WINNETKA TALK Abril 7, 1928 WINNETKA Today's Home Special $26,000 Just listed, has never before been offered. Five bedrooms, two baths. This modern home well located on extra width wooded lot, has every convenience, including oil heat, breakfast room, open porch, huge combined living and sun room. IMMEDIATE ACTION DESIRED TERMS POSSIBLE & REALTOR SQ Z 543 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA Phones 1544-45 For Large Family Six Bedrooms -- Four Baths South-east Section -- Winnetka A REAL MODERN HOME Living room 38 feet, large sun porch, 2 sleeping porches, attached garage, hot water heat, beautiful- ly wooded and landscaped grounds, 100x187. Only $30,000. Terms TO CLOSE ESTATE Must Sell Quickly Five Bedrooms -- Two Baths Stucco home, fine location, large sun porch, vapor heat. See These Bargains Today ESAWYER {L)\ cHRISTY SMITH BROWN North Sho Realtors INCORPORATED 736 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 142 Fine New Business Block for Glencoe; David Nelson Owner A new and attractive business build- ing is going up in Glencoe. It is an old English style store and apartment building at 335-43 Park avenue. It will be completed about June 1, accord- ing to Solon L. Reily, architect. It will have four stores and twelve apart- ments It will have a frontage of seventy-five feet on Park avenue and will occupy approximately half of the depth of the lot, which extends north to Tudor court. The owner, David Nelson, states that he has assured the Glencoe Wom- an's Library club, which owns a site on the north side of Tudor court, op- posite the Nelson property, that when- ever the club begins construction of its proposed club house he will pro- ceed with the development of the north half of his tract on which he is now erecting his store and flat build- ing. The front of Mr. Nelson's Park ave- nue building will be of ornamental brick, with Bedford cut stone trim and with green tile roof. The first floor will be entirely fireproof, includ- ing the ceilings. Heidel & Beck are the genera contractors. This building is on the site of a once contemplated theater. Mr. Nel- son states that he still has plenty of ground for a playhouse when condi- tions warrant such a building. Linden Manor to Be Ready for Occupancy April 15 The new apartment building at Lin- den avenue and Merrill street, Hub- bard Woods, known as Linden Manor, will be completed and ready for oc- cupancy on April 15. The first oc- cupant will move in April 16. McGuire & Orr, the agents for the building, report that the apartments are 60% rented and they anticipate 100% oc- cupancy by May 1. Where the tenants are not personally known or personally recommended, exceptional recommend- ations are required. The agents feel that the results of this unusual pro- cedure will build up a reputation that will work to the ultimate benefit of the building and will lessen the fre- quent changes of occupancy, which are so prevalent in apartment build- ings. Many of the leases negotiated are for two year periods. McGuire & Orr has opened a renting office on the premises. BUILDING PACE HOLDS UP WELL IN WINNETKA Fewer Permits Issued this March Than Last, but the Total Is $20,000 Higher The village of Winnetka during the month of March just ended, issued eight less building permits than it did during March last year, but the total amount of building improvements authorized this March exceeded that of last March by $20,000. ; One of the many apartment build- ings erected in the village last year was issued in March, costing $115,000, offsetting which, this March, was a permit for a residence costing $116,000. It is being erected by H. H. Windsor, Jr., of Evanston, at 419 Sheridan road. There was a total of nine permits for residences costing $226,500; ten permits for private garages costing $22,800 and nine for alterations costing $9,950, the grand total being $299,250. Those to whom permits were is- sued for residences and the cost of the same, follow: C. C. Olewine, two story frame and brick veneer, 7 rooms, attached garage, 1443 Edgewood lane, $12,000. Jevne Haugan, two and one-half story, 12 rooms, tile and brick veneer, 1400 Tower road, $30,000. H. H. Windsor, Jr, of Evanston, two story, fifteen rooms, attached garage, masonry, 419 Sheridan road, $116,000. A. A. Wright, two story, 7 rooms, frame and brick veneer, 484 Orchard lane, $18,500. E. B. Metzel, two story, 6 rooms, frame and brick veneer, 283 Fuller lane, $14,000. C. B. Metzel, two story, 7 rooms, attached garage, frame, 220 Sheridan road, $15,000. . : L. J. Foster, two story, 7 rooms, frame and brick veneer, attached garage, 330 Locust street, $17,000. Domenic Baruffi, two story, € rooms, frame, stucco and brick, 1260 Ash street, $16,000. Mrs. Winton, two story, frame, at- tached garage, 10 Indian Hill road, $28,000. WAX HELPFUL TO FLOORS One of the finest ways to treat hard- wood and linoleum floors is with wax, which gives them a soft, gleaming brilliancy and keeps dirt from sticking to them. 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 REAL BARGAINS Two new houses in Hubbard Woods, exterior brick, with stone trim; concrete foundations, steel beams, creo dipped shingle roofs. IXrxrxrIrIrrrIrrrxrrxrrxrrxrxrrrxrxrxrxrxrxrxIxxIrxIrxrIrIxrIxxrxxxxxxxxx One has four bedrooms and three baths, breakfast room, attached garage. The other has three bedrooms and two baths, with space for two more bedrooms and bath if desired; breakfast nook and two car garage. Both are equipped with hot water heat, automatic water heater and Frigidaire. Lots are 50x200. Prices $22,500 and $23,500. Also 7 room house to rent, 269 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe. $135 per month. FRANK A. REID Realtor 954 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods Telephone Winnetka 1300 P0000 0000090000000000000000000000000000000000000004