March 31, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 39 P.T.A. Congress to Meet in Cleveland from April 28-May 5 The thirty-second annual convention of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers will be held at Cleveland, Ohio, April 28 to May 5. The general topic will be "The Four Ages of Chil- hood and Youth in Relation to the Sevenfold Program of Home and School." Well known speakers have been se- cured for all parts of the program. There will be conferences led by per- sons as notable as the speakers, classes in publicity, parliamentary law, song leadership, the P. T. A,, pro- gram making, the summer round-up, recreation, leadership, dramatics and pageantry, presiding, public speaking, and committee work. An educational exhibit is being arranged which will present full information as to the ser- vice which is offered by the national congress and its co-operative organiza- tions; a display of special features of the work of the national congress and a poster demonstration of state activi- ties. Mrs. Walter F. Buhlig of Chicago is president of the Illinois branch of the national congress; Mrs. B. F. Langworthy of Winnetka is chairman of the high school P. T. A. committee; and Mrs. Orville T. Bright of Home- wood, Ill, who addressed the Glencoe P. T. A. at their March meeting, is one of the vice-presidents. TO EXHIBIT MODEL HOUSE The model house and garden made by Mrs. Keith Kellenberger, Mrs. Roscoe Sonneborn, and Mrs. J. Ben- ton Schaub, members of the Wilmette Garden club, which is on exhibit this week at the Chicago Garden and Flower show, is to be exhibited at the Wilmette Public Library after the flower show closes. Edward Hooker Pease Is Taken by Death in South The many friends of Edward Hooker Pease of 914 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, will regret to learn that he passed away Sunday morning at Useppa Island, Fla.,, where he had been for the last three months. Mr, Pease was born at Hartford, Conn., October 8, 1859. In the winter of 1886 he moved to Chicago and be- came identified with the W. D. Allen Manufacturing company and remained with them until his death. He was a director and treasurer of the company. Mr. Pease was a member of St. Augustine's Episcopal church, the Skokie Country club, the Machinery club and the Chicago Athletic club. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Josephine Wyckoff Pease, and a sis- ter, Laura B. Pease. Exhibit Local Recreation Program at State Meeting Daniel M. Davis, director of recrea- tion, left Wednesday in company with Mrs. Davis, for Peoria to attend the annual state conference of Recreation leaders in Illinois. An exhibition of the Physical Training program in the Wilmette schools and of the recrea- tion work with school children during the winter session and on the summer playgrounds is on display at the con- vention. The exhibit was requested by Harry L. Allen, divisional superin- tendent, who has termed the Wilmette after-school athletic program one of the best in the district. Clifton Osgood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood of Kenilworth, who is attending Exeter, will spend Easter va- cation with his brother, Gilbert, a stu- dent at Princeton. The following week Gilbert will go to Bermuda for his Easter vacation with a group of his Princeton friends. Your Brakes need relining? Winter and Chicago traffic conditions are hard on them. We render expert service on all Mechanical and Lockheed 4-wheel hydraulic brakes for which we are the Authorized North Shore Service Station. ; LET US DO THE JOB! FREE INSPECTION - - FLAT RATES FERD. PLATE Phone Greenleaf 2122 2212 WEST RAILROAD AVE., EVANSTON LORRAINE LIGHTS - - - GABRIEL SNUBBERS - - - WESTINGHOUSE VACUUM BRAKES - - - LOCKHEED HYDRAULIC AND MECHANICAL BRAKE SERVICE "RI mz Service-- 24 Hours a Day-- --which means, that we will care for your automobile trou- bles any hour of the day or night. Just phone. COMPLETE SERVICE Regardless of the nature of your trouble, we are equipped to remedy it. CHEVROLET AGENCY. Right here in Winnetka is the best place to purchase your CHEVROLET--One reason--Prompt Service. Richardson's Our service Garage 724 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 25 is most complete. "SERVICE