegetable Seed VAUGHN'S AND FERRY'S a most complete stock of seeds is now on hand. Phones 843-44